Page 14 - Aerotech News and Review, November 5, 2021
P. 14

Free meals and other discounts for veterans

     Many restaurants offer free   to double-check.            ter’s on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, for a   9-15. This Veterans Day free food   available at all locations, so check
   meals, or discounts, to veterans and                        free 16-ounce smoothie or juice.  offer includes a free Pilot coffee   with your local Wendy’s before vis-
   military personnel on Veterans Day.  IHOP                     You can take advantage of this free   of any size and one free breakfast   iting. You’ll need military ID.
     Please note, this is not a com-  Veterans and active-duty military   Veterans Day offer at your local Nek-  offering, such as the french toast
   prehensive list as many restaurant   are being offered FREE red, white   ter location, but it’s possible that not   sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich.   Wienerschnitzel
   chains are updating their informa-  and blue pancakes on Nov. 11.  all of them are participating, so you   You need the Pilot Flying J app to   Wienerschnitzel sells millions of
   tion daily, and locally-owned es-                           might call ahead of time to double-  redeem this offer.     hot dogs every year, and for Veter-
   tablishments may offer their own   Krispy Kreme             check.                                                      ans Day this Nov. 11, eligible cus-
   discounts.                      Veterans and active-duty military   Military ID is required, and add-  Red Lobster      tomers can have a chili dog and
     It is best to call ahead and con-  can start their Veterans Day off with   ons are extra.  Active duty military, reserve, and   small fries free, plus a small Pepsi.
   firm the discounts before arriving.   a free donut and coffee. No pur-                    military veterans can stop by a Red   Not all of them may be participat-
   Some proof of service may be re-  chase, ID, or coupon is necessary.  Olive Garden        Lobster location and get a free ap-  ing, so be sure to contact your local
   quired.                                                       Olive Garden is offering a Veter-  petizer or dessert on Nov. 11. Valid   Wienerschnitzel to double-check.
     This list is subject to change.  Little Caesars           ans Day free meal (from a special   proof of military service is required   This Veterans Day free food is
                                   Veterans and active military   Veterans Day menu) for all active-  to get this free food.  for both active military members as
   Applebee’s                    members can visit Little Caesars on   duty military and military veterans                 well as veterans who can provide
     Applebee’s is offering a special   Nov. 11, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., for   Nov. 11. You’ll need to verify with   Red Robin  military ID or who show up in their
   discount on Veterans Day, Nov.   a free $5 Lunch Combo. This Vet-  Olive Garden that you currently are   Red Robin is offering a free   military uniform.
   11. Veterans and active duty mili-  erans Day free meal includes four   or used to be in the military. Proof   Red’s Tavern Double Burger and
   tary can receive a complimentary   slices of Little Caesars Detroit-style   of military service usually includes   Bottomless Steak Fries — available   Other discounts
   meal, not including beverages and   DEEP!DEEP!™ Dish pizza, plus a   bringing your military ID, U.S. Uni-  for dine-in or to-go — starting Nov.
   gratuity.                     20-ounce Pepsi product.       form Services Retired ID Card, Cur-  1, to service members. Red Robin   Bass Pro Shops
     (Southern California, Las Vegas,   You don’t need a coupon to re-  rent Leave and Earnings Statement,   Military Royalty members will be
                                                                                                                             Bass Pro Shops doubles their dis-
   Phoenix and Tucson)           deem this free meal for Veterans   or Veterans Organization Card.  eligible to claim the free one-time   count to 10 percent (exclusions ap-
                                 Day. Just mention this offer and                            only offer any day of their choice   ply) for military, law enforcement,
   Baskin-Robbins                present proof of service, which can   Outback Steakhouse    from Nov. 1-14.
     On Nov. 11, veterans can enjoy   include an ID card with a veteran   Stop into  any Outback Steak-                    firefighters, and EMTs  Nov. 8-
   several deals at Baskin-Robbins   designation, a DD-214 form, or a   house on Nov. 11, 2021, to get a   Starbucks       11 (5 percent discount on firearms
   including buy one sundae, get one   current military-issued ID card.  free Bloomin’ Onion and Coca-Cola   Starbucks is honoring veterans,   and ammo) both in-store and online.
   50 percent off, $2 off medium milk-                         product. This offer is for all military   active duty service members, and   Valid ID or online verification re-
   shakes, and $5 off any $35 cake.  Menchie’s                 personnel that have a military ID.  military spouses this year for Vet-  quired to receive the discount. Visit
                                   This is the ninth Veterans Day   Every day, Outback Steakhouse   erans Day by offering a free, tall for locations.
   Buffalo Wild Wings            that Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt has   also gives out a discount of 10 per-  (12-ounce) coffee on Nov. 11. It’s
     Buffalo Wild Wings is having   given out a freebie for Veterans   cent off the total check for nurses,   possible that not all U.S. company-  Bed Bath and Beyond
   their annual Veterans Day free food   Day. Veterans can get the first six-  doctors, medical staff, service mem-  operated stores are participating, so   Bed Bath and Beyond is giv-
   deal on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. All   ounces of frozen yogurt for free.  bers, police officers and firefighters,   be sure to check ahead of time and   ing 25 percent off Nov. 11-14 for
   day, veterans and active duty mili-                                                                                     Veterans, active duty, Reserves,
                                   This offer is valid all day long at
   tary get a free order of 10 boneless   participating Menchie’s locations,   plus military personnel and their   bring military ID with you to get   Guard and Spouses. In store or on-
                                                               immediate family members.
                                                                                             your free coffee.
   wings and a side of fries.    and you need to show military ID to                                                       line.
     This offer is valid at partici-
   pating Buffalo Wild Wings loca-  receive this Veterans Day freebie.   Pilot Flying J      Wendy’s                       Dollar General
                                                                 In honor of Veterans Day, a free
                                                                                               Wendy’s thanks veterans and ac-
   tions and is for dine-in or takeout.                                                                                      On Nov. 11, get an 11 percent
     Proof of military service is re-  Nekter                  breakfast combo is available for   tive military this year with a free   discount for purchases in-store or
   quired, which can include a perma-  If you’re a veteran or active mili-  all U.S. military veterans who visit   small breakfast combo on Nov. 11.  online for veterans and active duty
   nent or temporary military ID card,   tary member, you can stop in to Nek-  a Pilot Flying J location from Nov.   This free meal deal might not be   military members and their fami-
   DD214, or veteran’s card. You may                                                                                       lies. Valid at participating locations
   also come wearing your military                                                                                         only.
   uniform or bring a photo of you
   wearing it.                                                                                                             Grace for Vets Free Car Wash
                                                                                                                             Veterans and service personnel
   Chili’s                                                                                                                 are being offered a free car wash on
     Visit a participating Chili’s on                                                                                      Nov. 11, 2021. Grace for Vets is a
   Nov. 11, to get your Veterans Day                                                                                       non-profit organization that has
   free meal if you’re a veteran or on                                                                                     gathered more than 1,500 indepen-
   active military duty. This offer is                                                                                     dent car washes in four countries
   available in-restaurant only. You’ll                                                                                    to offer this service. Visit http://
   need to show proof of military ser-                                                                            to find a
   vice to get your Veterans Day free                                                                                      location near you.
   Denny’s                                                                                                                   Target is offering a 10 percent
     Stop  by  Denny’s  on  Nov.  11,
   and all active, non-active, and re-                                                                                     discount from Oct. 31 through Nov.
   tired military personnel can get a                                                                                      13 to active-duty military person-
                                                                                                                           nel, veterans and their families. The
   free Build Your Own Grand Slam
   Breakfast from 5 a.m.-noon. Most                                                                                        discount can be used on two sepa-
   Denny’s locations should be partici-                                                                                    rate transactions and applies to all
   pating in this promotion, and you’ll                                                                                    in-basket items, online and in-store.
   need to bring a valid military ID
   along with you. This is for dine-in                                                                                     Sports Clips
   only.                                                                                                                     On Nov. 11, participating loca-
                                                                                                                           tions will provide free haircuts to
   Dunkin’ Donuts                                                                                                          veterans and active-duty service
     To show their support, Dunkin’                                                                                        members with valid proof of ser-
   Donuts is giving away free donuts                                                                                       vice. Visit to
   to active duty military and veterans                                                                                    find a location near you.
   on Nov. 11. This free Veterans Day
   donut is limited to one per customer                                                                                    Home Depot
   while supplies last and is for dine-in                                                                                    Home Depot offers a 10 percent
   only, but no purchase or military ID                                                                                    discount to all veterans on Nov. 11.
   is required. It’s possible that not ev-                                                                                 Home Depot offers the 10 percent
   ery Dunkin’ Donuts location is par-                                                                                     discount year round to active duty
   ticipating, so be sure to call ahead                                                                                    and retirees.
                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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