Page 3 - Aerotech News and Review, November 20, 2020
P. 3

FLAGS, from 1
          were placed at social distance while   as law enforcement, firefighters, and   alerted, and the rescue succeeded. But
          others remained on their feet.  frontline health care workers taking   Air Force Staff Sgt. Douglas Eccleston
           City of Palmdale Mayor Steve Hof-  care of people during the pandemic.  died in the line of duty that day, on his
          bauer welcomed all the dignitaries and   When the Los Angeles Sheriff’s De-  first operational mission. His valor and
          recognized Palmdale’s city manager,   partment deputies who patrol in Palm-  willingness to serve provided Murphy
          J.J. Murphy, as a veteran himself, “an   dale entered the field, there was a wave   some of the motivation to develop a
          Air Force major.”             of applause.                  concept that would contribute to na-
           Murphy approached the Palmdale   “We wanted to do this to honor the   tional unity and healing in divisive
          City Council with the proposal of   living, and the ones no longer with   times.
          2,020 flags on a large field to mark   us,” Murphy said, realizing that he was   He thanked the key sponsoring orga-
          an inflection point in a year that has   already tearing up one page into his   nization, the Palmdale Auto Mall As-
          been a challenge for everyone dealing   speech. “We wanted to honor our law   sociation, and he thanked community
          with a still-unfolding pandemic, a bat-  enforcement, and firefighters, and the   newcomer Amazon, Palmdale. The on-
          tered economy, and protests for social   health care personnel who have done   line retailer bought 100 flags in honor
          justice in the wake of the killing of   so much to save lives and protect us.”  of the 16 Antelope Valley young men,
          George Floyd at the hands of police in   Murphy shared his story of work-  and young woman, who have been
          Minneapolis.                  ing in the Air Force Rescue Coordi-  killed in the wars that erupted after the
           Murphy proposed that the proceeds   nation Center, recalling a mission he   terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. They
          from all the flags purchased be used to   dispatched to retrieve a sea captain on   also sponsored flags dedicated to the
          fund veterans’ service groups — and   a Panamanian-registered ship, who had   “AV 76,” the 76 young men from the
          that the flags themselves honor vet-  taken seriously ill. The elite Air Force   Antelope Valley who were killed in ac-
          erans and active-duty troops, as well   unit of rescue jumpers, “The PJs” were   tion during the Vietnam War.
                                                                       Rick Casper, an Iraq War veteran
                                                                      and Army senior NCO, mounted the
                                                                      stage, and asked the hundreds gathered
                                                                      “to please remember the veterans.” To
                                                                      the veterans he said, “Remember the
                                                                      veteran. It’s our responsibility to take
                                                                      care of each other.”
                                                                       Casper, vice president of the Ante-
                                                                      lope Valley Veterans Community Ac-
                                                                      tion Coalition, said his group is work-
                                                                      ing to establish a cluster of 10 homes
                                                                      for veterans in transition.
                                                                       The event’s keynote speaker was
                                                                      Col. Jay Orson, commander of the
                                                                      412th Electronic Warfare Group based
                                                                      at Edwards AFB.                                                         Photographs by Evelyn Kristo
                                                                       “When I was serving in Iraq, and   Sadie Perry, age 23 months, of Lake Los Angeles, Calif., takes in a patriotic
                                                                      Afghanistan, I always remembered   field of red, white and blue during a Veterans Day ceremony, Nov. 11, 2020,
                                                                      that even as I was serving, that all of   at the Healing and Honor Field set up at Pelona Vista Park in Palmdale Calif.
                                                                      us there stood on the shoulders of vet-
                                                                      erans, the veterans who came before   Flag sales went to support the op-  1 through Nov. 11, Veterans Day.
                                                                      us,” he said. “I’m just an old colonel   erations of local non-profits that in-
          Carl Hernandez, vice commander of Palmdale American Legion Post 348 salutes   near the end of the runway of my ca-  cluded Vets 4 Veterans, Coffee4Vets,   Editor’s note: Dennis Anderson is
          as the colors are presented during a Veterans Day ceremony, Nov. 11, 2020,   reer, and someday I will be one of the   Point Man Antelope Valley, American   a licensed clinical social worker at
          at the Healing and Honor Field set up at Pelona Vista Park in Palmdale, Calif.  veterans out there.”  Legion Post 348 and VFW Post 3000.  High Desert Medical Group. An Army
                                                                       As the Blue Eagles Honor Guard of
                                                                      Edwards AFB marched in and present-  The fighter jets that zoomed over   veteran, he traveled twice to cover the
                                                                      ed the colors, a rousing performance   the field as Air Force veteran Mayra   Iraq War, embedded with an Antelope
                                                                      of the National Anthem was belted   Duarte led the crowd singing the “Wild   Valley unit of the California National
                                                                      out by saxophonist Herbie Kae. Fred   Blue Yonder” were the “Skulls” of the   Guard. He works on veterans and com-
                                                                      Villa, chaplain of Veterans of Foreign   416th Flight Test Squadron.  munity mental health initiatives.
                                                                      Wars Post 3000, delivered the invoca-  “I couldn’t have timed that one bet-
                                                                      tion, and Carl Hernandez of American   ter for the Air Force song, could I?”
                                                                      Legion Post 348 recited his poem,   Murphy said.
                                                                      “Thank You for Your Service.”   The flags flew on the field from Nov.

                                                                                                                                  Members of the the Edwards Air Force
                                                                                                                                  Base, Calif., Blue Eagles Color Guard
                                                                                                                                  present the colors during a Veterans
                                                                                                                                  Day ceremony at the Healing and
                                                                                                                                  Honor Field set up at Pelona Vista
                                                                                                                                  Park in Palmdale, Calif., Nov. 11, 2020.

                                                                                                                                   For more photographs

          F-16s from the 416th Flight Test Squadron “Skulls” at Edwards Air Force Base,   Members of the Antelope Valley Patriot Crusaders motorcycle honor guard   of the Veterans Day
          Calif., fly over during a Veterans Day ceremony, Nov. 11, 2020, at the Healing   attend a Veterans Day ceremony, Nov. 11, 2020, at the Healing and Honor   ceremony, visit
          and Honor Field set up at Pelona Vista Park in Palmdale, Calif.  Field set up at Pelona Vista Park in Palmdale, Calif.
                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
          November 20, 2020                    ........                                    3
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