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2 November 20, 2015                                        Commentary                                                                                                                                 BULLSEYE                                                                                                                                               

Invest time to help Airmen

By Chief Master Sgt. Shawn Bitton                             I remember back to when I was new                         he was a busy guy.  I have tried to find                       potential.  That can be by having simple
                                                           to the Air Force.  At my first duty sec-                     him on several occasions so I could thank                      conversations, joining them in a task,
60th Operations Support Squadron                           tion on the last duty day each week, my                      him for his mentorship as he was key to                        or just simply explaining to them how a
                                                           superintendent had us join him at the                        my success in the Air Force.                                   particular process is performed.
   TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. —                         club, where we would just sit around
Think back to when you joined the Air                      and talk about things at work and what                          Mentorship to me really just boils                             Take the time to guide and teach your
Force.  Did you know everything about                      was going on in our lives.  Looking back                     down to helping others navigate their                          peers and subordinates on a task, about
your job, how the promotion system                         at what he was doing, I really appreciate                    path and ensure they know and have                             professional development, things hap-
works, assignments, performance evalu-                     what he did for us.                                          the necessary resources for both their                         pening in their personal lives or changes
ations, deployments and so on?                                                                                          professional and personal lives.  We all                       taking place in the Air Force. Be that role
                                                              I understand now that he was mentor-                      have a responsibility to develop those                         model that you had when you first joined
   I would have to say no, however, I                      ing us and it was at these shop gather-                      we lead and supervise in becoming our                          the service or when you got to the base. 
would bet that at multiple points and                      ings that I learned about things like the                    replacements for tomorrow’s Air Force. 
times throughout your career someone                       assignment system, weighted Airman                                                                                             Don’t sit back, watch and think that
took the time to show you how they                         promotion system testing and things that                        You always hear people say that they                        someone else will take care of it.  Be that
worked and explained the ins and outs.                     were happening in the Air Force at the                       want their children to be better off than                      positive force in someone’s life.  If each
Today, we call it mentorship.  Some say                    time.  Additionally, he learned what was                     they were.  Well, as leaders and super-                        and everyone one of us took the time to
that it’s a catchphrase or a passing fad,                  going on in our lives and it gave him the                    visors, we should be saying the same                           mentor someone and help them succeed
but in all reality it has always been oc-                  opportunity to save me more than once                        about the Airmen who we are entrusted                          in the duty section, squadron and wing, 
curring, you more than likely just didn’t                  from doing something stupid.  Trust me                       with mentoring.  We have to take the                           you will uphold and reflect “excellence
think about them as mentors.                                                                                            time daily to help people reach their full                     in all we do.”

Holiday survival: weathering the financial blizzard

By Airman 1st Class Greg Nash                                 As a junior enlisted service member                       mind the costs of things such as gift wrap                     to your life as you lead up to the new year.
                                                           where money isn’t as plentiful, I look for                   and expenses associated with hosting a                            Financially surviving the holiday sea-
23d Wing Public Affairs                                    various ways to save for holiday spending.                   holiday party. Using a checklist to budget
                                                           The holiday spirit encourages an aura of                     for expenses such as shipping costs, new                       son can bring the new year into a positive
   MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. —                             giving and spending at will, which is hard                   holiday clothing, baking, traveling and                        light with peace of mind if you don’t have
It’s that time of year again. As the holiday               not to do. I ensure that I pay myself by put-                restaurant dining can also help gauge                          to worry about extra bills. During the
season approaches, we will be bombarded                    ting my money in savings before I make                       your financial plan. From there, you need                      holiday season, financial stress shouldn’t
with alluring advertisements, extensive                    purchases. I use last year’s income tax re-                  to decide what to give. Outright asking is                     be in your thoughts or be an obstacle you
winter holiday shopping lists from family                  turn and savings to get reasonable holiday                   always a good indicator, but being sponta-                     have to overcome. The season is designed
members and store holiday sales enticing                   gifts for my loved ones. On the other hand,                  neous and creative can make that gift more                     to give people the opportunity to celebrate
us to spend big.                                           military personnel higher up the rank                        memorable.                                                     their religious beliefs, cherish special mo-
                                                           structure may face similar problems with                                                                                    ments with family and friends, enjoy time
   Are you prepared to spend money during                  financial decisions despite a higher salary.                    Take the opportunity to reflect and                         off from work and try to figure out how
the holiday season? Are you nervous be-                    Regardless of your income, planning and                      cherish your most memorable holiday ex-                        you’re going to pass your physical train-
cause you’re still paying bills from last year?            saving your money is helpful.                                periences. Try to recreate that same holiday                   ing test after eating seven different types
Do you want to avoid last minute holiday                                                                                spirit for a wonderful experience with your                    of macaroni and cheese. I encourage you
shopping while singing holiday jingles for                    The median wage in the United States                      family. Additionally, keep deployed service                    to please be proactive and assess your
the millionth time in long check-out lines?                is approximately $27,000 per person. The                     members in your thoughts and prayers as                        finances to properly rejuvenate and enjoy
If questions like these have invaded your                  average American will spend approximately                    they won’t have the opportunity to enjoy                       your holiday season.
thoughts, several resources are available to               $700 on holiday gifts, totaling more than                    their families. Give something sentimental
help alleviate stress and to easily experience             $465 billion, the National Retail Federation                 that will be valuable to someone. Every-                          Whether you’re active duty, civilian, a
a rewarding and relaxing holiday season the                estimates. With that being said, it’s not rec-               thing isn’t about expensive gifts. The gift of                 Guardsman or Reservist, it’s important to
way it’s intended to be.                                   ommended for people to spend more than                       giving can be much more impactful when                         be financially savvy and in control of your
                                                           1.5 percent of their annual income on holi-                  there’s no price tag attached. Volunteering                    holiday spending. Think about the future
   Every year we have 364 days to prepare                  day spending, according to practical money                   to feed the homeless can be therapeutic                        and value the importance of not being
for Christmas, but most people manage to                   skills. However, if you decide to spend more                 and humbling experience. Have a family                         stressed from money issues. Don’t have a
only gain the shopping and holiday spirit af-              money, you can use your savings account to                   day. Call a friend you aren’t on the best                      consumer’s state of mind. You don’t have to
ter finishing the ham during Thanksgiving.                 help meet your spending goal.                                of terms with and be the bigger person to                      spend money as soon as you get it. Always
However, everyone can successfully have a                                                                               resolve the situation and take the blame.                      remember, today’s holiday gift can be next
pleasant and financially beneficial holiday                   Having an estimate on how much you                        Do things that will truly bring meaning                        year’s credit card bill. Enjoy a successful
season by being proactive, planning ahead                  plan to spend is a good first step. Keep in                                                                                 winter holiday.
and budgeting.

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