Page 7 - Aerotech News and Review, November 5, 2021
P. 7

On this date ...
                                                                                                                                  Nov. 11, 1921:
           Nov. 10, 1988:  The  U.S.                                                                                              The remains of
           Air Force  publicly unveils                                                                                            an unidentified
           the   F - 117 Night haw k                                                                                              American service
           when Assistant  Secretary                                                                                              member were
           of  Defense  J.  Daniel                                                                                                interred in a Tomb
           Howard  displayed a grainy                                                                                             of the Unknown
           photograph at a Pentagon                                                                                               Soldier at
           press  conference. After                                                                                               Arlington National
           the announcement, pilots                                                                                               Cemetery in
           could fly the F-117 during                                                                                             a ceremony
           daytime. In April 1990, two                                                                                            presided over by
           F-117 aircraft were flown into                                                                                         President Warren
           Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,                                                                                           G. Harding.
           arriving during daylight and
           publicly displayed to a crowd
           of tens of thousands.

                                                                                         Nov. 11,                                            Nov. 12, 1981:
                                                                                         1918: Fighting                                      The Space Shuttle
                                                                                         in World War                                        Columbia launches
                                                                                         I ended as                                          on mission STS-2,
                                                                                         the Allies and                                      the first reuse of
                                                                                         Germany                                             a manned orbital
                                                                                         signed an                                           space vehicle.
                                                                                         armistice in                                        The mission was
                                                                                         the Forest of                                       originally scheduled
                                                                                         Compiegne.                                          to last five days,
                                                                                         The day                                             but the flight was
                                                                                         later became                                        cut short when one
                                                                                         known as                                            of the three fuel
                                                                                         Armistice Day,                                      cells that produced
                                                                                         and is now                                          electricity and
            Nov. 10, 1982: The newly finished Vietnam Veterans                           known in the                                        drinking water failed.
                                                                                                                                             Columbia landed at
                                                                                         United States
            Memorial was opened to its first visitors in Washington,                                                                         Edwards Air Force
            D.C., three days before its dedication.                                      as Veterans
                                                                                         Day.                                                Base, Calif., on Nov.

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                                               Aerotech News and Review

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