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Aerotech News
Journal of Aerospace, Defense Industry and Veteran News
and Review
and Review
Veterans Day marked at Field of Healing and Honor
Photograph by Evelyn Kristo
Antelope Valley residents gather together Nov. 11, 2020, to honor veterans on Veterans Day at the Healing and Honor Field, set up at Pelona Vista Park in Palmdale, Calif.
by Dennis Anderson and chorused the words of the Coast Guard song, and many got on their feet to cheer him on. coffee klatsch, Marine veteran Tony Tortolano
special to Aerotech News “Semper Paratus,” meaning “Always Ready.” He Others sang their tunes, trying to keep up with stood tallest, and sang loudest, “The Marine
sang along with his Vietnam War-era vet buddy, a thundering public address system, with Army Corps Hymn” — and Marine veterans got to their
PALMDALE, Calif.—A series of emotional Dave Corbin, of the American Legion and Patriot “War on Terror” vet John Parsamyan singing feet en masse.
moments cascaded across a field of 2,020 Amer- Guard Riders. “The Army Song,” with its caissons rolling along; The City of Palmdale, which spearheaded the
ican flags, with veterans in a variety of keys Sapp spent more than three months hospital- Vietnam War sailor Terry Ritz singing “Anchors display of thousands of flags at Pelona Vista Park,
gathered for Veterans Day singing the songs of ized with COVID-19 — a Vietnam War veteran Aweigh,” and Iraq War veteran of the Air Force, took pains to deliver a safe event on a large field
their respective branches of service, including a with a number of underlying conditions, includ- Mayra “Dee” Duarte, singing the Air Force song, where the hundreds of veterans and their friends
Vietnam War veteran of the Coast Guard who ing age, he fought for his life on a ventilator, only “Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder,” as a pair and families would not crowd together and create
survived months of recovery from COVID-19. returning after weeks in the Greater Los Angeles of F-16s from Edwards Air Force Base thundered a danger of spreading COVID-19. Mask-wearing
Cheers erupted on the stage when retired Lt. VA Health Center in West Los Angeles. overhead. on the field was carefully observed, and seats
Cmdr. Walter Sapp approached the microphone He was an inspiration to all who knew him, As is often the case at his weekly Coffee4Vets See FLAGS, Page 3
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