Page 2 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior 6-5-15
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2 High Desert Warrior                                                                                             
        June 5, 2015
                                                                                                                                                 WHO WE ARE

                                                                                                                                        Brig. Gen. Joseph Martin
                                                                                                                                          Commanding General

NTC bids farewell to post CSM, hails interim                                                                                              Command Sgt. Maj. Noe Salinas
                                                                                                                                                         Post CSM
                    Story and photos by Leslie Ozawa
                                                                                                                                                    Col. Jon P. Braga
                               Public Affairs Office                                                                                             Garrison Commander

                                                                                                                                        Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos Esmurria
                                                                                                                                                      Garrison CSM

   In a ceremony here April 30, Command Sgt. Maj. Stephen                                                                                             Pamela Portland
Travers relinquished responsibility of serving as the National                                                                                     Public Affairs Director
Training Center’s senior enlisted advisor to its commanding
general, Brig. Gen. Joseph Martin.                                                                                                          High Desert Warrior Staff

   Assuming the duties of overseeing the policies, standards,                                                                                     Gustavo Bahena, Editor
and conduct of all Soldiers serving on Fort Irwin is former                                                                                             (760) 380-2452
NTC Operations Group Command Sgt. Maj. Noe Salinas.
He now serves as NTC’s interim command sergeant major.                                                                                  Leslie Ozawa, Staff Writer/Photographer

   Travers’ next assignment takes him to Fort Eustis, Va., as                                                                                           (760) 380-3450
the senior enlisted advisor at the Army Capabilities Integra-
tion Center (ARCIC).                                                                                                                    Jason Miller, Staff Writer/Photographer

   In addressing the more than 200 Soldiers, civilian employees                                                                                         (760) 380-3073

                                                                                                                                         Agustin Rodriguez, Editorial Assistant

                                                                                                                                                   Aerotech News

                                                                                                                                             Emma Uribe, Graphic Designer

and military family members at a ceremony held at Sandy Basin

Community Center, Martin praised Travers, saying, “Steve,                                                                               HIGH DESERT WARRIOR
you’ve helped guide NTC through a ‘goliath’ transition, a

transition from counter-insurgency training to decisive action,     Interim post command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Noe Salinas  High Desert Warrior, a civilian enterprise newspaper, is
[which] we lead the Army with that today.”                                                                                              an authorized publication for members of the United
                                                                    Regiment command sergeant major.                                    States Army and Fort Irwin community. Contents of this
   “Soldier Readiness and Resiliency – you established the              Salinas, a native of Brownsville, Texas, entered that Army      newspaper are not necessarily official view of, or en-
Desert Strong program, created an incredible handbook that                                                                              dorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense,
stands for resiliency for all installation Soldiers and families,”  as an Infantryman in 1985. His previous non-commissioned            Department of the Army or Fort Irwin and the National
Martin said. “And for that, we are truly grateful.”                 officer assignments have taken him to Fork Polk; Camp Casey,        Training Center. High Desert Warrior is prepared weekly
                                                                    Korea; Fort Hood, and; Ledward Barracks and Grafenwoehr             by the Public Affairs Office, National Training Center and
   Martin noted how Travers had impacted the NTC: “Soldier          in Germany. He deployed to Operation Just Cause, Kosovo,            Fort Irwin, P.O. Box 105067, Fort Irwin, CA, 92310-5067.
morale is high at NTC. Our Soldiers enjoy coming to work            Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.             Telephone: 380-4511 or DSN 470-4511. FAX: 380-3075.
each day.”                                                          His military training includes the sniper course, air assault       High Desert Warrior is distributed Monthly 12 Months per
                                                                    course, battle staff course, drill sergeant course, rappel master   year. It is produced at Aerotech News and Review, 456
   Martin also thanked Travers’ wife Kathi for her volunteer        course, Bradley master gunner course, basic mountaineering          East Avenue K-4, Suite 8, Lancaster, CA, 93535,
work at the museum here, for helping raise thousands of dollars     course, and Army combatives level 1-2.                              (661) 945-5634. Printed circulation is 6,500. Aerotech
for local charities and scholarships, and for being “a superb                                                                           News and Review is a private firm in no way connected
mentor” for spouses and Fort Irwin’s Family Readiness Groups.           Salinas’ awards include the Legion of Merit, four Bronze        with the Department of the Army and is responsible for
                                                                    Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, six Meritorious Service             the commercial advertising found in this publication.
    In his farewell speech, Travers thanked NTC subordinate         Medals, six Army Commendation Medals, and seven Army                Everything advertised in this publication will be made
commands and the BOSS program for their work in support-            Achievement Medals. He is a member of the Order of Saint            available for purchase, use or patronage without regard
ing Fort Irwin Soldiers and families and commented, “Your           Maurice and the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club. He has a                to race, color, religion, sex, national orientation, age,
Soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership. Not good           bachelor of science in business administration from Tuoro           marital status, physical handicap or political affiliation
leadership, not OK leadership, not when-nobody’s-looking-           International University and is pursuing a master’s degree in       of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation
leadership, but outstanding leadership ... we are all responsible                                                                       of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser will
… because that’s where it’s all about.”                                                                                                 result in refusal to print advertising from that source. The
                                                                                                                                        appearance of advertisements in this publication does
   Travers, a native of Massachusetts, entered the Army as an                                                                           not constitute an endorsement by the Department of
Infantryman in 1986 and previously served at Fort Irwin as a                                                                            the Army of the products or services advertised.
task force command sergeant major trainer with Operations                                                                               Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc.
                                                                                                                                        (877) 247-9288,

Group’s Tarantula Team, and as the 11th Armored Cavalry business administration.

                                                                                                                                        NEWSPAPER AWARDS

                                                                                                                                          2nd Place, 2009 U.S. Army IMCOM-West
                                                                                                                                         Newspaper Competition — Tabloid Category

                                                                                                                                        Honorable Mention, 2008 Dept. of the Army
                                                                                                                                                      Maj. Gen. Keith L. Ware

                                                                                                                                         Newspaper Competition — Tabloid category

                                                                                                                                           3rd Place, 2007 U.S. Army IMCOM-West
                                                                                                                                         Newspaper Competition — Tabloid Category

                                                                                                                                                 SEND US FEEDBACK

                                                                                                                                           Send your questions, suggestions, or problems to:

                                                                                                                                        1. Your chain of command

                                                                                                                                        2. ICE (Interactive Customer Evaluation)

                                                                                                                                        3. CG’s Hotline: 380-5463

National Training Center and Fort Irwin Commander Brig. Gen. Joseph         National Training Center and Fort Irwin
Martin congratulates Command Sgt. Maj. Stephen Travers. Travers received a  Commander Brig. Gen. Joseph Martin presented
Legion of Merit award for his service to the NTC as post command sergeant   a Commanders Award to Kathi Travers, spouse of
major from November 2013 to April 2015.                                     Command Sgt. Maj. Stephen Travers.

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