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BULLSEYE News 11November 20, 2015
U.S., allies will redouble efforts in wake of ISIL attacks
By Jim Garamone ligence and operational military has been progress being made.” Enormous pressure on ISIL
information with France.” Airstrikes and allies on the ground
DOD News, Defense Media Activity “We have a military strategy that
Paris was just the latest attack; ISIL have taken back significant territory involves putting enormous pressure
WA SH I NGTON — T he G -20 hit Beirut last week and Turkey last in both Iraq and Syria from ISIL, he on ISIL through airstrikes, that has put
meeting in Antalya, Turkey, that month. The terror group also claimed noted. assistance and training on the ground
ended Nov. 16 was supposed to ad- to have planted a bomb aboard a Rus- with Iraqi forces,” Obama said. “We’re
dress the economy. But the Nov. 13 sian airliner that crashed in Sinai. “We’ve seen that when we have an now working with Syrian forces as well
terrorist attack on Paris changed effective partner on the ground, ISIL to squeeze ISIL, cut off their supply
that agenda, and President Barack “Here at the G-20, our nations have can (be) and is pushed back, so local lines.”
Obama pledged to redouble efforts sent an unmistakable message: that we forces in Iraq, backed by coalition air
against the Islamic State of Iraq and are united against this threat,” Obama power, recently liberated Sinjar,” he The president noted success from au-
the Levant. said. “ISIL is the face of evil. Our goal, said. “Iraqi forces are fighting to take thorizing additional U.S. special opera-
as I’ve said many times, is to degrade back Ramadi. In Syria, ISIL has been tions forces on the ground to work with
ISIL took credit for the attacks and ultimately destroy this barbaric pushed back from much of the border Syrian and Iraqi forces against ISIL.
on Paris that killed 129 people and terrorist organization.” region with Turkey. We’ve stepped up
wounded more than 350. On Nov. our support of opposition forces who The United States is reaching out to
15, French aircraft bombed ISIL’s Obama said the effort will use all ele- are working to cut off supply lines to all in the anti-ISIL effort, the president
quasi-capital city of Raqqa in Syria. ments of power to take out the group: ISIL strongholds in and around Raqqa.” said. He is reaching out to Russia and
military, diplomatic, law enforcement Iran, who are supporting the Bashar
“We’re working closely with our and economic. He cautioned that this But this must be sustained, the presi- Assad regime in Syria, explaining “that
French partners as they pursue their strategy will take time to be effective. dent said. “More nations need to step ultimately, an organization like ISIL is
investigations and track down sus- up with the resources that this fight the greatest danger to them, as well as
pects,” the president said during a Taking back significant territory demands,” he added. to us.”
news conference. “France is already “There will be setbacks and there
a strong counterterrorism partner, will be successes,” he said. “The ter- The G-20 nations agreed to strength- Obama added, “There will be an
and today we’re announcing a new rible events in Paris were obviously a en border controls, share more infor- intensification of the strategy we put
agreement. We’re streamlining the terrible and sickening setback. Even mation and step up efforts to prevent forward, but the strategy that we are
process by which we share intel- as we grieve with our French friends, the flow of foreign fighters in and out putting forward is the strategy that
however, we can’t lose sight that there of Syria and Iraq. ultimately is going to work.”
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