Page 10 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 6-5-15
P. 10
10 High Desert Warrior
June 5, 2015
Congratulations graduates!
Story and photos by Gustavo Bahena lege faculty also attended. successful I can be, and with motivation and determination,
Col. Kevin Jacobi, commander of 11th Armored Cavalry anything is possible.”
Public Affairs Office
Regiment, represented post leadership and provided remarks. Staff Sgt. Lynnis Nickelson – a tank crewmember with
A consolidated graduation ceremony honored graduates of He complimented the graduates and described their achieve- Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th
higher education here, May 12. ments as extremely significant. ACR and a member of the S-3 battle staff – received his as-
sociates of science degree in criminal justice from Kaplan
The 18th annual ceremony hosted by the Fort Irwin Educa- “Congratulations for earning something that no one can University. Just one month after being stationed here in April
tion Center recognized military servicemembers, family mem- ever take away from you,” Jacobi said. “And congratulations 2012, he began his studies. His lowest grade was an A minus,
bers and civilian employees of the National Training Center for entering a new phase in your life, be that continued service and he didn’t want to get anything worse, so he bought an
and Fort Irwin. Almost 80 graduates completed a course of in the military or following your dreams in contributing to Internet hotspot and did schoolwork in the field when possible.
study leading to qualifications ranging from certificates of society in another way. The road you have taken requires dedi-
achievement to master’s degree diplomas. cation and perseverance. Congratulations on your persistence His wife, Nicola, acknowledged that he made sacrifices
and achieving the goals you have set for yourself. We are all to succeed.
Approximately 25 of the graduates attended the ceremony, very proud of you.”
which included an audience of family, friends, servicemembers, “I am so excited for him,” Nicola said. “I’m just happy that
and leadership of post units. Carol Queen graduated with an associates of arts in social he achieved his dream … because it was a lot of hard work.”
science from the Barstow College and, while addressing the
Academic institution representatives at the event included: audience, said it was challenging being a military spouse and The non-commissioned officer stated he will start this fall
Dr. Debbie DiThomas, superintendent/president of Barstow going to school, but well “worth it in the end.” working on his bachelor’s, which could lead to a career in
Community College; Marcia Zableckis, president of the Board homeland security.
of Trustees for the Barstow Community College District; “Military families face many challenges, and going to school
Mark Clair, academic director of Park University, and; John usually is difficult because you’re constantly moving around, “When it comes to your education, you have to make a
Valentine, director of the Fort Irwin Education Center. Col- and it can be hard to stick to a career plan,” Queen explained. decision to invest in your future,” Nickelson said. “So …
“Barstow Community College has opened my eyes to how you’re going to have to make some sacrifices, but in the end
it’s going to work out for the better.”
Sunghee Yun, recipient of a bachelor of science in social psychology from Park University,
and Carol Queen, recipient of an associates of arts in social science from Barstow
Community College. They were the student speakers at the 2015 Consolidated Graduation
Ceremony here, May 12.
Dr. Debbie DiThomas, superintendent/president of Barstow Community College, Twenty-five graduates attended the ceremony, May 12. Seventy-eight servicemembers,
performs a hooding ceremony for Capt. Frank Lenart, who received a master’s family members and civilian employees of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin
degree in management and leadership from Webster University. completed a course of study leading to qualifications ranging from certificates of
achievements to master’s degree diplomas.
For more information go to
Jeremy Berenschot is congratulated
by Col. Kevin Jacobi at the 2015
Fort Irwin Consolidated Graduation
Ceremony, May 12. Berenschot
received a bachelor of science in
computer networks security from
the University of Maryland University
College. Jacobi is the commander of
the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment.