Page 12 - Aerotech News and Review, September 17, 2021
P. 12

High Desert Hangar Stories
   F-4C 63-7519: Honoring the heritage of George AFB

   by Bob Alvis                  person’s story to give those not “in the
   special to Aertoech News      know” a bit of history, as to why that
                                 person is worthy of admiration. This
     There was once a public service   old war bird needs a person to stand
   announcement that ran on television   up on its behalf and share its story and
   many years ago, featuring a Native   show why it needs to be respected. So
   American (portrayed by Iron Eyes   let me take the podium for a few min-
   Cody) who shed a single, poignant tear   utes and share the story of what one old
   as he looked at litter tossed along an   F-4 on a pedestal did, while America
   American highway.             went about its daily chores. Its story
     Sadly, we still see that after all these   is in its assignments and when all is
   years, we are not doing much better   said and done, how can we not respect
   when it comes to how we embrace the   its journey and the thousands of hands
   upkeep of not only our country’s natu-  that went along for the ride or kept it
   ral resources, but of the many items   in the air?
   that make up our landscape of Ameri-  The history of the McDonnell Doug-
   can Pride.                    las F-4C Phantom II 63-7519 — its as-
     This past weekend, as I went to   signments from delivery to display:
   look for some of that American pride
   in honor of the victims of 9/11, one of   June 1964-July 1964: 15th Tacti-
   my stops had me feeling much like Iron   cal Fighter Wing, MacDill Air Force
   Eyes from years ago. I discovered that   Base, Fla.
   a point of pride for all those who served   July 1964-Sept. 1964: 8th Tactical
   at Victorville Army Airfield/George   Fighter Wing, George AFB, Calif.
   Air Force Base had been visited by a   Sept. 1964-Oct. 1964: 15th Tacti-
   thief of pride. This nameless individu-  cal Fighter Wing, MacDill Air Force
   al put self over others by defacing the   Base, Fla.
   symbol of honorable service rendered   Oct. 1964-July 1965: 8th Tactical
   by thousands of men and women —   Fighter Wing, George AFB, Calif.
   generations who took pride in service   July 1965-Aug. 1965: Air Force
   to country by keeping those old war-  Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB,
   birds in the air, back in the day when   Calif.
   they were our front line of defense and   Aug. 1965-Sept. 1965: 8th Tactical
   the “tip of the spear.”       Fighter Wing, George AFB, Calif.
     Many  would  attribute  this  to  a   Sept. 1965-Feb. 1966: Combat Crew
   changing culture where we would   Training Wing, Davis-Monthan AFB,
   just look the other way and say, “It’s   Ariz.
   just an old plane and who really cares   Feb.  1966: 8th Tactical Fighter
   anymore?” These vintage display air-  Wing, George AFB, Calif.
   craft symbolize military service of old,   Feb. 1966: 479th TFW, George
   and that history doesn’t really mean a   AFB, Calif.
   thing to the generation that, for all in-  March 1966-Oct. 1966: 366th TFW,
   tents and purposes, is not being taught   Phan Rang AB, South Vietnam
   the history, or just doesn’t care about   Oct. 1966-Sept. 1967: 366th TFW,
   these relics from the past and what they   Da Nang AB, South Vietnam
   represent.                      Sept. 1967-April 1968: Camn Rahn
     An old F-4 on display honors the   Bay AB, South Vietnam
   service of many: the men and women,   April 1968-Dec. 1969: 347th TFW,
   the ground crews, the support staff,   Yokota AB, Japan
   the pilots, the weapons officers. For   Dec. 1969-Oct. 1971: 479th TFW,                                                               Photograph by Bob Alvis
   many years they were a part of this old   George AFB, Calif.  A heartbreaking sight: F-4C 63-7519 at the former George Air Force Base, Calif.
   bird’s story and history. It doesn’t have   Oct. 1971-Feb. 1972: 35th TFW,
   a soul or a heartbeat, but it does have   George AFB, Calif.  July 1986: Battle Damage Trainer,   It’s “just an old war bird,” but by   carries the voices of past generations
   something that made it live: it had us. It   Feb. 1972-July 1982: 58th TFW,   George AFB, Calif.  God, old 63-7519 deserves better. I   and shares them with the winds of the
   can’t feel the pain of what we see here,   Luke AFB, Ariz.    Oct. 1989: Display, George AFB,   will say that thanks to volunteers, the   High Desert.
   but we do, and we just shake our heads   July 1982-March 1983: MD Tulsa,   Calif.         attempt to keep the old girl relevant   George Air Force Base, 1975-1979:
   and wonder why.               Okla.                           Nov. 2016: Restored, displayed,   will carry on in a society that can never   Proud of my part in keeping the mis-
     When somebody retires, many times   March 1983-July 1986: TFG, March   George AFB, Calif.  grasp what an amazing story of perse-  sion going, as that old three-stripe buck
   at a retirement party people share that   AFB, Calif.                                     verance and service to country looks   sergeant who loved those old F-4’s.
                                                                 Respect! Respect for an old war-  like, when it comes to a silent bird that   Until next time, Bob out …
                                                               bird that did more for its crews and
                                                               pilots then we as a nation could ever                                           The
                                                               have hoped for. If this were a human,                                           heroes
                                                               it would have been put out to pasture                                           who
                                                               many years before it ended up as yard                                           gave the
                                                                                                                                               F-4C, tail
                                                               art in honor of the thousands that made                                         number
                                                               it live and breathe in peace time and                                           63-7519,
                                                               in war.                                                                         a new
                                                                 Sadly, I don’t know what it will take                                         lease on
                                                               to halt a spray can intent on defacing a                                        life.
                                                               memorial as, I’m sure, the perpetrators
                                                               could care less about an old man with
                                                               tears in his eyes who sees this old bird
                                                               as a reminder of those heroes who gave
                                                               years of living (and some, their lives)
                                                               to say to America, ‘This is my gift to
                                                               you and all the freedoms you enjoy.
                                                 Air Force photograph  I will not get these days back on my
   F-4C tail number 63-7519 during its time at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz.  death bed but for you and your children
                                                               it’s a price we are willing to pay.’                              Photograph by Bob Alvis
                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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