Page 2 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 5-6-16
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2 May 6, 2016 Commentary BULLSEYE
Putting mental health in focus
By Prerana Korpe tions. e state of one’s mental health sure potential cognitive changes in in- Optimization Program is a primary care
can determine how they make decisions, dividuals exposed to a concussive event. behavioral health program. Through
Air Force Surgeon General Public A airs interact with others, and cope with daily BHOP, behavioral health personnel are
stressors. Mental health is a factor of In the event of a traumatic brain in- integrated into primary care clinics to
FALLS CHURCH, Va. — Nearly one overall wellbeing much like physical jury, the baseline is used to determine provide the right care. BHOP is avail-
in ve adults or 43 million Americans, health. changes in cognitive functioning for able to all active-duty service members,
have a diagnosable mental disorder assessment of a service member’s return retirees and their family members.
according to the National Institute of Air Force mental health clinics are to duty status.
Mental Health. critical to the health and readiness of
bene ciaries and family members. Ser- Seeking treatment
Contrary to many other brain disor- vices include mental health assessment, e Air Force Family Advocacy Pro-
ders, e ective treatments are available education, consultation and treatment
for mental disorders. through a variety of evidence-based gram implements programs to prevent
therapeutic exercises. is includes both and treat domestic abuse, child abuse and
May is Mental Health Awareness individual and group therapy. neglect. e program provides training,
Month, a time of year to bring awareness consultation services and program and
to mental health issues and available Mental health assessment policy development.
resources. The Automated Neuropsychologi-
cal Assessment Metrics is the Defense While nearly 50 percent of people
According to the Department of Department mandated pre-deployment with a treatable behavioral health dis-
Health and Human Services, many assessment and is administered to all order do not seek care from a behav-
factors can contribute to mental health service members within 12 months of ioral health professional, 80 percent
issues. is includes biological factors, deployment. visit their primary care manager at least
life experiences as well as family history once annually.
of mental health problems. e assessment establishes a neuro-
cognitive baseline. is is used to mea- e Air Force is changing primary
Mental health affects everyone. It care teams to better address behavioral
influences thoughts, feelings and ac- health needs. The Behavioral Health
By Chaplain (Capt.) Jason T. Klodnicki church, I was sharing a meal with a family who hap- listen to all either give strength to or diminish from the
pened to serve this to us. I asked for sour cream and you power of these voices.
99th Air Base Wing Chapel would have thought I wanted to mix it with dog food.
Here is the trick. Ready? Sometimes you cannot
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — “I sound just I was confused. Later, when I was visiting with my silence the damaging voices. If that is the case we must
like my mother!” — “I swore I would never say that to parents, I shared this experience and asked why my then acknowledge that they exist and intentionally force
my children!” request was received with such disgust? ey then them to revert to a whisper while we encourage better
simply shared that when they were newly married, and voices sing a chorus of those messages that will bring
ese are phrases that sometimes grace our lips as poor I might add, that they only had Rice-a Roni and us through the darkness and in to the light.
we live our lives and grow and experience family. We found some sour cream in the fridge and decided to be
sometimes, like history, repeat the follies of our parents creative and the rest was history. Peter Cetera performed a number entitled “One
and bestow more stories to be told by our own children. Clear Voice.” Permit me to close with the lyrics from
I also foolishly trusted a voice from a high school this insightful song:
What we say and do re ects the internal character friend whom I believed had my best interests at heart.
we all protect and attempt to bridal in order to “ t in” He did not. Without going into detail — let me just “ e whole world is talking, Drowning out my voice,
among others. ere are voices we adhere to that form say the law did not get involved and I was thankful for How can I hear myself, With all this noise, But all this
the foundation we build upon to fortify our character. that grace. confusion, Just disappears, When I nd a quiet place,
I would like to address these “voices” and share how Where I can hear, One clear voice, Calling out for me
to decipher those that would either harm or help us Understanding that we are all at some point in a to listen, One clear voice, Whispers words of wisdom,
become better. foreign environment and away from our families, may I close my eyes, ‘Till I nd what I’ve been missing, If
I entertain the notion that there are still ‘voices’ trying I’m very still, I will hear, one clear voice, I’m always
As a child we submit ourselves to the voices of our to in uence our daily walk. searching, For which path to take, Sometimes I’m so
parents. We obey their commands and trust that what afraid, To make mistakes, From somewhere inside me,
they say is doctrine. eir voice trumps all others and Voices that introduce depression, sel shness and Stronger than my fears, Just like the sound of music,
if the world says otherwise then the world is wrong. even hatred try to compete with the voices that bring To my ears, I hear, One clear voice, Calling out for me
peace, hope and con dence. Which will you enlist to to listen, One clear voice, Whispers words of wisdom,
I remember as a child we would always have sour follow? It is up to you. at which surrounds you will I close my eyes, ‘Till I nd what I’ve been missing, If
cream on Rice-a-Roni, one of my favorite sides. ere give power to one set of voices or the other. e shows I’m very still, I will hear, one clear voice.”
was just no other way to eat it. you watch and books you read and even the music you
At age 19, while serving as a missionary for my
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