Page 8 - Aerotech News and Review, November 5, 2021
P. 8

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier had origins in WWI

   by David Vergun                                                                                                 ment, accompanied the horse-drawn caisson
   Army News                                                                                                       containing the unknown Soldier to the Capitol
                                                                                                                   rotunda, where more honors were bestowed by
     Although there were unknown Soldiers who                                                                      dignitaries, including President Warren G. Hard-
   died on battlefields throughout U.S. history, the                                                               ing, and ordinary American citizens.
   Tomb of the Unknown Soldier had its genesis in                                                                    On Nov. 11, eight highly decorated World War
   World War I.                                                                                                    I veterans, handpicked by Pershing himself, es-
     In 1916, after a British army chaplain noticed a                                                              corted the unknown Soldier to Arlington National
   grave marked “An Unknown British Soldier,” he
   got the idea for what would become the United                                                                   Cemetery, O’Donnell said.
   Kingdom’s Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. That                                                                       They included five Soldiers: Color Sgt. James
   memorial was dedicated Nov. 11, 1920, two years                                                                 W. Dell, an artilleryman; Cpl. Thomas D. Saun-
   after the armistice that ended World War I.                                                                     ders, a combat engineer and a Native American;
     The idea took hold and spread among other                                                                     1st Sgt. Harry Taylor, a cavalryman; Sgt. Samuel
   wartime allies, including France, Italy and the                                                                 Woodfill, an infantryman and Medal of Honor re-
   U.S. On Nov. 11, 1921, the U.S. Tomb of the                                                                     cipient; and 1st Sgt. Louis Razga, from the Coast
   Unknown Soldier was dedicated in Arlington                                                                      Artillery Corps.
   National Cemetery.                                                                                                Additionally, there were two Sailors and one
     Military historian Patrick K. O’Donnell re-                                                                   Marine who participated. Those included Chief
   searched the backstory to that dedication, includ-                                                   Army photograph  Gunner’s Mate James Delaney, a torpedoman;
   ing the stories of the Soldiers who brought the   Body bearers carry the unknown Soldier from the USS Olympia to to a horse-drawn caisson that   Chief Water Tender Charles Leo O’Connor; and
   unknown Soldiers’ remains to Arlington. He pub-  transported the body to the U.S. Capitol on Nov. 9, 1921. Among the saluting officers is Gen. John   Gunnery Sgt. Ernest A. Janson, a Medal of Honor
                                        Pershing, who commanded the American Expeditionary Forces.
   lished his findings in the book “The Unknowns:                                                                  recipient.
   The Untold Story of America’s Unknown Sol-
   dier and WWI’s Most Decorated Heroes Who   O’Donnell explained, was to ensure that the   American, after which the U.S. and French   Pershing, the body bearers, and the unknown
   Brought Him Home.”                   one unknown Soldier chosen would be truly a   officials came forward to pay their respects.   Soldier had come “full circle,” O’Donnell said.
                                        random selection, as this unknown would rep-  O’Donnell noted that the roses that had been   Those service men had left America’s shores
   Selecting the Unknown                resent the many other unknowns. This followed   placed on the casket remained there and were lat-  years earlier. While they were prepared to sac-
     On Sept. 29, 1921, the War Department or-  the practice used by the other allies in their own   er buried with the unknown Soldier in Arlington.  rifice themselves, they hadn’t at the time fully
   dered the selection of an unknown Soldier from   process of selecting their own unknowns.  Following the ceremony, the casket of the   comprehended the true cost of war. While one
   those buried in France. The selection process was   On Oct. 23, all four caskets arrived by truck   unknown Soldier was carried in a horse-drawn   had paid the ultimate price, O’Donnell said, each
   carried out by the U.S. Quartermaster Corps, in   at the city hall of Chalons-sur-Marne. Sgt. Ed-  caisson through Chalons-sur-Marne to the rail-  had come home forever changed by battles won
   cooperation with the French and U.S. Navy,   ward F. Younger of Headquarters Company, 2nd   road station, where it was placed aboard a special   and friends lost.
   O’Donnell said.                      Battalion, 50th Infantry, American Forces in   funeral train provided by the French government   Today, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is
     Three weeks later, a Quartermaster Corps team   Germany, was given the honors of selecting the   and taken via Paris to Le Havre, O’Donnell said.   guarded by Soldiers of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Reg-
   exhumed four bodies of unidentified Ameri-  unknown Soldier the next day.  Along the way, more French and U.S. units and   iment, “The Old Guard.” Since 1921, two other
   cans from each of four American cemeteries in   Younger himself had been wounded in battle   dignitaries honored the unknown Soldier in an   unknown Soldiers have joined the World War I
   France: Aisne-Maine, Meuse-Argonne, Somme,   and had received the Distinguished Service Cross   elaborate and dignified fashion.  unknown Soldier: one from World War II and one
   and St. Mihiel.                      for valor.                              Finally, on Oct. 25, the unknown Soldier was   from the Korean War. The selection process was
     “Each was examined to ensure that the person   An elaborate ceremony followed, O’Donnell   carried aboard the cruiser USS Olympia back to
   had been a member of the American Expedition-  related. Younger, carrying a spray of white roses   the United States. On Nov. 9, the Olympia ar-  similar to the first.
   ary Forces, that he had died of wounds in combat,   presented by a Frenchman who had lost two sons   rived at the Washington Navy Yard. On hand to   At one time, a fourth unknown, representing
   and that there were no clues to his identity what-  in the war, led the procession. As the French band   receive the body of the unknown Soldier were all   the Vietnam War, was entombed there as well,
   soever,” O’Donnell said.             in the courtyard played a hymn, Younger walked   the service chiefs, the secretary of war, and Gen-  O’Donnell said. However, that service member
     After mortuary preparation, the bodies were   around the caskets several times before placing   eral of the Armies John J. Pershing, O’Donnell   was later identified as Air Force Capt. Michael
   placed in identical caskets and shipping cas-  the roses on one to indicate his selection.  said.               J. Blassie. He was exhumed and reburied in his
   es. The reason for this elaborate proceeding,   Younger then saluted the chosen unknown   The procession, led by the 3rd Cavalry Regi-  home state of Missouri, per his survivors’ wishes.

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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