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      X-59 kicks off 2022 in
      X-59 kicks off 2022 in                                                                                            Subscriptions to Aerotech News
                                                                                                                          and Review are $59 for six
      Texas for ground testing                                                                                          months or $89 for one year.  For
         exas for ground testing
                                                                                                                         more information, contact the
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                                                                                                                              (661) 945-5634
                                                                                               Lockheed Martin photograph
     NASA’s X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft (QueSST) is pictured here at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in California, wrapped up in
     preparation for its move to Texas. The X-plane will undergo ground tests to ensure it can withstand the stresses of flight before returning to   Story ideas, letters, editorials
     California for completion.
                                                                                                                      Please send all letters and editorials to
                                                                                                                          Stuart A. Ibberson, editor,
     by Matt Kamlet                                        the aircraft can withstand the loads and stresses that typically occur   at
     NASA Armstrong                                        during flight. The team will also calibrate and test the fuel systems
                                                           before the X-59 makes the journey back to California for more tests
       Last year, 2021, saw significant milestones achieved in the assem-  and completion.
     bly of NASA’s X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft (QueSST),   The X-59 is designed to reduce the loudness of the sonic boom,   Web Site
     and all eyes now look forward to a pivotal 2022.                                                                    Access the Aerotech News web
       Following the X-plane’s temporary move from Lockheed Martin’s   which occurs when an aircraft flies faster than the speed of sound, to   site at
     Skunk Works in California to their facilities in Texas, the X-59 is set   a gentle, quiet sonic “thump”. The X-plane will demonstrate this in   Submissions for upcoming events, air
     to start 2022 with critical ground testing, as progress continues toward   flights over communities around the U.S. starting in 2024, as NASA   shows and museums
     NASA’s target of the aircraft’s first flight later this year.  collects data that could open the future to commercial supersonic   should be emailed to
       While in Texas, ground testing of the X-59 will be done to ensure   flights over land.                   
                                                                                                                     For questions concerning the web site,
   VIRGIN ORBIT, FROM 1                                                                                                    contact the webmaster at
   This is the first time that anyone has reached this   “Our customers are starting to hear back from   “On top of that, we flew through weather and
   orbit from the West Coast.           their satellites that are checking in from orbit —   a cloud layer that would have grounded any other
     The press release also stated, “The launch was   and for us, that’s what success looks like,” said   launch I’ve worked on in my career, something
   the company’s third successful flight, occurring   Dan Hart, Virgin Orbit CEO. “It’s a thrill for our   only made possible by air-launch and our incred-  Where you can get
   less than one year from its first mission. Virgin   team that this mission included our first repeat   ible team. We can say with confidence that in this   Aerotech News and Review
   Orbit has now successfully delivered commer-  customers as well as our first ‘last minute ticket’                         For information on
   cial, government, international, and national se-  customers and reached an orbit that no one had   new era of regular, frequent, successful missions,   Aerotech distribution, call
   curity satellites to space, including new Above the   ever reached from the West Coast before, all of   we can help our customers and partners use space   (661) 945-5634 or visit
   Clouds customer Spire Global, Inc., and first ever   which confirms the team’s ability to provide top   technology to advance human knowledge and
   repeat customers: the U.S. Department of Defense   tier launch service anywhere, anytime.   open space for good,” Hart said.
   Space Test Program, and Polish company SatRev-
   olution. This launch was awarded to Virgin Orbit                                                                   Aerotech News and Review is published
   through its subsidiary VOX Space by the DOD’s                                                                         every other Friday, serving the
   Defense Innovation Unit as part of the DOD Space                                                                    aerospace and defense industry of
   Test Program’s Rapid Agile Launch Initiative.”                                                                       Southern California, Nevada and
     “The satellites launched on the company’s lat-                                                                   Arizona. News and ad copy deadline
   est mission include experiments in space-based                                                                       is noon on the Tuesday prior to
   communications, space debris detection, and in-                                                                   publication. The publisher assumes no
   space navigation and propulsion, as well as satel-                                                                  responsibility for error in ads other
   lites that will serve the global agricultural sector.                                                              than space used. Your comments are
   The launch brings the total number of satellites                                                                    welcomed and encouraged. Write to
   launched by Virgin Orbit to 26.”                                                                                           the address below.
     “Because of the unique air-launch system
   Virgin Orbit has developed, the Above the
   Clouds mission was launched in an orbit never
   before directly accessible from the West Coast                                                                     •  Publisher  ....................Paul Kinison
                                                                                                                      •  Business Manager  ....... Lisa Kinison
   of the Americas. Rather than launching from a                                                                      •  Editor .................... Stuart Ibberson
   fixed pad on the ground, Virgin Orbit conducts                                                                     •  National Advertising
   its launches from under the wing of a modified                                                                       Manager  .....................Paul Kinison
   747 aircraft, and by flying the aircraft further out
   over the ocean, the company was able to launch on
   a trajectory no ground-launch rocket could have
   achieved. That direct injection into the target orbit                                                               Aerotech News and Review
   saved the satellites onboard this mission months                                                 Virgin Orbit photograph  e-mail:
   of time and kilograms of fuel they might have   LauncherOne sits attached to the Cosmic Girl mother ship at the Mojave Air and Space Port prior   Visit our web site at
   otherwise spent correcting their orbit from what a   to take off and launch.                                 
   landlocked launch site could provide them.”

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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