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BULLSEYE Health and Wellness May 6, 2016 13
By 99th Medical Group Register in DEERS register them in DEERS. But, remember You’ll need a letter from the school’s
To register your child in DEERS, you need a to update DEERS with the SSN as soon as registrar’s office stating that your child
Q. How long is my child eligible for TRI- certi cate of birth or adoption and the signed you have it. is enrolled full-time in an accredited col-
CARE? DD Form 1172-2. >>Learn More about Re- To get an SSN for your child, you can: lege in pursuit of an Associate’s Degree
•Apply online or or higher.
A. Your child’s eligibility ends at age 21, quired Documents •Call 1-800-772-1213 Eligibility ends on your child’s 23rd birth-
but may continue to age 23 if he or she What kind of certi cate is needed? Registered in DEERS doesn’t mean “en- day or when he or she is out of school,
is enrolled at an approved institution If the child is ... rolled” in TRICARE whichever comes first.
of higher learning, unmarried, and de- Registering your child in DEERS doesn’t •Learn about TRICARE options for col-
pendent on the sponsor for more than en you need: automatically enroll them in any TRICARE lege students.
half of his or her financial support. Born in the United States An original or health plan option. Visit the “Getting TRI- •At age 23 (or after ending college) he or
To learn more, visit the Eligibility page. certi ed-copy of the birth certi cate or cer- CARE For Your Child” page to learn more. she may qualify to purchase TRICARE
ti cate of live birth signed by the attending Child Scenarios Young Adult
Children physician or other hospital representative Step-children Surviving Children
Unmarried biological and adopted children Born Overseas A consular report of birth •Step-children are eligible for TRICARE as Children whose sponsor died while serv-
are eligible for TRICARE until age 21 (or 23 (FS-240) Adopted A record of adoption or a long as the parent of the child and sponsor ing on active duty remain eligible for
if in college, see “College Students” below). letter of placement of the child into the home are married. TRICARE until they lose eligibility for
•Eligibility may extend beyond these age by a recognized placement/adoption agency •If the marriage ends in divorce, the step- TRICARE due to age, marriage or any
limits if he or she is severely disabled. or the court before the nal adoption children lose eligibility on the date the other reason.
•At age 21 or 23, he or she may qualify to Is a Social Security number (SSN) re- divorce decree is nal. Other Scenarios
purchase TRICARE Young Adult. quired? •If the sponsor adopts his or her step-chil- Children in the following scenarios may
No. You don’t need your child’s SSN to dren, they remain covered as adopted chil- be eligible for TRICARE under certain
dren even if the marriage ends in divorce. conditions:
College Students •If born out of wedlock
Eligibility can be extended up to age 23 if: •When placed in the custody of a sponsor,
•Your child is enrolled in a full course of either by a court or recognized adoption
study at an approved institution of higher agency, in anticipation of legal adoption
learning •You’re still providing more than Send your questions to
half of their nancial support