Page 2 - Aerotech News and Review, November 5, 2021
P. 2

Local communities honor veterans



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                                                                                                      Courtesy photograph        Web Site
   The Lancaster Cemetery.                                                                                               Access the Aerotech News web
                                                                                                                         site at
     Many communities and organizations will be honoring Veterans on Nov.   Sylvia Gaxiola; Blue Star Mothers placing wreaths at the service flagpoles;   Submissions for upcoming events, air
   11. Here are some of those ceremonies:                  and the flag raising by the Antelope Valley Young Marines.        shows and museums
                                                                                                                             should be emailed to
   Palmdale                                                Mojave                                               
     The City of Palmdale will mark Veterans Day 2021 with a ceremony at   Mojave will host a Veterans Day ceremony at 11 a.m., Nov. 11 at Legacy   For questions concerning the web site,
   Poncitlan Square, 38315 9th Street East in Palmdale. The ceremony starts   Park at the Mojave Air and Space Port.       contact the webmaster at
   at 11 a.m., and will feature posting of colors, invocation, National Anthem,   The keynote speaker is Leon Ryder. Ryder is a California native and Viet-
   Pledge of Allegiance, Veterans Day poem, a guest speaker, and the Armed   nam veteran. He is also a retired teacher who served 31 years in the Mojave
   Forces Medley.                                          Unified School District. There will also be an historic aircraft and helicopter
     For more information, call 661-267-5115.              display under the original MCAS Mojave control tower from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                                           Homemade cookies and hot chocolate will be served following the ceremony.  Where you can get
   Lancaster Cemetery                                                                                                    Aerotech News and Review
     The Lancaster Cemetery will host its annual Veterans Day ceremony be-  Vets4Veterans                                    For information on
   ginning at 9 a.m. at Veterans Court. The featured speaker is Marine Corps   Let’s Laugh AV: Armed Services Autobody and Vets4Veterans presents a   Aerotech distribution, call
   veteran Kevin Sanders, the 2021 Tom Hilzendeger Veteran of the Year. Ad-  Veterans Day celebration honoring those who served at the Palmdale Event   (661) 945-5634 or visit
   ditionally, Vicki Fisher from the Daughters of the American Revolution will   Hall, 3030 E. Palmdale Boulevard. Cost is free for veterans, $40 for adults and
   speak about the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at   $15 for children. Doors open at 5 p.m., and the show starts at 6 p.m. Comedian
   Arlington National Cemetery.                            Jason Love will perform, as well as the band The On Calls, and magician
     Other aspects of the ceremony include: A remembrance for Jerry Lawrence,   Alexander Great. There will also be an awards ceremony.  Aerotech News and Review is published
   U.S. Marine Corps, by his son Matt Lawrence; the National Anthem sung by   For more information and tickets, call 661-728-6137.  every other Friday, serving the
   VETERANS DAY, from 1                                                                                                aerospace and defense industry of
                                                                                                                        Southern California, Nevada and
     Later that same year, on Oct. 8, President   In 1958, the White House advised VA’s Gen-  observed with much confusion on Oct. 25, 1971.   Arizona. News and ad copy deadline
   Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first “Veterans   eral Counsel that the 1954 designation of the VA   It was quite apparent that the commemoration   is noon on the Tuesday prior to
   Day Proclamation” which stated:      Administrator as Chairman of the Veterans Day   of this day was a matter of historic and patriotic   publication. The publisher assumes no
     “In order to insure proper and widespread   National Committee applied to all subsequent   significance to a great number of our citizens,   responsibility for error in ads other
   observance of this anniversary, all veterans, all   VA Administrators.     and so on Sept. 20, 1975, President Gerald R.   than space used. Your comments are
   veterans’ organizations, and the entire citizenry   Since March 1989 when VA was elevated   Ford signed Public Law 94-97 (89 Stat. 479),   welcomed and encouraged. Write to
   will wish to join hands in the common purpose.   to a cabinet level department, the Secretary of   which returned the annual observance of Veter-  the address below.
   Toward this end, I am designating the Admin-  Veterans Affairs has served as the committee’s   ans Day to its original date of Nov. 11, beginning
   istrator of Veterans’ Affairs as Chairman of a   chairman.                 in 1978. This action supported the desires of the
   Veterans Day National Committee, which shall   The Uniform Holiday Bill (Public Law 90-  overwhelming majority of state legislatures, all   •  Publisher  ....................Paul Kinison
   include such other persons as the Chairman may   363 (82 Stat. 250)) was signed on June 28, 1968,   major veterans’ service organizations and the   •  Business Manager  ....... Lisa Kinison
   select, and which will coordinate at the national   and was intended to ensure three-day weekends   American people.  •  Editor .................... Stuart Ibberson
   level necessary planning for the observance. I   for federal employees by celebrating four na-  Veterans Day continues to be observed on   •  National Advertising
   am also requesting the heads of all departments   tional holidays on Mondays: Washington’s   Nov. 11, regardless of the day of the week on   Manager  .....................Paul Kinison
   and agencies of the Executive branch of the   Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Co-  which it falls. The restoration of the observance
   Government to assist the National Committee   lumbus Day. It was thought that these extended   of Veterans Day to Nov. 11 not only preserves
   in every way possible.”              weekends would encourage travel, recreational   the historical significance of the date, but helps   Aerotech News and Review
     On that same day, President Eisenhower sent   and cultural activities, and stimulate greater in-  focus attention on the important purpose of Vet-  e-mail:
   a letter to the Honorable Harvey V. Higley, Ad-  dustrial and commercial production. Many states   erans Day: A celebration to honor America’s
   ministrator of Veterans’ Affairs, designating him   did not agree with this decision and continued   veterans for their patriotism, love of country,   Visit our web site at
   as Chairman of the Veterans Day National Com-  to celebrate the holidays on their original dates.  and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the
   mittee.                                The first Veterans Day under the new law was   common good.

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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