Page 11 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 6-5-15
P. 11                                                           11High Desert Warrior
                                                                                                     June 5, 2015

                                                                                            Your Youth

Stepmother not liable in Cinderella                                                         Homeschoolers learn about Fort
civil suit                                                                                  Irwin’s natural, prehistoric worlds

Story and photo by Leslie Ozawa                                                             Story and photo by Leslie Ozawa

         Public Affairs Office                                                                       Public Affairs Office

At Fort Irwin’s Law Day on                                                                     In late March, about 50
                                                                                            Fort Irwin homeschool stu-
May 1, Fort Irwin Middle School                                                             dents got an up-close and (a
                                                                                            little) dirty look at life in the
5th graders gathered in their                                                               sands, brush and rocks that
                                                                                            make up most of the National
school gym to participate and                                                               Training Center.

watch a mock civil trial, Cinder-                                                              Directorate of Public Works
                                                                                            Environmental Division and
ella v. Evil Stepmother, staged by                                                          NTC G3 Integrated Train-
                                                                                            ing Area Management staff Redhorse Corporation archaeologist Dr. Katherine
Fort Irwin’s Staff Judge Advocate                                                           hosted about 30 children, 9 Burnett explains to homeschool students how
                                                                                            years and younger, and their early Native American hunters used the atlatl.
Office.                                                                                     parents at five “discovery sta-
                                                                                            tions” at the DPW Environmental archaeology of the surrounding area. Or-
Could Cinderella, newly mar-                                                                Outreach Center here, March 26. ganizing and coordinating the field trips
                                                                                            The next day, 10-17 year-old stu- were Stacy Baquera, for the homeschool-
ried to Prince Charming, sue her                                                            dents explored the Painted Rocks ers, and Liana Aker for DPW.
                                                                                            area of Fort Irwin Road, to learn To arrange visits to the center, call
stepmother for back wages for                                                               more about the geology, biology and DPW at 380-5044.

chores she did while living in her

house with her two stepsisters?

The verdict was unanimous. Stepmother, played by Deputy Staff Judge Advocate

The jury found for the defendant, Maj. Carol Brewer, cheers a favorable verdict.

Stepmother, played by Deputy Staff

Judge Advocate Maj. Carol Brewer. The “We used this story to show the impor-

jury of 12 FIMS students decided that each tance of law in society, and how just decisions

member of a household has a responsibility are reached in a dispute,” said Maj. Jerrod

to perform chores and is not entitled to be Fussnecker, chief of justice at the Fort Irwin

paid for chores performed.          Staff Judge Advocate office.

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