Page 2 - Aerotech News and Review, November 20, 2020
P. 2
Veterans honored in Mojave
by Cathy Hansen
special to Aerotech News
Beautiful November weather with light winds
greeted veterans and supporting citizens at the Vet-
erans Day Ceremony in Legacy Park at Mojave How to contact
Aerotech News and Review
Air and Space Port, Nov. 11. • Mail: 220 E. Ave. K-4, #7
The annual event is sponsored by Mojave Trans-
Lancaster CA 93535
portation Museum Foundation, Mojave Chamber • E-Mail:
of Commerce and Mojave Air and Space Port. • Phone: (661) 945-5634
Al Hansen displayed veteran aircraft, includ- • Fax: (661) 723-7757
ing a North American T-28B and Canadair Mk
VI (F-86) Sabre.
Keynote speaker was U.S. Air Force Veteran Advertising
James Peck, who served with the 562nd U.S. Air Corporate Headquarters:
Force Band in Van Nuys for nine years, playing (877) 247-9288
the saxophone and clarinet. While serving, he
earned his teaching degree in music and taught Subscriber Services
at local Southern California schools for 36 years. Subscriptions to Aerotech News
Ever the teacher, Peck’s talk centered on the and Review are $59 for six
history of Veterans Day and the wars America was months or $89 for one year. For
involved in. “As you know, Nov. 11 was called more information, contact the
Armistice Day, because it was the day in 1918 subscription department at:
that the Armistice was signed between the Allies 220 E. Ave. K-4, #7,
and Germany ending World War I, the ‘War to Lancaster CA 93535
end all Wars.’
“In 1954, President Eisenhower changed the Story ideas, letters, editorials
name of the day to Veterans Day to honor veterans Please address all letters and editorials
of all wars,” Peck said. to Stuart A. Ibberson, editor, 220 E.
“Was World War I the war to end all wars? No, Ave. K-4, # 7, Lancaster CA 93535 or
we now have 20/20 vision of the history of the email
wars we were involved in,” said Peck.
Veterans Day coordinator and emcee, Cathy Web Site
Hansen, reminded everyone that Nov. 10 was the Access the Aerotech News web
245th birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps and that site at
we celebrated the dedicated service of Marines Photograph by Cathy Hansen
who, for nearly two and a half centuries, have Guest speaker, Air Force veteran James Peck, stands by the POW/MIA Table as he surprises Submissions for upcoming events, air
upheld a proud legacy of Honor, Courage, and attendees with a saxophone rendition of America the Beautiful at the Mojave Air and Space Port shows and museums
Commitment. Veterans Day ceremony, Nov. 11, 2020. should be addressed to
Pastor Charles Lowery, Vietnam veteran, 101st Web Updates, 220 E. Ave. K-4,
Airborne U.S. Army, led the Invocation and clos- world are to be commended. The noble duty to de- God bless each of you and continue to bless # 7, Lancaster CA 93535
ing prayers, Air Force veteran Timothy Lomba America.” or email
sang the National Anthem and God Bless America. fend family, friends and neighbors is one very few Kern County Second District Supervisor Zack For questions concerning the web site,
Peck also surprised everyone with a saxophone of us make and one we all are indebted to honor. contact the webmaster at
solo of America the Beautiful, after Sally and Ken “It is admirable that we have so many of these Scrivner’s Field Representative, Joshua Foster,
Kendall gave a meaningful presentation of the patriots living in our community. May we show, offered appreciation to all veterans and noted the
POW/MIA Tribute. Ken is a Vietnam veteran and today and every day, our sincere appreciation to many Kern County veterans who have served our Where you can get
served with the U.S. Marine Corps. those who have valiantly served. Even with their nation. Aerotech News and Review
Congressman Kevin McCarthy sent a letter many accomplishments in uniform, they continue Tami Kelley reminded everyone of the Wreaths For information on
in which he said, “Our nation is a country that to live out their lives with remarkable humility and Across America project that will take place at Aerotech distribution, call
embodies the freedoms of its citizens. The brave grace.” cemeteries all over the country. On Dec. 19, she (661) 945-5634 or visit
individuals who chose to answer our nation’s call The letter concluded, “Our veterans are heroes, will head up the wreath laying ceremony at Mo-
to protect our freedoms and democracy and liber- and our nation is grateful for their sacrifices. We jave Cemetery, where more than 400 veterans are
ate and protect the freedoms of others around the thank you for your service to our country. May buried.
Aerotech News and Review is published
every other Friday, serving the
aerospace and defense industry of
Southern California, Nevada and
Arizona. News and ad copy deadline
is noon on the Tuesday prior to
publication. The publisher assumes no
responsibility for error in ads other
than space used. Your comments are
welcomed and encouraged. Write to
the address below.
• Publisher ....................Paul Kinison
• Business Manager ....... Lisa Kinison
• Editor .................... Stuart Ibberson
• National Advertising
Manager .....................Paul Kinison
Photographs by Cathy Hansen
Above: Guest speaker, Air Force veteran James Peck, event coordinator Aerotech News and Review
and emcee, Cathy Hansen, and Joshua Foster, field representative 220 E. Ave. K-4, #7
for Kern County Second District Supervisor Zack Scrivner, attend the Lancaster, CA 93535
Mojave Air and Space Port Veterans Day ceremonies Nov. 11. Right: e-mail:
Wreaths Across America will take place Dec. 19 at cemeteries all over Visit our web site at
the United States, including at the Mojave Cemetery, where more than
400 veterans have their final resting place.
Aerotech News and Review
2 ........ November 20, 2020