Page 3 - Aerotech News and Review, January 21, 2022
P. 3

102-year-old Tuskegee Airman Charles McGee dies

          by Douglass K. Daniel         at Tuskegee from 1940 to 1946. About
          Associated Press              450 deployed overseas and 150 lost
                                        their lives in training or combat.
           Charles McGee, a Tuskegee Air-  In recent years the Tuskegee Air-
          man who flew 409 fighter combat   men have been the subject of books,
          missions over three wars and later   movies and documentaries highlight-
          helped to bring attention to the Black   ing their courage in the air and the
          pilots who had battled racism at home   doubts they faced on the ground be-
          to fight for freecome abroad, died Jan.   cause of their race. In 2007 a Congres-
          16. He was 102.               sional Gold Medal, the highest civil-
           McGee died in his sleep at his home   ian award from Congress, was issued
          in Bethesda, Md., said his son, Ron   to recognize their “unique military
          McGee.                        record that inspired revolutionary re-
           After the U.S. entry into World   form in the Armed Forces.”
          War II, McGee left the University   McGee remained in the Army Air
          of Illinois to join an experimental   Corps, later the U.S. Air Force, and
          program for Black soldiers seeking   served for 30 years. He flew low-level
          to train as pilots after the Army Air   bombing and strafing missions during
          Corps was forced to admit African   the Korean War and returned to com-
          Americans. In October 1942 he was   bat again during the Vietnam War. The
          sent to the Tuskegee Army Air Field in   National Aviation Hall of Fame says
          Alabama for flight training, according   his 409 aerial fighter combat missions
          to his biography on the website of the   in three wars remains a record.
          National Aviation Hall of Fame.  He retired as a colonel in the Air
            “You  could  say  that  one  of  the   Force in 1973, then earned a college                                                           Courtesy photograph
          things we were fighting for was equal-  degree in business administration and   Charles McGee
          ity,” he told The Associated Press in a   worked as a business executive. He
          1995 interview. “Equality of opportu-  was accorded an honorary commission   Trump during his State of the Union   Airmen certainly proved men like him   “While I am saddened by his loss,
          nity. We knew we had the same skills,   promoting him to the one-star rank of   address.  wrong.”                       I’m also incredibly grateful for his
          or better.”                   brigadier general as he turned 100.   In addition to encouraging young   Charles Edward McGee was born   sacrifice, his legacy, and his character.
                                                                      men and women to pursue careers in   Dec. 7, 1919, in Cleveland, the son   Rest in peace, General,” Austin wrote.
                                                                      aviation, McGee was a source of in-  of a minister who also worked as a   In his Smithsonian essay, McGee
          “While I am saddened by his loss, I’m also                  formation about the Tuskegee Airmen   teacher and social worker and was a   wrote that he was often asked why
          incredibly grateful for his sacrifice, his legacy,          and offered a unique perspective on   military chaplain. He graduated from   the Tuskegee Airmen were so success-
                                                                      race relations of the era through the
                                                                                                    high school in Chicago in 1938.
           and his character. Rest in peace, General.”                airmen’s nonprofit educational orga-  lene McGee Smith and Yvonne Mc-  ful in combat.
                                                                                                      Survivors include daughters Char-
                                                                                                                                   “I would say it was because of our
             Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III                     “At the time of the war, the idea   Gee,  10  grandchildren,  14  great-  courage and perseverance,” he wrote.
                                                                      of an all African American flight   grandchildren and a great-great grand-  “We dreamed of being pilots as boys
                                                                      squadron was radical and offensive   child. His wife of more than 50 years,   but were told it was not possible.
                                                                      to many,” McGee wrote in an essay   Frances, died in 1994.  Through faith and determination we
                                                                      for the Smithsonian National Air and   A family statement described Mc-  overcame enormous obstacles. This
           McGee graduated from flight school   Another event marked his centennial   Space Museum.  Gee as “a living legend known for his
          in June 1943 and in early 1944 joined   year: He flew a private jet between   “The prevailing opinion was that   kind-hearted and humble nature, who   is a lesson that all young people need
          the all-Black 332nd Fighter Group,   Frederick, Md., and Dover Air Force   blacks did not possess the intelligence   saw positivity at every turn.”  to hear.”
          known as the “Red Tails.” He flew   Base in Delaware.       or courage to be military pilots. One   In tweets honoring McGee, both   He added: “I am most proud of
          136 missions as the group accompa-  In 2020, McGee drew a standing   general even wrote, `The Negro type   Vice President Kamala Harris and   my work as a Tuskegee Airman that
          nied bombers over Europe.     ovation from members of Congress   has not the proper reflexes to make a   Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III   helped bring down racial barriers and
           More  than  900  men  trained   when introduced by President Donald   first-rate fighter pilot.” The  Tuskegee   called him an American hero.  defeat the Nazis.”

                                                                            Air Force photograph by Sean M. Worrell
          Retired Tuskegee Airman Brig. Gen. Charles McGee is presented with a birthday cake in celebration of his 102nd
          birthday Dec. 6, 2021, at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas.                                                                       Courtesy photograph

          January 21, 2022                                       Aerotech News and Review                                                                   3
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