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             Journal of Aerospace, Defense Industry and Veteran News
                                                                                                       and Review
                                                                                                       and Review
          Spark Tank ’22 finalist includes Edwards major

                                                                                                                                      Lockheed Martin photograph by Chad Bellay
          An F-22 Raptor assigned to the 411th Flight Test Squadron maneuvers over the Mojave Desert during a test mission.

           As the Department of the Air Force’s Spark   bring the trophy home to The Center of The Aero-  needs an Air Force that can fly, fight, and win in   improvement or innovation born of their subject
          Tank program enters its fifth year, it is again   space Testing Universe.”  the air domain as a member of the joint team.   matter expertise and ingenuity,” said Brou Gauti-
          poised to highlight the creative and innovative   “Project FOX has three core competencies; be-  In recent years, faced with lesser adversaries, we   er, Spark Tank director. “It also affords us occa-
          spirit amongst our Airmen and Guardians.  ing Fast, Open, and Cross Platform. Our project’s   have taken air superiority for granted, and it is   sion to celebrate those risk-takers, idea makers
           The Air and Space Force vice chiefs, along with   mission is to establish a government controlled   easy to forget that the joint force loses without   and intrapreneurs who refused to accept the status
          other senior leaders across both services, selected   software environment onboard fielded weapon   access to the air and the ability to deny that access   quo and developed solutions that advance our ca-
          six ideas to advance.                systems that enables sandboxed development for   to our enemies.”          pabilities or improve our return on investment in
           The finals will be held at the Air Force Associa-  rapid prototyping, iteration, and fielding of new   Similarly, in “Spacepower, Doctrine for Space   order to inspire more of the same.”
          tion’s Aerospace Warfare Symposium as senior   software; third-party applications to bring the   Forces,” Chief of Space Operations Gen. John   Co-produced by the Office of the Deputy Un-
          leaders decide who will be declared winner of   unrivaled collective capability of the U.S.’s most   W. “Jay” Raymond stated, “As a lean, mission-  der Secretary of the Air Force, Management Rich
          Spark Tank ‘22 and take possession of the coveted   advanced and innovative software developers to   focused, digital service, the United States Space   Lombardi, and AFWERX, this annual event is de-
          3D printed Spark Tank trophy.        the warfighter; and cross platform portability to   Force values organizational agility, innovation,   signed to unleash our total force innovation ca-
           The 411th Flight Test Squadron’s Maj. Allen   slash costs and time for capability development   and boldness. Elevating these traits starts with em-  pacity, reflecting leadership’s continued efforts to
          Black, Assistant Director of Operations, was   and fielding. Ultimately, we are working to deliver   powering small teams and prizing measured risk-  empower intrapreneurs, celebrate their problem-
          named as one of the six finalists for his work with   the warfighter better capabilities — cheaper and   taking as opportunities to rapidly learn and adapt.   solving skills and give them a stage to share their
          the F-22 Raptor Fighter Optimization Experiment,   faster,” Black explained.  These principles apply equally to operations and   ideas with fellow service members, the Depart-
          or FOX.                                As the Department’s flagship innovation event,   day-to-day tasks. The United States Space Force   ment’s senior leaders, and the world. Only the top
           “It is an honor to represent Edwards AFB at this   Spark Tank plays a central role in establishing   must draw upon these traits to relentlessly ad-  3 percent of ideas submitted to the Spark Tank
          event and we would not have had this opportunity   the Department’s strategic mindset for delivering   vance military space power for the nation.”  campaign were selected to compete as finalists.
          if it was not for the tremendous support of our   future capabilities. In his 2020 whitepaper titled   “Spark Tank presents each Airman and Guard-  The Spark Tank 2022 finalists are:
          leadership as well as the phenomenal 412th Test   “Accelerate Change or Lose,” Air Force Chief of   ian with the opportunity to leave a mark of ex-
          Wing Innovation team,” Black said. “We hope to   Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr. said, “The United States   cellence on our core competencies through an   See SPARK TANK, Page 2

          February 4, 2022 • Volume 37, Issue 1                Serving the aerospace industry since 1986      Use your smartphone to connect to
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