Page 14 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 6-5-15
P. 14

14 High Desert Warrior                                                                                  
        June 5, 2015

Army Values

Two from B/229th AVN REGT named NCO, Soldier of theYear

       Story and photos by Gustavo Bahena                   Salinas explained that the different events of the    Soldier of the Year for fiscal year 2014-15 Pfc. Jonathan Tanner runs during the React
                                                         competition tested Soldiers and NCOs in the many         to Indirect Fire While Dismounted portion of Army Warrior Task testing, May 19.
                    Public Affairs Office                aspects of being a professional Soldier.

   After a competition amongst four Soldiers and            “The NCO and Soldier of the Year competition
four non-commissioned officers, two were selected        is very significant, because the Soldiers and NCOs
as National Training Center and Fort Irwin NCO           who participated in this event have won several
and Soldier of the Year, May 22.                         stages of mental and physical tests the last fiscal
                                                         year,” Salinas said.
   The Soldier of the Year for fiscal year 2014-15 is
Pfc. Jonathan Tanner and the NCO of the Year for            By winning here, Tanner and Phan are sched-
fiscal year 2014-15 is Sgt. Monik Phan. They are         uled to compete at United States Army Forces
both with B Company, 229th Aviation Regiment,            Command in Fort Bragg, N.C., in September, said
2916th Aviation Battalion, 916th Support Brigade.        Salinas. Two runners up – Staff Sgt. Derek Steven-
                                                         son and Pfc. Page Frazier – will also be preparing.
   Tanner – who is an unmanned aircraft systems          The four will undertake a training program to be
operator – arrived to the NTC in August and won          developed by their unit first sergeants and com-
three boards, including post-level Soldier of the        mand sergeant major.
Quarter for the second quarter of fiscal year 2014-
15, before taking the top honors.                           Tanner said the most challenging part of com-
                                                         peting was preparing while conducting his regular
   Phan – a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and       duties. He received support from his first-line
Nuclear NCO – also won several boards, and was           supervisor and others.
the installation NCO of the Quarter for the third
quarter of fiscal year 2014-15.                             “I’m very grateful that I get to represent B Co.,
                                                         229th,” Tanner said. “I want to thank every single
   The interim command sergeant major for the            person in my company … every single person I
NTC and Fort Irwin, Command Sgt. Maj. Noe                work with has helped me get to where I am. They
Salinas, described Phan and Tanner as “the best of       deserve recognition.”
the best.”
                                                            Phan – the only female contestant – expressed
   “Sgt. Phan is a dedicated young NCO who               pride in her achievement. She prepared for the com-
strives for excellence and tries to put herself above    petition while supervising six Soldiers in her section.
and beyond other NCOs,” Salinas said.
                                                            “The hard work does pay off,” Phan said. “I
   Salinas described Tanner as a new Soldier to the      would like to thank the chain of command. They
installation and has shown, in a relatively short time,  have been very supportive and rooted us on.”
he wants to excel and stand out.
                                                            Salinas stated that 916th SPT BDE has a great
   The competition included: a field uniform             professional development program for Soldiers,
inspection; weapon’s zero and qualification; a day       NCOs and commissioned officers. He credits the
and night land navigation; Warrior Tasks testing; an     commander, Col. Mattew Ruedi, and his enlisted
Army Physical Fitness Test; a written test and essay,    advisor, Command Sgt. Maj. Sean Rice.
and; a formal board appearance in front of several
sergeant’s major.

The contenders in the NCO and Soldier of the Year for fiscal year 2014-15 Competition:        Non-commissioned Officer of the Year for fiscal year 2014-15 Sgt. Monik Phan shouts
(top row) Pfc. Milian Tabuso, Pfc. Jonathan Tanner, Pfc. Page Frazier and Pfc. Lamarcez       during the Evaluate a Casualty portion of Army Warrior Task testing, May 19.
Ellis. (bottom row) Staff Sgt. Derek Stevenson, Sgt. Jose Linares, Sgt. Monik Phan and Staff
Sgt. Kenith Thompson. Ellis serves with 2nd Transportation Company, 1916th Support
Battalion and Linares serves with Headquarters and Headquarters Co., 1916th SPT BN. The
others serve with B Co., 229th Aviation Regiment, 2916th Aviation Battalion. All fall under
the 916th Support Brigade.

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