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BULLSEYE News 9May 6, 2016 “I love this career eld because there is a lot of
instant reward,” said Rivera. “You get to see a project
OSI, from page 8 _______________________ from start from nish and you will see the results U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Jake Carter
of it.”
have anywhere from 15 to 20 people at a time working Special Agent Ashley Rivera, Air Force Office of Special
on cases and to manage 125, that’s a lot.” With OSI being a career eld that Airmen must Investigations Detachment 206 criminal investigator, dusts a
cross-train into, Rivera says agents are always open handgun for ngerprints May 2 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
With their hard work throughout 2015, the U.S. to sitting down with Airmen to see if this is the career For 2015, Det. 206 was recognized as the best large Air Force
Air Force recognized the OSI members at Nellis AFB for them. OSI detachment after saving the Air Force millions of dollars.
by awarding them as the best large Air Force OSI
detachment of the year. “For an enlisted member, they will come to our
brie ng where they will learn what we do,” Rivera
“It’s great to be recognized for our hard work,” said said. “From there, they will have to go through a
Special Agent William Dimonaco, member of the series of things to include a one on one conversation
fraud division. “It always seems like we are busier than to see if they are quali ed. We will do an extensive
other detachments because there is always something background investigation where we talk to family
going on here and it’s nice to be recognized.” members and peers to see if they are suitable and we
will check there military records to see if they are the
With Rivera being a part of the military for a while, best of the best.”
she recognizes how hard it is to win these type of
awards while competing with everyone else across Airmen may also think that the OSI career eld
the Air Force. is only open for security forces Airmen, instead the
career eld is open to all enlisted, o cers and civil-
“It’s hard to win awards in this career eld because ians from any career eld who are considering to
everyone is so high speed and they are all doing amaz- cross train.
ing things,” said Rivera. “So to win an award amongst
everyone else, is a big deal. It’s nice to be recognized “It’s a common misconception that only security
for all of the hard work that everyone did because forces joins OSI,” Rivera said. “We actually found
everyone in this unit puts out 100 percent e ort.” that it’s best to take Airmen from every career eld
because we will have a vast knowledge of the whole
Other cases in 2015 that stood out was a re- Air Force instead of only one area.”
covery of $95 thousand in government ammuni-
tion and equipment as well as busting an Airman Airmen interested in cross training or wanting to
attempting to sell stolen parachutes worth over know more information on OSI can call 702-652-3433.
$17 thousand. For these achievements, Rivera
is proud of what she does for a career.
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