Page 6 - Aerotech News and Review, January 21, 2022
P. 6

COUNTY, from 5
   location in coming months.
     In a Jan. 12 interview with Aerotech News,
   Maselbas acknowledged the COVID-19 eco-  William J. Fox Field in
   nomic damage to county airfield customers,
   tenant businesses and communities, but pointed   Lancaster, Calif.
   to sectors emerging with minimal damage and
   prospects for recovery — especially restaurants,
   media film and video location shoots, law en-
   forcement, firefighting, flight training and fixed
   base operations.
     Among Fox Field’s major growth milestones
   was the February 2021 opening of the Airframe
   and Powerplant Technician Program for general
   aircraft maintenance, airframe and powerplant
   — designed for those seeking to take exams for
   an airframe and powerplant license.
     Antelope Valley College is one of the few
   community colleges in the United States of-
   fering composites fabrication and repair. This
   Airframe and Powerplant Technician Program
   is certified by the Federal Aviation Administra-
   tion (FAA). Due to the college administration’s
   recent decision to suspend in-person classes at
   reopening of the semester, it was not clear if
   the remote hands-on program at Fox would be
   in service.
     News that the City of Palmdale is actively
   seeking to restore scheduled airline service on
   a city-owned site with adjacency to Air Force
   Plant 42 runways coincides with Inyokern Air-
   port’s Indian Wells Valley Airport Authority
   Board interest in renewed interest in attracting
   passenger service.
     As per FAA records, Inyokern had 11,149
   passenger boardings back in 2008 and 11,109 in
   2010. It was included in the National Plan of In-                                                                                       Courtesy photograph
   tegrated Airport Systems for 2011–2015 in the
   category of primary commercial service airport   the fourth quarter of 2021, while Hollywood   King says he already has seven booked in com-  and the Federal Aviation Administration cleared
   with more than 10,000 enplanements per year.  film, video game, and commercial video and   ing weeks, and “I gotta babysit ‘em all. Two are   a path for installation of Distance Measuring
      Los Angeles County officials report no dis-  audio production activity increased by more   scheduled for Monday.”  Equipment a navigational safety backup system
   cussions about possible renewal of service for   than a third at the airport.  King, who has managed the airport through   at California City Municipal Airport.
   Fox Field, which has a terminal building and   King said, “Most of it was sound recording,”   smooth and turbulent times for 15 years, attributes   Although the Cal City Airport operates under
   remains the only county-owned airport with   as was the case in which video of a Chevy pick-  much of last year’s growth in aircraft operations,   Visual Flight Rules, the DME installation en-
   room for expansion.                  up truck’s performance video shot elsewhere   fuel sales and private club fly-ins to Cal City Air-  sures GPS navigation aid to and from the airport
     California City Municipal Airport Manager   was married to roar and rumble recorded on the   port’s constant traffic magnet since the terminal   for aircraft flying under instrument flight rules.
   Robert King’s expectations for 2022 soared as   jet set site. Even the most basic sound produc-  building opened —– FOXY’s Landing.  The FAA will install the system on property
   monthly jet fuel and avgas sales rose throughout   tion job takes a minimum of two hours, and   On the infrastructure front, the City Council   leased from the airport.

                         Aerospace Valley Air

         Show slated for Oct. 15-16

       Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California   KC-46, Global Hawk, Hypersonic flight, the F-35
     will be opening its gates to the general public   Joint Strike Fighter and the B-21 Raider.
     Oct. 15-16 for the Aerospace Valley Air Show.  Air show organizers are looking for volunteers
       The show will feature the U.S. Air Force Thun-  from the local community to help with the event.
     derbirds, and this year’s show marks the 75th   If you wish to volunteer, visit https://avairshow.
     anniversary of the U.S. Air Force, and the 75th   com/air-show/volunteer-for-the-2022-aerospace-
     anniversary of Capt. Chuck Yeager breaking the   valley-air-show/
     sound barrier.                             Organizations wishing to help sponsor the air
       Hundreds of significant aviation “firsts” have   show, should visit
     been accomplished at Edwards. This is where X1   show/sponsorship/
     flight test team and the Bell X-1 first broke the   And you can now purchase a 2022 Aerospace
     sound barrier on Oct. 14, 1947, and where other   Valley Air Show official challenge coin. The
     X-planes pushed that record to two, three, four,   cost is $21.99, and they are available at https://
     five and six times the speed of sound and beyond.
       It is here that the X-15 probed the threshold   coins/
     of space and where the space shuttle first landed   “We’re excited to announce that Edwards Air
     on its initial return from earth’s orbit. Today,   Force Base is opening its gates to the general
     our combined workforce is still at the cutting   public for the 2022 Aerospace Valley Air Show,”
     edge of aviation technology, developing, testing   said air show organizers. “Prepare for an amaz-
     and evaluating the newest weapon systems and   ing weekend as you step foot on one of the most
     aircraft to ensure reliability for America’s war-  historic Air Force Bases in the entire world.:
       Edwards is the test-bed for today’s premiere   Regular updates will be provided at www.
     aerospace technology programs including the B2,

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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