Page 7 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 6-5-15
P. 7                                                                                  7High Desert Warrior
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          NOW THROUGH AUG. 5                                           Middle School and Teen Center Events:

SAC Summer Camp. 6 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday - Friday. 1322                Join MST this summer for great adventures. We will be going on field trips and having a blast with activities!
Pork Chop Hill. The Fort Irwin School Age Center Summer
Camp Program accommodates children from kindergarten to                Week 3: June 8-12                                                        Week 8: July 13-17
fifth grade. SAC encourages physical, emotional, and social de-        “Around the World in 5 days”                                             “Expressive Arts”
velopment through the following service areas: sports, fitness, and    Trip - San Diego Zoo; $45, deadline June 5.                              Trip - Sony Studios; $55, deadline July 10.
health options; life skills, citizenship and leadership; art, leisure  Week 4: June 15-19
and recreation; academic support, mentoring, and intervention.         “Mach 1”                                                                 Week 9: July 20-24
Children can choose from a variety of activities at each scheduled     Trip - Zip Lining at Big Bear; $55, deadline June 12.                    “Time Travelers”
time and are allowed to move from activity to activity. Daily          Week 5: June 22-26                                                       Trip - Calico Ghost Town; $25, deadline July 17.
Summer Camp Schedule: 6 a.m., morning summer activity; 8:30            “What’s Cooking”                                                         Week 10: July 27-31
a.m., breakfast; 9:15 a.m., opening ceremony (camp song and            Trip - Universal Studios $45, deadline June 19.                          “Wet and Wild”
pledge); 9:30 a.m., summer activity; 11:30 a.m., lunch; 12:30          Week 6: June 29-July 3                                                   Trip - Belmont Beach; $45, deadline July 24.
p.m., summer activity; 2:30 p.m., snack; 4 p.m., summer activ-         “Stars and Stripes”                                                      Week 11: Aug. 3-5
ity; 5:30 p.m., closing gathering and snack. Register with Parent      Trip - Cooking Class at Tspoons; $35, deadline June 26.                  “Tropical Paradise”
Central. For more information, call 380-4163.                          Week 7: July 6-10                                                        Trip - Oasis Pool; free, deadline July 31.
                                                                       “Anything Goes”
        JUNE 9-10 AND JUNE 16-17                                       Trip - Knott’s Berry Farm; $45, deadline July 3.

                                                                       Notice of annual water quality report

Army Family Team Building classes. 9 a.m. - noon. Building                     By Chris Woodruff, Water Resources Manager              Environmental Protection Agency and the State of California
1317 on Normandy Drive. June 9: Introduction to Military and                                                                           Title 22 requires that this report be prepared and posted by
Civilian Community Resources; Introduction to Family Readi-                                        Fort Irwin DPW                      the community water system on an annual basis to keep the
ness Groups; Military Family Preparedness. June 10: Resiliency,                                                                        public informed.
Be the Bouncing Ball; Learning to Communicate; Effective                  Fort Irwin’s Water System is operated under a privatization
Conflict Management. June 16: Problem Solving Strategies;              contract with CH2MHill. As the system ownership is not             Fort Irwin’s report contains information on the source of
Exploring Personality Traits; Improving Personal Relationships.        transferred to CH2MHill, compliance responsibilities still      the water and any contaminants that may be present in the
June 17: SuccessfulTeam Dynamics; Growing Through Change;              reside with the U.S. Army.                                      source water. For example, last year the Fort Irwin’s domestic
Resiliency During Crisis and Grief. Hourly Child Care available                                                                        use water exceeded the maximum contaminate limits for
to families registered in advance with CYSS. More classes in July         Fort Irwin has recently completed the Year 2014 Water        arsenic and fluoride. The reverse osmosis water provided at
after opportunity leave. For more information, call 380-2382.          Quality Report for Fort Irwin.                                  small taps and water fountains is safe to drink.

           JUNE 11 AND JUNE 15                                            CH2MHill routinely monitors (on behalf of Fort Irwin)           This report’s purpose is to improve public health protec-
                                                                       for constituents in the drinking water according to federal     tion by providing educational material to allow consumers
240th Army Birthday Celebration and meal. Dining facility 1 and        and state laws. The full results of the monitoring for the pe-  to make educated decisions regarding any potential health
2. June 11 – dining facility 2 will provide an Army Birthday meal.     riod of January 1 through December 31, 2014 are available       risks pertaining to the quality, treatment, and management
June 15, 1130 a.m. – Ceremony at dining facility 1. National           at             of their drinking water supply.
Training Center and Fort Irwin Commander Brig. Gen. Joseph             Pages/WaterQualityRpt.aspx. This Web site also contains
Martin will speak; cake cutting with youngest and oldest Soldier       previous year’s reports.                                           This year’s Water Quality Report along with previous years
on post; representation of different Army eras by Soldiers wearing                                                                     reports are available on the Fort Irwin Web site at http://
uniforms from Continental Army through today, and; special                It is important to Fort Irwin that our customers be in-
meal. Open to the Fort Irwin community.                                formed about water quality on Fort Irwin.                       WaterQualityRpt.aspx. For questions concerning this report
                                                                                                                                       or concerning the water system, contact the water resources
                                                                          Muy importante: Este informe contiene informacion muy        manager, Directorate of Public Works at 380-4987. If you
                                                                       importante sobre su agua de beber. Traduzcalo o hable con       have questions concerning Fort Irwin Water System opera-
                                                                       alguien que lo entienda bien.                                   tions, contact CH2MHill at 386-9706.

                                                                          The Year 2014 Water Quality Report meets all require-
                                                                       ments for the Consumer Confidence Report for 2014. The


Old Miners Heritage Parade & Old Miners Days Festival. 11:30           June 5                   Age of Ultron (PG-13)   June 20
a.m. Big Bear, Calif. Celebrate the heritage of the Big Bear Val-      7 p.m. Unfriended (R)    June 13                 4 p.m. Inside Out (PG)
ley and honor members of the community and military. Free for          June 6                   4 p.m. Monkey           7 p.m. Inside Out (PG)
spectators.                                                            4 p.m. Monkey            Kingdom (G)             June 21
                                                                       Kingdom (G)              7 p.m. Furious 7 (PG-   7 p.m. Inside Out (PG)
                  JUNE 15-19                                           7 p.m. The Longest Ride  13)                     June 24
                                                                       (PG-13)                  June 14                 7 p.m. Inside Out (PG)
Youth Bowling Camp. Youth Sports on Inner Loop Road next               June 7                   7 p.m. The Avengers:    June 26
to the Kyle Coyote Spray Park, Starz Bldg. Open to ages 7 to 18;       7 p.m. Unfriended (R)    Age of Ultron (PG-13)   7 p.m. The Age of
$35. Register at Parent Central building 109 on Langford Lake          June 10                  June 17                 Adaline (PG-13)
Road. Call 380-2257.                                                   2 p.m. Spongebob: The    2 p.m. Cinderella (PG)  June 27
                                                                       Movie (PG)               June 19                 4 p.m. Inside Out (PG)
               JUNE 18 - JULY 5                                        June 12                  7 p.m. Inside Out (PG)  7 p. m. Little Boy
                                                                       7 p.m. The Avengers:                             (PG-13)
Opportunity leave.
                                                                        Tickets: Adult - $5.00/3D-$7.00, Children 6-11 - $2.50/3D-$4.50 Five and Under
                                                                         are FREE. This schedule is subject to change at the last minute to accommodate
                                                                        changes in movies and free showings. ID cards are required from all personnel not
                                                                       in uniform when purchasing movie tickets. For more information and movie updates,

                                                                                                                 call 380-3490.

                                                                                                                                                           For more information go to
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