Page 6 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 5-6-16
P. 6
6 May 6, 2016 Feature BULLSEYE
HISTORY, from page 5 __________ was detailed to run several interview and GOLDFEIN, from page 1 ______ evolving nature of warfare and the
January 1942 and a growing number of selection boards for wartime o cers want- portant war ghting experience, and threats we face,” the secretary said.
gunners graduated, he was promoted to ing to stay in as Regular Army. will exercise the critical judgement re-
colonel that same month. quired to balance our manpower and Goldfein, he added, has “developed a
A er these boards, he returned to Of- resources as we shape tomorrow’s Air keen appreciation for the strategic hori-
Needing his organizational expertise, futt Field, then moving the 2nd Air Force Force. ere is not a better person to zon … and the need to develop resilient
he was sent to Victorville, California, HQ to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, lead our Airmen into the next century cyber and space capabilities, which will
shortly a er promotion to brigadier gen- before his nal assignment with the new of airpower dominance.” allow the United States to continue to
eral in April 1943 to organize the 36th Fly- USAF IG’s o ce at Kelly Field, Texas. dominate across all domains.”
ing Training Wing to oversee a number of Prior to his current position, Goldfein
the military and contractor-operated ight He retired in his highest grade held, was the director of the Joint Sta at the If con rmed by the Senate as the
schools in Southern California, Arizona brigadier general, effective June 1950. Pentagon in Washington, D.C., where he next Air Force chief of sta , Goldfein’s
and southern Nevada. Never married, he then made his home assisted the chairman of the Joint Chiefs “extensive political-military experience
here in Las Vegas, spending summers in of Sta in ful lling his responsibilities will be to our great bene t as we con-
He was then named as the 82nd Fighter Minnesota with his sisters and their fami- as the principal military adviser to the tinue to accelerate our e orts against
Wing commander for exible gunnery lies until he passed away June 23, 1979. president and secretary of defense. ISIL, and work with coalition nations to
schools at Las Vegas as well as Kingman deal them a lasting defeat,” Carter said.
and Yuma, Arizona, returning to Las One interesting note is when the rst “Dave Goldfein is an Airman who
Vegas Army Air eld on Dec. 1, 1943. He military family housing was built at Nellis epitomizes warrior leadership, and Goldfein is a command pilot with
remained here as 82nd FW commander AFB in 1951, excepting the street named that’s exactly what our Air Force more than 4,200 ying hours in the
through April 1945, when he was sent to for Nevada Senator Pat McCarran, all other deserves,” Welsh said. “He connects T-37 Tweet, T-38 Talon, F-16C/D
Ke avik to command Iceland Base Com- streets were named for World War I Ameri- deeply with Airmen, he supports their Fighting Falcon, F-117A Nighthawk,
mand through December 1945. can aces but Stenseth was not so honored. families relentlessly, and he absolutely MQ-9 Reaper, and MC-12W. He has
recognizes the criticality of our ser-
By that time, Las Vegas had trained In 1980, shortly a er his passing, the Base vice’s mission. Most importantly, he own combat missions in operations
more than 55,000 gunners, mostly for B-17 Operations Building, originally the pre-war and Dawn understand the remark- Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Allied
duty and were well on their way to training Western Air Express passenger terminal, was able privilege they’ve been a orded Force, and Enduring Freedom. Gold-
another 3,350 gunners for the newer B-29 named for Stenseth and remains so to this day. in serving the nation.” fein has received numerous awards
for combat over Japan. for his military service including the
His decorations include the Distin- Carter also spoke at a ceremony Defense Distinguished Service Medal
A er returning from Iceland for home guished Service Cross, Legion of Merit with April 29 at the Pentagon, in which he with oak leaf cluster, the Legion of
leave, and with the post-war Army Air oak leaf cluster, Silver Star, Mexican Border congratulated Goldfein on his selection. Merit with two oak leaf clusters and
Forces shrinking rapidly, he reverted to Service Medal, World War I Victory Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross with
colonel and was assigned to O utt Field, American Defense Service Medal, Ameri- From his experience at the highest Valor device and oak leaf cluster.
Nebraska, as the 2nd Air Force Air Inspec- can Campaign Medal, Europe-Africa- Air Force levels and the joint force,
tor in June 1946. Almost immediately, he Middle East Campaign Medal, World War Goldfein “understands deeply the Editor’s note: Terri Moon Cronk of
II Victory Medal and Order of e Icelandic DOD News, Defense Media Activity
Falcon, Commanders Cross. also contributed to this article.
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