Page 7 - Nellis, Creech and NTTR Bullseye 11-20-15
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BULLSEYE                                   Creech News                                                                            7November 20, 2015                                                                                          

CREECH, from page 6 __________                The avionics course teaches special-
                                           ists the theory of operation of electrical
ers,” Christopher said. “The mechanics     systems and electronics, as well as hands-
class offers advanced maintenance train-   on maintenance. The weapons course
ing on the MQ-9 systems and subsystems     teaches troubleshooting and system-
for crew chiefs.”                          specific knowledge.

   The MQ-1 and MQ-9 systems classes          Approximately 12 to 20 students
enhance the RPA enterprise by training     come through each month; currently
the caretakers of the aircraft. The MQ-9   nine students are training in three
communications class teaches students      classes. Having an operating location
the basic system overview and the theory   at Creech AFB is more cost efficient
of operation of the aircraft systems. In   compared to sending the students
the mechanics class, the students perform  TDY for training.
hands-on maintenance on the landing
gear, propeller, and airframe components.     “Providing current instruction at
                                           Creech is saving the Air Force $291,000

                                              Detachment 13,                                                                                                                              U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Adarius Petty
                                          Operation Location
                                          A instructors and stu-                       Tech. Sgt. Daren, Detachment 13 Operation Location A instructor, checks logistics on
                                          dents place a landing                        aircraft parts at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., Nov. 6. Det. 13 OL-A provides maintenance
                                          gear into an aircraft                        training to the remotely piloted aircraft enterprise. Crew chiefs, avionics, weapons and
                                          at Creech Air Force                          communications courses are offered from the staff of six instructors.
                                          Base, Nev., Nov. 6.
                                          Det. 13 OL-A provides                        a year in TDY costs,” said Christopher.    from all different backgrounds,” he said.
                                          maintenance train-                              Christopher went on to say the most        The training implemented depends on
                                          ing to the remotely
                                          piloted aircraft en-                         interesting part about his job is the in-  the training that is produced this year
                                          terprise. Crew chiefs,                       teractions with the students.              for the 432nd Maintenance Squadron
                                          avionics, weapons                                                                       and also what is projected for the rest
                                          and communications                              “Many of them are still young in the    of the year.
                                          courses are offered                          Air Force and we get to experience people
                                          from the staff of six
U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Adarius Petty instructors.

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