Page 14 - Aerotech News and Review, January 21, 2022
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Antelope Valley Veterans’ Resources
      The offices of local lawmakers have staff available   Antelope Valley Office                        Operation Healthy Homecoming
    to assist veterans with expediting applications for ben-  848 W. Lancaster Blvd., Suite 101             Operation Healthy Homecoming is an outreach of
    efits and assistance at the Federal and state levels.   Lancaster CA 93534                          Mental Health America, with offices in Lancaster and
    Constituents are invited to contact their field offices for   Phone: 661-729-6232                   Palmdale. The program serves very low-income vet-
    additional information.                             Website:                  erans and their families who are homeless or at risk of
                                                        Email:               becoming homeless. Operation Healthy Homecoming
    U.S. Senators                                       Veteran’s Affairs: Brandon Roque, 661-729-6232 or   offers benefits assistance and personal financial plan-
      U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein                   email: depending on   ning, housing counseling and placement, temporary
      Washington, D.C. Office                         the issue                                         financial assistance and employment assistance.
      331 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C.
    20510                                               California State Senate, Shannon Grove, 16th      Mental Health America — Operation Healthy
      Phone: 202-224-3841                             District                                          Homecoming
      TDD: 202-224-2501                                 Capitol Office                                    Headquarters
                                                        State Capitol, Room 3048                          506 W. Jackman St., Lancaster, CA 93534
      San Francisco Office                              Sacramento, CA 95814
      One Post St., Ste. 2450, San Francisco, CA 94104  Phone: 916-651-4016                               Palmdale Office
      Phone: 415-393-0707                                                                                 1529 East Palmdale Blvd., Ste. 331
      Website:                 Bakersfield Office                                Palmdale, CA  93550
                                                        5701 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 150                       Phone: 661-947-1993
      For Veterans Affairs or Academy Nominations call   Bakersfield, CA 93309                            Email:
    415-393-0707 or email: casework@feinstein.senate.   Phone: 661-323-0443                               They are working remotely now.
    gov                                                 Website: or
      Also, visit the page: academyapplications@fein-                               Antelope Valley Vet Center                                    Assists veterans only with local issues such as ac-
                                                      cess for food or homeless shelters, call 661-323-0443  The Antelope Valley Vet Center is a community-based
      U.S. Senator Alex Padilla                         Senator Gove is an army veteran, so is Field Rep   counseling program of the Department of Veterans Af-
      Washington D.C. Office                          Christopher Quinones                              fairs. They offer a broad range of services, including
      112 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C.                                                    readjustment counseling, counseling for PTSD, sexual
    20510                                               California State Assembly, Tom Lackey, 36th Dis-  trauma and bereavement, help for women veterans,
      Phone: 202-224-3553                             trict                                             referrals for VA benefits and employment referrals.
                                                        Capitol Office
      San Francisco Office                              Rooms are currently being assigned to assembly    Antelope Valley Vet Center — Readjustment
      333 Bush St., Ste. 3225, San Francisco, CA 93721  members                                         Counseling Services
      Phone: 415-981-9369                               P.O. Box 942849                                   Sacha Gates, Readjustment Counselor
      Website: www.padilla.senate.ov                    Sacramento, CA 94249                              38925 Trade Center Dr.  Ste. J, Palmdale, CA  93551
      For Academy Nominations visit the webpage www.    Phone: 916-319-2036                               Phone: 661-267-1026                                                                 Email: Sacha
                                                        Antelope Valley Office
      U.S. Congressman Mike Garcia, Calif., 25th Dis-   41301 12th St. West, Ste. F                       Peter Knight Veterans Home of Lancaster
    trict                                               Palmdale, CA 93551                                  The William J. “Pete” Knight Veterans Home of Lan-
      Washington D.C. Office                            Phone: 661-267-7636                             caster is a 60-bed residential care/assisted living facil-
      1535 Longworth House Office Bldg., Washington,    Website:                 ity, operated in partnership with the VA Greater Los An-
    D.C. 20515                                          Assists veterans with ID cards for the DMV      geles Healthcare System. The home provides California
      Phone: 202-225-1956                               Office representatives attend all weekly veterans’   veterans with a living environment that protects their
                                                      meetings.                                         dignity and contributes to their feeling of self-reliance
      Antelope Valley Office                                                                            and self-worth.
      1008 West Avenue M-14, Suite E, Palmdale, CA        California Department of Veteran’s Affairs
    93551                                               The California Department of Veteran’s Affairs (Cal-  William J. “Pete” Knight Veterans Home — Lancaster
      Phone: 661-839-0532                             Vet) offers benefits that could compensate veterans for   45221 30th St. W., Lancaster, CA  93536
      Website:           a service-connected disability, college education and   Phone: 661-974-7035
      Veteran’s Affairs: Contact Christine Ward, 661-839-  health care. They also offer assistance with job training   Visit
    0532, email:        and job search, buying a home, elder care, and much   Lancaster.aspx
      Academy Nominations: Contact Tom Dierckman, 661-  more.
    568-4855, email:                                                      Veterans Crisis Line
                                                        California Department of Veteran’s Affairs (CalVet)  The Veterans Crisis Line is a quick, confidential
      U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy, 23rd District    Los Angeles District Office                     phone resource for veterans who are struggling with
      Washington, D.C. Office                           11000 Wilshire Blvd., Room 5203.                suicidal thoughts, destructive thought patterns and sub-
      2468 Rayburn House Office Bldg., Washington, D.C.   Los Angeles, CA  90024                        stance abuse issues.
    20515                                               800-952-5626 to speak with a representative       Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255
      Phone: 202-225-2915                       Confidential chat at or
                                                                                                        text to 838255
      Bakersfield Office                                CalVet Women Veterans Affairs
      4100 Empire Drive, STE. 150, Bakersfield, CA 93309                         Department of Financial Protection and Innova-
      Phone: 661-327-3611                                          tion
      Website:          916-653-2327                                      The Department of Financial Protection and Innova-
      Veteran’s Affairs and Academy Nominations call 661-                                               tion has a veterans Services division that focuses on
    327-3611 or email:                    Local Resources                   consumer education regarding mortgages, annuities,
                                                                                                        payday loans, identity theft and other areas of personal
      California State Senate, 21st District — Scott Wilk  Antelope Valley College Veterans Affairs Program  finance. Fraud prevention is emphasized.
      Capitol Office                                    The Antelope Valley College Veterans Affairs Pro-  The Department of Financial Protection and Innova-
      State Capitol, Room 3063                        gram provides assistance through education, certifi-  tion
      Sacramento CA 95814                             cation and guidance to military veterans and their de-  Phone: 866-275-2677
      Phone: 916-651-4021                             pendents in achieving their educational objectives and   Website:
                                                      works to promote the retention, graduation and transfer
      Santa Clarita Office                            of military veteran students and their dependents.  Los Angeles County Bar Association
      23920 Valencia Blvd., Suite 250                                                                     The Los Angeles County Bar Association has legal
      Santa Clarita CA 91355                            Antelope Valley College Veterans Resource Center  services available to assist veterans in clearing out-
      Phone: 661-286-1471                               3041 W. Ave. K                                  standing tickets, warrants and criminal records.
                                                        SSV Bldg, Room 126, Lancaster, CA  93536          Los Angeles County Bar Association Veterans Legal
                                                        661- 722-6300 Ext. 6342                         Service Project

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