Page 18 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 5-6-16
P. 18

Bullseye Classified Marketplace

                                                                       Friday, May 6, 2016

Homes for Rent                       Cars & Trucks                         Garage & Yard Sales                            TRAVEL

1 Story, Corner Lot, Located         SELL or BUY YOUR                   MOVING?...PCSing?                                       TO                                    HOME BUYERS & SELLERS
           Aliante/215.                WHEELS HERE!                    GARAGE/YARD SALE?
                                                                                                                                                                              GET CA$H BACK WITH US
    3BR/3BA/3 car garage,             Call Today, Place an Ad!            ******************************                                                              BUY OR SELL YOUR HOME THROUGH A LOCAL REALTOR®
 2700 sqft. landscaped back                 Aerotech News                 Attract More Customers
                                             877-247-9288                                                                                                                FROM OUR NETWORK AND RECEIVE A CASH REBATE
   yard. Bonus room & Den                                                   With a Classified Ad!                                                                        HIGHEST HOME REBATES FOR MILITARY & VETERANS
Gated community, alarm sys-          Furniture & Appliances                    Call 877-247-9288
                                                                                                                                                                                  CALL US
          tem included.                                                   Aerotech News & Review                                                                                                    (TOLL FREE)
        $2195/mo+ Sec.
                                                                                                                                                                      844-REBATE8 (844-732-2838)
    Townhomes for Rent                      New LG front load          Real Estate                                                                                               INFO@THEHOMEREBATEDEPOT.COM
                                           washer/dryer $550.                                                                                                                 DEDICATED MILITARY RELOCATION PROFESSIONALS
      2218 sq.ft. Townhome            Queen/full bedroom sets &           All real estate advertised                      BEAUTIFUL
 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms,              coffee tables $200 ea.         in this publication is subject                                                                                             AVAILABLE IN OUR NETWORK
  2 car garage, viewing deck,               Call 702 918-9413           to the Federal Fair Housing                       PLACES
 Built in 2014. Available 6/1/16                                        Act of 1968, which makes it                                                                     Exciting Career Opportunity
 $1500/mo Call 707-439-6538                    bought in BX,                                                                                                                  Immediate Openings
                                       Basset Couch, beige cloth           illegal to advertise any
       Condos for Rent                                                    preference, limitation or                                                                        Attn: Military Spouses
                                         pd $1000, asking $300         discrimination based on race
3-MILES TO NELLIS! N. Sloan                    702-685-9179              color, religion, or national                                                               Busy Financial Services office is looking
   Lane & Bonanza 1st Floor,                                              origin, or an intention to                                                                for Military Spouses for various positions
 2-Master Bedrooms, 2-Bath,                Announcements                   make such preference                                                                     in our Las Vegas office. To qualify,
                                                                        limitation or discrimination.                                                               you must possess the following traits:
1-Car Garage, Includes All Ap-           DONT FORGET!                   Real estate advertisements                                                                  outgoing personality, great people skills,
pliances w/Washer/Dryer 2-Pa-                                          that are in violation of the law                                                             and a can-do attitude. Good personal
 tios Pool & Spa, Trees/Grass,       CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE               shall not be accepted for                                                                 credit, the ability to multitask and provide
                                          TUESDAY @ NOON                  publication. All dwellings                                                                exceptional customer service is a must.
   $675/Month+Deposit Call                    EACH WEEK!               advertised in this publication                                                               These positions are filling up fast.
           702-308-4084                                                  are available on an equal                                                                  Please email your resume & cover letter
        Rooms for Rent                     Learn how easy it is to                                                                                                
                                                use your 100%            JOIN OUR FIGHT
    Maryland Pkwy/Tropicana                                                                                                                                                      equal opportunity employer
 near UNLV, airport & Casinos              Home buying Benefit!           St. Jude is working to defeat childhood
                                            Call, text or email for    cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
          pool in complex
 $550 incl utils. 702-767-2473                 next FREE class            800-822-6344 •
                                              Ray Orta Veteran
  Honeysuckle is in bloom!                     NMLS 1041914            A CFC participant – provided as a public service.
  Relax by swimming pool      
  and enjoy the fragrance!                                             Home for Sale – $159,999
                                                 702 277-3177
         ********************                                                                                        2 Master Bedrooms,
   Nearest exit SkyCanyon to                 007 AIR                                                                    2 Master Baths,
  CreechAFB! Near 215: also                                                                                             Walk in Closets
                                          “Licensed to Chill”                                                            Nice Backyard
       convenient for Nellis.              A/C Service & Repair                                                            1,689 Sq Ft.,
                                               Veteran Owned               4122 Neighborly Ct. • North Las Vegas NV 89032
    Furnished BR/BA in Quiet                                            For more info contact Adrian at 702-449-6085
      home NW Las Vegas.                            License# 0079268
        AVAILABLE NOW!                                                 Attention MilitAry
         Gated community               A/C tune up $49.00 Special      If You Are BuYIng or SellIng A Home

No pets. No smokers. $530/mo                     Doug Brown            CAapplloMinetm7e0nt2-o2n7l7y-16o1n413
includes full house/kitchen privi-           Cell:575-812-9547
leges, all utilities, cable TV/wifi,        Office: 702-685-4256
laundry room, jacuzi, swimming
                                      Switch to DIRECTV and get a
 pool, BBQ grill, maid service.       $100 Gift Card. FREE Whole-
        Private 5 acre park.         Home Genie HD/DVR upgrade.

      No Deposit for Military!         Starting at $19.99/mo. New
           702-406-1935              Customers Only. Don’t settle for

 Employment Opportunities                      cable. Call Now
                                               1- 800-609-0109
    LOOKING for the
   BEST APPLICANT?                    DISH TV 190 channels High-
                                     speed Internet Only $49.95/mo!
    *****************************     Ask about a 3 year price guar-
           Place An Ad for           antee & get Netflix included for

      Your Business Today!                   1 year! Call Today
           Aerotech News                       1-800-279-1290

                                                                                                                     Joe A. Washington Jr.
                                                                               2590 Nature Park Dr. Ste 175
                                                                                                                     N. Las Vegas, NV 89084
                                                                       All offices independently owned and operated       702-202-3131
                                                                                                                     702-277-6143 Cell
                                                                                                                            702-202-3137 Fax
                                                                       ASpIre                                                                 25+ Years experience
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