Page 4 - Aerotech News and Review, February 4, 2022
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AVC, from 3
   to Antelope Valley College’s aeronautical pro-  In discussions with AVC Dean of Tech Ed   After legislation was passed approving a pi-  admitted Cohort Five, with the expectation of
   gram. After just eight weeks of training, our   Maggie Drake, Swiss Air’s maintenance and   lot program for community colleges to confer   admitting Cohort Six. Students in the program
   students are not only making well above $20 an   modifications contractor sought to relocate the   baccalaureate degrees and with the support of   received promotion and salary increases while
   hour to start, but they are establishing a career.”  Fox Field facility to the 44,000-square-foot   the Board of Trustees and college administra-  attending and graduating from this program.
                                        Palmdale structure. AVC added a second morn-  tion, the AFMT Bachelor’s Program began its   The programs returned to a new location at
   AVC Aeronautics Pioneers             ing cohort, hiring faculty member Ty Mettler   process in 2015 under the CTE Dean Dr. Karen   Fox Field in 2021.
     Back in 1986, Frank Roberts, AVC’s now   along with instructional assistant AERO, Patti   Cowell and Aeronautical Sciences & Technol-  Coming in the Fall of 2022, at the request of
   retired dean of technical education, whose re-  Browne for the SR Technics plant.  ogy Department Chair Dr. Maria Clinton. The   Northrop Grumman, faculty of the Aeronauti-
   sume includes election as a Lancaster council   But the SR Technics dream became a night-  program was one of 15 approved by the Chan-  cal Science and Technology Department will
   member and mayor, kick-started the college’s   mare in the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, the   cellor’s Office to offer pilot bachelor programs   introduce four new certificate programs in Ad-
   new era in aerospace career education.  darkest day in history for airline transportation:   in the State of California. The first cohort began   vanced Aircraft Structures, Aeronautical Non-
     The following year, while serving as presi-  The Swiss national airline entered bankruptcy   in Fall 2016.    Destructive Inspection, Aerospace Leadership
   dent of the non-profit Milestones of Flight Air   along with SR Technics. The AVC program   Clinton became Interim Dean of the programs   and Management and Metrology Sciences for
   Museum at Fox Field, Roberts was instrumen-  seemingly had nowhere to go, until a solution   in 2019. In the fall of 2020, AFMT program   Aerospace Manufacturing Certificate Programs.
   tal in arranging an AVC lease for the hands-on   was offered by a community-minded business-
   program. FAA approval came in 1988-1989,   woman a few months later.
   and in 1990, Dean of Career and Technical   AERO program officials fondly remember
   Education Roberts was joined by Jack Halli-  their gratitude when Shouling Barnes, owner
   day, Sr., AERO instructor, and AERO Program   of Barnes Aviation at Fox Field, offered to share
   Dean of Instruction Maria Clinton, Ph.D., both   her fixed base facilities and even her aircraft
   still serving in the respective roles.  during AVC’s transition back to Fox.
     A Timeline for the Aeronautical Technology   The Aircraft Fabrication and Assembly Tech-
   Program by Betty Sanchez, AVC Executive   nician Program began in 2002 under CTE Dean
   Director of Marketing and Public Information,   Maggie Drake and was initially developed by
   reports the first evening track cohort began in   adjunct faculty member Gary Eisenberg (for-
   1990 at the leased Milestones of Flight Mu-  mally director of training at NGC).
   seum.                                  In 2004 Dr. Maria Clinton was hired as the
     The program enjoyed modest growth until   full-time faculty member to oversee the pro-
   just days before Christmas in 1999, SR Tech-  gram. Four years later, in a partnership with
   nics, a spin-off maintenance and modifications   Northrop Grumman, represented by company
   company for Swissair, the Swiss national air-  training director Orville Dothage, a revised and
   line, announced signing a lease on Boeing’s   updated 8-week Rapid Training project began.
   long-vacated Site 9 of Palmdale Regional Air-  By 2015, Northrop Grumman and Dothage
   port.                                again approached the College with an increased
     At a news conference at Los Angeles Inter-  need for entry level technicians. In partnership                                      Photograph by Evelyn Kristo
   national Airport, officials predicted the compa-  with the city of Palmdale, NGC and others,   Antelope Valley College officially opened its newest aerospace teaching facility during a grand
   ny’s new North American headquarters facility   Clinton more than doubled the training cohort   opening ceremony at Fox Field in Lancaster, Feb. 19, 2021. The new facility is comprised of a
   would create up 6,000 new jobs for the Ante-  offered in 2008. NGC and other local aerospace   10,000 square-foot hangar, composite lab,computer lab and classroom/office space. The  community
   lope Valley, beginning with immediate conver-  companies hired about 98 percent of the pro-  college is the only one in the state to offer this type of facility for hands-on learning.
   sion of DC-10 passenger jets to freight carriers.  gram’s students.

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                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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