Page 3 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 6-5-15
P. 3                                                                                            3High Desert Warrior
                                                                                                                                        June 5, 2015


Garrison command team will miss installation, great people

      By Gustavo Bahena        Col. Jon Braga                years, such as the flood of   opportunities for involve-                        “Always
                                                             2013. The flood affected      ment and volunteering are              strive to do the best you
       Public Affairs Office   ferent approaches – we’re     more than 100 buildings       also available.                      can to be part of the team,”
                               thinking more strategi-       and caused approximately                                         Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos Es-
   For the command team        cally, we’re even attacking   $100 million in damages.         There have been new           murria said. “It takes dedication
of Col. Jon Braga and          things from a very dif-       Repairs continue to this      and developing activities        to your craft, living a responsible
Command Sgt. Maj. Car-         ferent way, because we’ve     day and personnel who         such as the Mud and Guts           life, taking care of your family,
los Esmurria, leaving Fort     evolved. To me those are      have worked on the recov-     Run, the 50th Commemo-             and it takes supporting initia-
Irwin in July will be a bit-   the memorable moments         ery have done so in a very    ration of the Vietnam War,             tives and supporting the
tersweet moment.               – seeing that growth, be-     selfless way, Braga said. It  The Day of Gratitude –
                               ing at a command and          comes down to attitude.       where Gold Star families                      community.”
   The two have been at        staff (meeting) and seeing                                  were honored, and the
the helm of Fort Irwin         people talk differently or       Esmurria described the     Better Opportunities for        Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos Esmurria
United States Army Gar-        approach ideas differently,   right attitude as true dedi-  Single Soldiers program.
rison, the organization that   because the culture has       cation and making choices     Esmurria praised the ad-
manages the cantonment         changed – and we have         to be part of a solution.     vances made by BOSS in
area of this military instal-  allowed for that change                                     its participation.
lation, since mid-2013.        to happen. To me that is           “ You have a choice
It will be 24 months by        what is very memorable for    and you have an attitude,”       “That was a young ser-
the time the change of         me – just seeing that inner   Esmurria said. “For me        geant who just had the
command ceremony takes         growth in our population      personally, I look forward    initiative and the drive to
place, July 15.                and how that has affected     coming to work every day,     want to make something
                               the community at large at     because I have a great boss.  happen and we had a great
   In that time, Braga and     the NTC.”                     And we have great com-        rise in the BOSS program –
Esmurria, have been part                                     mand teams and we have        everything from volunteer-
of a team whose mission is        The garrison command-      some great people who         ing to leisure,” Esmurria
to sustain and improve the     er also expressed approval    truly are in it, not for      said about Sgt. Kohl Bebee.
quality of life of Soldiers    of the teamwork at USAG.      themselves, but to make
and family members who                                       a program or the instal-         The command sergeant
reside on this military in-       “I feel the pride of the   lation a better place. For    major stated his mantra
stallation – an installation   garrison team realizing       me it was good to get up      of: live a life of service and
with a very significant mis-   they are part of the eco-     in the morning and come       make every minute count.
sion. That mission, which      system, here, and that their  to work.”
affects military readiness,    individual and collective                                      “Always strive to do the
involves everyone here in      efforts actually directly        The colonel stated that    best you can to be part of
some manner, said Braga.       affects the readiness of the  for those who serve here      the team,” Esmurria said.
                               Army and national secu-       – although a remote loca-     “It takes dedication to your
   “The whole reason the       rity,” Braga said.            tion – the opportunities      craft, living a responsible
National Training Center                                     to perform their craft or     life, taking care of your
exists is for readiness of        Braga and Esmurria         military occupational spe-    family, and it takes sup-
brigade combat teams,”         recounted some of the         cialty are present. Other     porting initiatives and sup-
Braga said. “I hope in our     events and projects that                                    porting the community.”
collective efforts that we     took place these past two
have added to the resil-                                                                      Braga acknowledged
iency of the community                                                                     that it is not always easy
that directly relates to the                                                               and appreciates the dedica-
readiness of the Army and                                                                  tion by the workforce.
the mission of the NTC.”
                                                                                              “The magic really is
   Also in that timeframe,                                                                 the great team here in
the garrison team of Sol-                                                                  this remote and isolated
diers and civilian employ-                                                                 environment – this harsh
ees has gone through a                                                                     environment, with reduced
development that has di-                                                                   resources, reduced man-
rectly affected how chal-                                                                  power – but still making
lenges and projects for the                                                                mission at the end of the
benefit of the community                                                                   day in supporting this
have been worked on, said                                                                  community,” Braga said.
                                                                                              Braga also praised his
   “We introduced a new                                                                    right-hand man and said
culture, a new vision, what                                                                he was happy to be chang-
our mission is going to be                                                                 ing command the same day
and how we’re going to                                                                     as Esmurria relinquishes
[approach] leader devel-                                                                   responsibility.
opment,” Esmurria said
of the USAG team. “And                                                                        “Proud to have served
we’ve grown immensely                                                                      alongside my battle bud-
in that – in just how we                                                                   dy,” Braga said. “Could
think and how we ap-                                                                       not have asked for a better
proach things. We have dif-                                                                teammate.”

                                                                                              “Likewise sir,” Esmurria
                                                                                           said with a big smile.

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