Page 12 - Aerotech News and Review, November 5, 2021
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TOMB, from 10
                                                     were submitted.                                   1984, only one set of recovered American remains had not been
                                                                                                       fully identified. These remains were designated as the Unknown
                                                     1932: Tomb Construction Completed                 Soldier from the Vietnam War. On Memorial Day 1984, an Army
                                                       On April 9, 1923, the completed Tomb was unveiled. The marble   caisson carried the Vietnam War Unknown from the U.S. Capitol
                                                     sarcophagus features elaborate carvings of wreaths and three neo-  to Memorial Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery, where
                                                     classical figures representing Peace, Victory and Valor. On the side   President Ronald Reagan presided over the interment ceremony and
                                                     facing Memorial Amphitheater, its inscription reads, “Here Rests in   bestowed the Medal of Honor.
                                                     Honored Glory an American Soldier Known but to God.”

                                                     1937: 24-Hour Guard Duty Begins
                                                       Effective July 1, 1937, the Army issued orders for the Tomb to be
                                                     guarded 24 hours a day. Ever since then, the Tomb of the Unknown
                                                     Soldier has been guarded continuously — 24 hours a day, 7 days a
                                                     week, regardless of weather.
                                 Library of Congress photograph
   First permanent guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,   1948: The “Old Guard”
   March 25, 1926.                                     Since April 6, 1948 (known then as “Army Day”), the Tomb has
                                                     been guarded by soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 3rd Infantry Regi-
   spoke at the state funeral ceremony and placed the Medal of Honor,   ment, “The Old Guard.” The Old Guard is posted to Fort Myer,
   the nation’s highest military decoration, on the casket. Numerous   Va., adjacent to Arlington National Cemetery. It is considered one
   foreign dignitaries presented their nations’ awards as well. Nation-  of the highest honors to serve as a Sentinel at the Tomb of the
   wide, Americans observed two minutes of silence at the beginning   Unknown Soldier.
   of the ceremony, and thousands watched as the Unknown was in-
   terred in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.        1956: Honoring the Unknowns of World War II and the
     At the time, the Tomb was not yet complete. A crypt was created   Korean War                                     Arlington National Cemetery Historical Research photograph
   for the funeral, with the intention that the rest of the Tomb would   On Aug. 3, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill   In a ceremony on May 14, 1998, the Department of Defense
                                                                                                       disinterred the Vietnam War Unknown, after reexamining evidence
   subsequently be created.                          to select and honor unknown service members from World War II   related to his possible identity. He was then positively identified as
                                                     and the Korean War. They would be buried in crypts adjacent to   U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Michael J. Blassie. In 1999, the empty crypt
   1925: Daily Civilian Guard Established            the original Tomb.                                was rededicated to honor all missing American service members
     On Nov. 17, 1925, the Army ordered a civilian guard to begin                                      from the Vietnam War era.
   daily duty at the Tomb in response to increasing reports of visitors’
   disrespectful behavior.
                                                                                                       1996: Sentinel Milestone
   1926: Civilian Guard Replaced by Military Guard                                                       Sergeant Heather Lynn Johnsen became the first woman to earn
     In March 1926, soldiers from nearby Fort Myer were first as-                                      the prestigious Tomb Guard identification badge.
   signed to guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The guards, pres-
   ent only during daylight hours, discouraged visitors from climbing                                  1998: Identification of the Vietnam War Unknown
   or stepping on the Tomb.                                                                              For almost 14 years, the Vietnam War Unknown lay at rest at the
     On July 3, 1926, Congress authorized the completion of the                                        Tomb. In 1994, Ted Sampley, a POW/MIA activist, determined that
   Tomb.                                                                                               the remains were likely those of Air Force 1st Lt. Michael Joseph
                                                                                                       Blassie. In 1998, DNA testing confirmed Blassie’s identity. At the
                                                                                                       request of Blassie’s family, the Department of Defense exhumed the
                                                                                                       remains from the Vietnam War Unknown’s crypt on May 14, 1998.
                                                                                                         In accordance with the wishes of his family, Blassie was rein-
                                                                                                       terred at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St. Louis, Mo.
                                                                                                       1999: Redesignation of the Vietnam War Crypt
                                                                                                         The crypt designated for the Vietnam War Unknown remains va-
                                                                           Naval History & Heritage Command photograph
                                                     Hospital Corpsman 1st Class William R. Charette selects the   cant. On Sept. 17, 1999 — National POW/MIA Recognition Day —
                                                     World War II Unknown Soldier (right). In the center is the Korean   it was rededicated to honor all missing U.S. service members from
                                                     War Unknown Soldier; on the left, the second unknown World   the Vietnam War. The slab over the crypt that once held the remains
                                                     War II serviceman, May 26, 1958.                  of the Vietnam War Unknown has since been replaced. The original
                                                                                                       inscription of “Vietnam” has been changed to “Honoring and Keep-
                                                                                                       ing Faith with America’s Missing Servicemen”—a reminder of the
                                                                                                       commitment of the Armed Forces to the fullest possible accounting
                                 Library of Congress photograph
   Secretary of War Dwight F. Davis (left) and Maj. Gen. B.F.   1958: Unknowns of World War II and the Korean War   for missing service members.
   Cheatham, quartermaster general of the U.S. Army, with the
   winning design and model for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier   To represent World War II, the Army chose 18 unidentified bod-  Today
   in 1928.                                          ies from North Africa, Europe, the Philippines and Hawaii. From    Today, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency continues the
                                                     these 18, two were chosen for final selection — one from the Pacific   work to recover and identify missing U.S. military personnel from
                                                     Theater and one from the Transatlantic Theater. On May 26, 1958,   all past wars and conflicts in countries around the world. According
                                                     Hospital Corpsman 1st Class William R. Charette, an enlisted Navy   to DPAA’s records, more than 1,500 Americans remain unaccounted
   1928: Final Design Approved                       sailor and Medal of Honor recipient, made the final selection aboard   for from the Vietnam War. It is unlikely that another unknown will
     In December 1928, architect Lorimer Rich and sculptor Thomas   the USS Canberra. Meanwhile, four unidentified bodies from the   ever be added to the Tomb.
   Hudson Jones, both World War I veterans, won a nationwide design   Korean War were disinterred from the National Memorial Cemetery
   competition to design the completed Tomb. Over seventy designs   of the Pacific in Hawaii. Army Sgt. Ned Lyle chose one to become
                                                     the Korean War Unknown.
                                                       The caskets of the World War II and Korean War Unknowns
                                                     arrived in Washington on May 28, 1958, where they lay in state in
                                                     the Capitol Rotunda until the morning of May 30. Reprising the
                                                     events of 1921, a large ceremonial procession then escorted their
                                                     caissons to Arlington National Cemetery. President Eisenhower
                                                     awarded each the Medal of Honor, and the Unknowns of World
                                                     War II and the Korean War were interred in the plaza beside their
                                                     World War I comrade.

                                                     1961: Sentinel Milestone
                                                       Specialist 4th Class Fred Moore was selected as a Tomb Guard,
                                                     becoming the first African American posted and earning the presti-
                                                                                                                                   Army photograph by Elizabeth Fraser
                                                     gious Tomb Guard identification badge.            Sentinels from the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard)
                                  Library of Congress photograph                                       stand guard and conduct the changing of the guard at the Tomb
   Workers place the fifty-ton marble sarcophagus in place atop   1984: Honoring the Vietnam War Unknown  of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington,
   the Unknown Soldier from World War I, in December of 1931.  During the Vietnam War era, advances in science and technol-  Va., May 6, 2021.
                                                     ogy made identification of the dead increasingly accurate. By May

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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