Page 3 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 5-6-16
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BULLSEYE Feature 3May 6, 2016
Long awaited Purple Heart
By Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum ed even more trials and tribulations Being in those mountains during the
that the Korean War had for the group war tested Farrar and the men he was
99th Air Base Wing Public A airs stationed in the mountains. stationed with, but even with all these
obstacles the men endured.
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — “Winter-time in Korea was 30 to 35
Julius Farrar’s words began to ll the (degrees Fahrenheit) below zero, sleep- “We were out there by ourselves, but
auditorium and a hush engulfed the ing in a canvas tent, and heated by diesel you learn to adjust with the bad food and
crowd that looked upon him as they fuel,” said Farrar. “That’s all we had. the bad water,” said Farrar. “We lived and
listened with reverence. died together, that’s the way it had to be.”
ere are so many things that you’d like
Respect was apparent just by gazing to have, but we did without. We didn’t rough this ideology, Farrar and the
around at the Airmen who now hung have fresh foods, I recall when I went to Airmen who served at this post endured
on Farrar’s every sentence. Japan on rest and recovery, I think a er and survived so that they could accom-
seven months of me there, this was the plish their vital mission.
As the medically retired sta sergeant
began to speak of his trials during the rst time I had fresh milk. I think that’s “Being up in the mountains, you may
Korean War, every Airman in the room all I had was fresh milk, because it was think that your job was unimportant, but
felt the weight of what the man who was so good, but you did without a lot of it wasn’t,” said Farrar. “Keeping those jets
just awarded the Purple Heart has had stu . We had dry foods, sea rations we
to endure. called them.” ying to the frontline, drop their load,
and then go back to the base to refuel. If
Julius Farrar, a er six decades, was
awarded the Purple Heart for injuries U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum
that he sustained during the Korean
War at ceremony in his honor at Nellis Retired Sta Sgt. Julius Farrar was awarded the Purple Heart by Lt. Col. Kyle Kloeckner at The Purple Heart was awarded to retired
AFB, April 28. Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., April 28. Farrar served in the mountains keeping a transmitter Sta Sgt. Julius Farrar at Nellis Air Force
working 24 hours a day, seven days a week during the Korean War. Base, Nev., April 28. On Aug. 7, 1782, during
“On Aug. 7, 1782, during the revo- the Revolutionary War, General George
lutionary war, General George Wash- Washington issued an order establishing
ington issued an order establishing the the honorary badge of distinction: The
honorary badge of distinction,” said Purple Heart.
Senior Master Sgt. William Joyce, 99th
Communications Squadron Opera- the signal wasn’t on the pilots wouldn’t
tions ight chief. “Later known as the know where the base was.”
decoration of the Purple Heart, one
of the most recognized and respected ough an Airman 1st Class, Farrar
medals awarded to members of the realized early the importance of his role
United States armed forces. e award and the role of his fellow Airmen. While
of that decoration ceased with the clos- talking to the auditorium of Airmen, this
ing of the Revolutionary War, but was is one of the messages that he hoped to
revived February 22, 1932, the 200th emphasize.
Anniversary of George Washington’s
birth. It is awarded to personnel who “It’s very important, your job is
receive wounds in action against an important,” said Farrar. “Regardless if
armed enemy against the United States you’re an airman, you’re just as impor-
during periods of war, armed con ict, tant as the colonel or general. We all have
or lost their lives as a result of hostile to work together.”
foreign forces.”
Upon conveying this message to the
Upon receiving the award Farrar group of on-looking Airmen, Farrar
expressed gratitude and appreciation began to talk about his childhood and
in regards to not only receiving the ac- what guidance made him into the man
colade, but also to the crowd that came he is today.
to witness the event.
“The main thing my father taught
“It makes me feel really good to see me was honesty, whether anyone knows
so many come out that are interested about it or not, as long as your honest
in an occasion like this,” said Farrar. with yourself that’s what’s important,”
“For something that happened so many said Farrar. “ at keeps you at a certain
years ago.” standard of like, and it keeps your there
the rest of your life. at’s why I’ve always
Once he thanked the crowd, Farrar been able to hold my head up, because
began to describe a portion of his ex- I’ve never cheated anyone, never stolen
periences and his role while serving in from anyone and always been proud of
Korea during the war. who I am and tried to carry myself that
“My last in-combat during Korea,
up in the mountains, I think there was As these words le his lips, Farrar
eight of us, and that was it,” said Farrar. took a moment to thank the crowd, once
“We had communications to the base again, for sharing the moment with him.
50 miles away. My job was to keep this
transmitter working 24 hours a day, 7 As Farrar stepped down from the
days a week. So I slept about ve feet podium and walked back to his chair, he
from this transmitter, and that was my was thanked for his service and congrat-
friend. It was my job to keep it going ulated for his award by a long applause
all the time.” from the audience that was moved by his
words of inspiration.
A er painting a harrowing picture
for his captivated audience, he recount-