Page 8 - Aerotech News and Review, January 21, 2022
P. 8

Stratolaunch completes third flight test at Mojave

   by Cathy Hansen
   special to Aerotech News
     Another exciting flight test day at Mojave Air
   and Space Port saw the gigantic Stratolaunch
   aircraft taking to the skies for her third flight at
   8:47 a.m., Jan. 16.
     She carries the nickname, ‘ROC’ after a
   mythical giant bird, is the world’s largest air-
   plane by wingspan.
     In the left seat was senior test pilot, Mark
   Giddings,  with  Evan  Thomas  as  co-pilot.
   Thomas is Stratolaunch’s director of flight op-
   erations and piloted Roc’s first two test flights.
   Jake Riley was onboard as the crew’s flight
     The massive twin-fuselage, six-engine air-
   craft was designed by Burt Rutan and funded by
   Paul G. Allen with the intent of being a mother-
   ship that would launch rockets and satellites
   into low Earth orbit. The mission changed after
   the unfortunate death of Allen. When new own-
   ers acquired Stratolaunch in 2018, the decision
   was made to use ‘ROC’ as a launch platform
   for hypersonic test vehicles that would reach
   speeds of Mach 6.
     The Talon-A is a hypersonic vehicle that
   will offer customers a way of rapidly testing
   advanced flight technologies. It can be fitted
   out with different payloads and will be fully
   reusable.                                                                         Stratolaunch photographs
     During a webcast, Stratolaunch design engi-
   neer Grace Wang said six to eight flight tests   Above: The Stratolaunch “Roc” soars over the Mojave Air and Space Port during
                                        its successful third test flight Jan.16. Right: The Stratolaunch “Roc” sits on the
   were planned in preparation for operational hy-  flightline at the Mojave Air and Space Port.
   personic launches. Stratolaunch’s chief technol-
   ogy officer, Daniel Millman, said during a post-
   landing teleconference that the next test flight   During the flight, the crew accomplished   Pacific. Our goal is to prove
   would expand the envelope for landing-gear   evaluation of the aircraft’s performance and   we can go hypersonic. We
   operation, and that the pylon for the Talon-A   handling  characteristics  at  altitudes  up  to   will do that envelope expan-
   hypersonic test vehicles would be installed for   23,500 feet and airspeeds up to 180 knots. The   sion first and then with the
   the fifth test flight.               flight included validation of the left mid-main   first reusable Talon — TA-
     The first two Talon-A vehicles, TA-0 and   gear, including door operations, and alternate   2, which will fly in 2023—
   TA-1, are under development. Initial power-on   gear extension. The complete gear is expected   we  will  begin  with  glide
   testing was completed in late December.  to be cycled on the upcoming fourth test flight.  tests, probably into Vandenberg, Space Force   that we’ll be able to test them.”
     Zachary Krevor, Stratolaunch president and   According to a Stratolaunch press release,   Base, Calif.”         Giddings made a picture perfect landing on
   chief operating officer, says the flight met all   Millman said, “Before the end of the year we   “By the end of 2024, we are targeting to have   Runway 30 at Mojave Air and Space Port at
   objectives and takes the company “one step   plan to and hope to launch our first hypersonic   a fleet of three fully reusable hypersonic test-  1:10 p.m., concluding a four hour, 23-minute
   closer to hypersonic flight with our Talon ve-  test vehicle, TA-1.”       beds providing services for the nation in ad-  test flight. It was the longest mission since the
   hicles.”                               “It will also land — we will flare it into the   vancing hypersonic payloads and other things   first flight on April 13, 2019.

                                                                                                                                       Photograph by Mark Burdick
   The Stratolaunch “Roc” lands at the Mojave Air and Space Port Jan. 16 following a successful third test flight.

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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