Page 5 - Aerotech News and Review, February 4, 2022
P. 5

Big changes in the wind for county-run airports

          by Larry Grooms                                                                           airports. Addressing the atmosphere of   Assistant Manager Salvador Euljoqui.
          special to Aerotech News                                                                  panic evoked by reports of airplane   Whiteman: Manager Alvaro Esc-
                                                                                                    crashes, Miller said, “every aircraft   obedo; Assistant Manager Ernesto
           A reorganized commission ap-                                                             crash in the U.S. gets big coverage,   (Ernie) Umana.
          pointed to advise County Supervisors                                                      because they are so rare.”     Compton: Airport Project Manager
          on operations of the county’s five                                                                                      Tanyq Collier; Manager Liton Lin.
          general aviation airports, kicked off                                                     Looking back and future vision  Brackett Field: Manager Jessee Ma-
          its first meeting of the year with news                                                    News of changes in county airports   loney; Assistant Manager Carlos Dios
          of impending plans and changes, and                                                       system came rapidly, beginning with
          also criticism over supervisors taking                                                    introduction of new Advisory Com-  On the agenda
          controversial action without first con-                                                   mission Chair Curt Costagna, who   Responding to a question from
          sulting their advisory panel.                                                             thanked his two-term predecessor,   Commissioner Christina Passucci,
           In the wake of a much publicized                                                         Harvey Holloway, whose new respon-  Morgan clarified that the U.S. Air
          single-engine aircraft crash onto rail-                                                   sibilities for oversight rest entirely at   Force Thunderbirds are officially on
          road tracks on Jan. 9, County Supervi-                                                    Fox Field.                    the scheduled to perform at Fox Field
          sors meeting on Jan. 25 unanimously                                         Courtesy photograph  Then new faces and familiar faces   in 2023.
          and without comment directed the   Whiteman Airport in Pacoima, Calif.                    in new roles showed up from the De-  Asked by commissioners about the
          Department of Public Works, which   it more prudent to just get the infor-  ton/Woodley Airport, asserted that on-  partment of Public Works and its Avi-  status of the systemwide airports mar-
          manages county airfields, to prepare   mation to expedite the process. The   going efforts to shut down Whiteman   ation Division. Jason Morgan of DPW   ket study plan held over from 2021,
          documents needed to ask the Federal   motion instructed the DPW to report   is driven by developers and politi-  introduced Paul Maselbas, taking over   Morgan said the group meetings ex-
          Aviation Administration to close Pa-  back in 60 days on the information to   cians. He said car and truck crashes   Art Vander Vis in Public Affairs.  pected to commence in January have
          coima’s Whiteman Airport, where the   commence a shutdown.  vastly outnumber aircraft accidents,   Declaring last year’s organizational   been pushed back to February. He said
          flight originated.              Fifth District Supervisor Kathryn   “but nobody talks about closing the   transition from contracted to in-house   the plan calls for survey information
           The motion by Supervisor Sheila                                                          management, Morgan reported 2021   for two distinct stakeholder groups,
          Kuehl, whose 3rd District encompass-  Barger is opposed to the closure.  freeways.  There have been airplane   closed substantially across the board   those with direct interests inside the
          es the busy airport, lays the ground-  “I do not support the closure of   crashes at Los Angeles International   and all major construction work was   airport fence line, and groups outside.
          work for action to force closure. Kuehl   Whiteman Airport,” Barger said.   Airport, but nobody talks about shut-  completed at the five airports, includ-  The outreach is intended to include,
          has previously taken action to close   “The closure of any airport requires   ting down LAX.”  ing administration offices.  among others, EAA, AOPA, CAP and
          the field. In 2020 the board passed   thoughtful analysis and investigation   Calling into the virtual commission   And for the first time, all of the names   youth organizations.
          Kuehl’s motion to create a controver-  by various parties. There has not been   meeting’s public comment segment,   and most of the faces assigned as airport   In other business, commissioners
          sial Community Advisory Committee   any direction by the Board of Supervi-  James Miller called attention to the   managers and assistants were introduced   learned that studies into creating new
          that opposes airport operations.  sors to do so.”           lapse in communication between su-  to the public. They are:  hangar agreements, including aviation
           According to a report in the San   Barger’s advisers Harvey Holloway   pervisors and their advisers. He also           and non-aviation hangar space and tie-
          Gabriel Valley Tribune, Kuehl’s mo-  and Peter Amundson represent inter-  criticized media outlets for ignoring   Fox Field: Manager Samuel (Sam)   down fees will be carried out this year.
          tion on Jan. 25 included the comment   ests of Fox Field in Lancaster.  the economic, educational, recreation-  Maghekian; Assistant Manager Mat-  Agreements for FBOs, which typically
          that FAA process of closing an airport   Advisory Commission member   al, public and emergency service and   thew Halls.  are for long-term leases, will follow
          could take a decade or more, making   Clinton Simmons, representing Comp-  transportation values from community   San Gabriel: Manager David Price;   later.

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          February 4, 2022                                       Aerotech News and Review                                                                   5

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