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Fort Irwin Soldiers honored at Armed Forces Day event
Children surround Spc. Matthew Bragg – of B Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment – for a photo opportunity at the 2015 Torrance Armed Forces Day Parade, May 16.
Story and photos by Gustavo Bahena – serving as grand marshal of the parade, May 16. Sirvidio is Afghanistan, said the show of support from the public in the
commander of the 11th Coast Guard District. parade and exhibit area was immense.
Public Affairs Office
Martin took part in the parade, riding in a convertible “The people were awesome and kind,” Falkowski said.
Leadership, Soldiers and civilian employees of this instal- and later observing floats and saluting military person- The sergeant said he met people from: Germany (one man
lation participated in a long-held event that brought out tens nel as they passed a reviewing stand for flag officers and who lived through World War II), the Netherlands, Veterans
of thousands to salute and honor military servicemembers, other dignitaries. from the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf War, and a couple
May 15-17. from Wisconsin -- his home state.
Soldiers of Fort Irwin supported by serving in a joint-services Rivers described people’s reactions as extremely happy when
National Training Center and Fort Irwin Commander Brig. color guard, marching and operating military vehicles in the they were able to try on his gear, such as the interceptor body
Gen. Joseph Martin, Soldiers of the 11th Armored Cavalry parade, and speaking with the public at the military exhibit area. armor and advanced combat helmet. Military Veterans were
Regiment, and civilians with Directorate of Public Works here Personnel from DPW displayed their environmental exhibit, impressed with the advancements made in equipment. Rivers
supported the 56th Armed Forces Day Celebration hosted by which included owls, snakes, spiders and other samples of the said he was grateful to speak with and hear stories by Veterans
the city of Torrance, Calif. The three-day festivities included biological diversity of the NTC terrain. and other people.
military static displays and a parade. “It was amazing – it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever
At the military exhibits, Sgt. Thomas Falkowski – a cavalry had,” Rivers said about participating in the three-day event.
Torrance’s Armed Forces Day Parade has the distinction of scout and team leader with Headquarters and Headquarters Sharynn McGee, of Long Beach, Calif., advocated for
being the nation’s longest running military parade sponsored Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment – and anyone who has the opportunity, to go see the parade and
by any city, according to the Torrance Web site. his Soldier, Spc. Thomas Rivers, answered questions about their
up-armored humvee (M1151), the M249 weapon in the turret See TORRANCE, page 12
This year, the United States Coast Guard was the honor- and their personal gear. Falkowski, who has deployed twice to
ary service, with a senior leader – Rear Adm. Joseph Sirvidio