Page 10 - Aerotech News and Review, January 21, 2022
P. 10

High Desert Hangar Stories
   Pinball Wizards Part 2: World War II “Operation Pinball”

   by Bob Alvis                  and rising temperature gauges, with
   special to Aerotech News      only moments to figure out where to
                                 land a wounded bird that no longer
     In  the  last  issue  of  Aerotech   wanted to fly. Luckily, most of this
   News, I began the story of Operation   gunnery training took place in the des-
   Pinball, the United States Army Air   ert southwest. The desert landscape,
   Force manned aerial gunnery train-  dotted with dry lake beds, was a happy
   ing program during World War II.   sight as a pilot glided down to a safe
   (To read Part 1, visit https://www.  landing in a dead aircraft.  One of the other unnerving aspects
   world-war-ii-operation-pinball-how-  for pilots of these missions was those
   to-shoot-down-a-perfectly-good-air-  live rounds hitting the over-engi-
   craft/)                       neered, bulletproof cockpit glass that
     This time out, I will finish up this   surrounded them. Many pilots recalled
   amazing story and share some of the   they could never get used to the vio-
   operational challenges, as well as re-  lent sound and smoke erupting just
   flections of the pilots who would fly   inches from their heads, when those
   a perfectly good airplane at bomber   rounds exploded on that plexiglass.
   aircraft and let the gunners fire live   Sometimes when a few rounds would
   rounds at them.               hit the glass, it would shatter it so
     It’s amazing to think that more   badly it made flying back an almost
   than 300 Bell Aircraft RP-63 Cobra   instrument-only affair. Over the life of
   “Pinballs”  were  produced  during   the program, the bulletproof plexiglass
   World War II — which means that   was the greatest casualty on these air-
   an equivalent number of pilots, along   planes (not counting the nerves of the
   with ground crews, were needed to   pilot.)
   support this bold program. These per-  Another aspect of the RP-63 Cobra
   sonnel had to get up to speed not in the   Pinball was that the plane was overly
   classroom, but by manning the guns   burdened with the extra weight of
   and flying the airplanes that served   thicker armor plating that affected its
   as moving targets for live gunnery   performance. It took a skilled pilot to
   practice. Many a pilot reassigned to   deal with issues such as overheating,
   stateside duty — some returning from   longer take off rolls and the constant                                                           Courtesy photograph
   the war-torn skies of Europe — looked   adjustment of power to compensate   The original Pinball aircraft with two pilots.
   forward to projects that kept them in   for the added weight when perform-
   the cockpit, but many of those reas-  ing mock attacks on the bombers.   it’s a bit baffling that this story of   • 300 armored RP-63 Cobra target   The program was such a success
   signments were not overjoyed at the   Luckily, the King Cobra P-63 model   aerial combat gunnery training is not   planes were produced for training by   that,  just  prior  to VJ  Day,  it  was
   prospect of becoming live bait for   Pinballs boasted a marked increase in   very well known. To add it up and see   the spring of 1945.  stated that from that point on all the
   novice gunners on bombers.    performance over its predecessor, the   the investment and the involvement   • The program totaled over 11,000   air gunnery programs of the training
     Many of the stories of those fighter   P-39 Air Cobra, and made the airplane   leaves one to wonder why the program   bomber missions in which some 12   command would thereafter be with
   pilots reflected on how the training   more manageable.     was such a mystery.           million rounds of frangible bullet am-  specially designed aircraft and fran-
   missions became a dance between a   The program numbers that were tal-  • In August 1945, frangible bullet   munition were fired by student gun-  gible bullets.
   novice partner and the skilled pilot at-  lied up at the end of World War II in   production had reached 40 to 45 mil-  ners, flown in seven gunnery training   Initially passed over as folly, the vi-
   tempting to give the gunner the best   August 1945 are really amazing and   lion shells per month.  schools in the United States.  sion of Maj. Cameron D. Fairchild and
   target possible, without actually get-                                                                                  his supporters from Duke University,
   ting shot down.                                                                                                         Paul Gross and Marcus Hobbs, the
     A few stories were shared of pilots                                                                                   program became one of the unsung
   whose planes were not registering                                                                                       success stories of World War II.
   any hits from the gunners-in-training,                                                                                    What would finally bring the entire
   who would attempt to fly a bit closer                                                                                   program to an end was the advent of
   in a less aggressive manner to give the                                                                                 the jet age. When the war came to an
   gunner a better chance. As the pilot                                                                                    end and jet-powered aircraft came on
   and the gunner were in radio contact                                                                                    the scene, the procedure of attacking
   with each other, one frustrated Cobra/                                                                                  bombers found that jet aircraft and the
   Pinball pilot flew up alongside the                                                                                     speeds they flew would never again
   bomber, matching its speed, and said,                                                                                   have a man at a gun firing at an at-
   “Do you think you can hit me now?”                                                                                      tacker, at speeds that only a computer
   That said, his plane was immediately                                                                                    and a heads-up display could attempt.
   ravaged by gun fire and, being that the                                                                                 Thus, the need to carry on the mis-
   armored protection of the RP-63 Co-                                                                                     sion of Operation Pinball became just
   bra was designed for head-on attacks                                                                                    another aspect to find its way into a
   and breakaways, he soon realized his                                                                                    book on a shelf, becoming just another
   mistake! As shells hit all around the                                                                                   footnote in history.
   cockpit, he broke away, never again                                                                                       To wrap up this second installment
   attempting to make himself “an easy                                                                                     of the RP-63 Cobra Operation Pinball
   target.”                                                                                                                missions of World War II, we think
     Some of the pilots who lost their                                                                                     of the great accomplishments of the
   RP-63 Cobras would tell of the lucky                                                                                    World War II generation and what
   shots that found the smallest openings                                                                                  they did in just a handful of years,
   in the air ducts that were designed to                                                                                  with such basic evolving technology.
   prevent penetration by the special                                                                                      I got to thinking about one Opera-
   ceramic “frangible” bullets (refer to                                                                                   tion Pinball pilot who was sharing his
   my first story installment for details),                                                                                memories and it summed it all up. A
   and end up taking out coolant line, oil                                                                                 B-17 pilot asked him to fly up to see if
   lines and radiators. Many pilots after                                                                                  a fuel cap had come loose on the wing
   flying a pass would make a break up,                                                                                    of his aircraft and if it was leaking.
   as they were not allowed to pass under                                                                    Courtesy photograph  As he closed in tight on the bomber,
   an aircraft, and suddenly find them-  U.S. Army Air Force pilots stand with their RP-63 Cobra aircraft that were part of Operation Pinball.
   selves in a world of leaking coolant                                                                                             See PINBALL, Page 12

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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