Page 2 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 8-21-15
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2 August 21, 2015                                          Commentary                                                                                                                                 BULLSEYE                                                                                                                                               

Avoid ‘bird-dogging’

By 2nd Lt. Cynthia McGrath                                     on a recommendation, victims                                 dealer advertises a specific trade-in                      products compare; how much others
                                                               buy a defective car, or a car with-                          price, then later claims to realize                        are selling the item for; and the repu-
633rd Air Base Wing Legal Office                               out applicable warranty.                                     the value was overestimated and                            tation of the seller.
                                                           (3) The yo-yo: The car dealer per-                               tries to reduce the offer.
   JOINT BASE LANGLEY-EUSTIS,                                  suades a victim to sign a credit                            Under laws in many states, it is il-                           Have a backup plan and call a com-
Va. — Scams aimed at taking advan-                             contract that they claim is final;                       legal to engage in paid referral systems                       mand representative for help.
tage of U.S. military members are                              however, the dealer later informs                        without getting a license as a sales
nothing new; however, one such scam,                           the target that the first transac-                       broker employed by a dealership. Ad-                              Read and confirm everything. Call
“bird-dogging,” has re-emerged as a                            tion was canceled and either the                         ditionally, under some circumstances,                          the bank before leaving the car lot to
threat to service members’ financial                           car must be returned or a con-                           a service member can be charged with                           confirm all of the purchase informa-
security.                                                      tract signed with worse terms.                           violating Uniformed Code of Military                           tion. If filling out paperwork, read
                                                           (4) Plain old fraud: A car dealer fill-                      Justice Article 92, which prohibits                            the entire document. The document
   Bird-dogging refers to the act of                           ing out loan documents submits                           certain forms of solicitation, or with                         represents the complete agreement,
soliciting sales for a third party and is                      quotes that do not match the                             UCMJ Article 134, which violates                               so anything the dealer verbally agrees
illegal both on and off base. One ex-                          car sold or interest rate offered.                       good order and discipline.                                     to must be included in the written
ample occurs when a person serves as                           When the target receives the                                The following list is compiled of                           contract. If something does not make
an unlicensed car broker who is paid                           loan paperwork from the bank,                            tips to assist in scam avoidance:                              sense then wait. Consult others for
to bring their friends into a dealership                       the dealer refuses to take the                              Remain vigilant. Shopping at a big                          help or seek legal assistance on big
and persuade them to buy a car.                                car back because it was already                          dealership does not mean someone                               transactions.
                                                               driven off the lot.                                      is safe from scammers. If buying a
   The scam is often used in conjunc-                      (5) Covering up the dirt: A car                              used car, check the odometer against                              Think twice before cosigning be-
tion with other rip-offs. Consider the                         dealer fails to disclose, or lies                        the listed mileage on the paperwork;                           cause if a friend is getting swindled or
following real-world examples:                                 about, a vehicle’s mileage or prior                      watch out for a prior history of acci-                         if the friend is the scammer, the victim
(1) The drop-off: An acquaintance,                             history.                                                 dents; be wary of cars that have been                          could be left with the entire bill. If
                                                           (6) Bait and switch: The target responds                     sold multiple times by the same dealer;                        deciding to co-sign for someone, treat
    friend or stranger offers a ride to                        to an ad for a specific car on precise                   and consider using www.vehiclehis-                             the transaction as your own.
    a car dealer and then leaves the                           credit terms and then the dealer                to look into a car’s history
    victim stranded. The seemingly                             claims not to have the car or the                        before buying.                                                    Report problems to chain of com-
    concerned car dealership then                              terms. This can also occur when a                           Do research. Research how similar                           mand, financial management or base
    pressures the stranded individual                                                                                                                                                  legal office as soon as there is an issue.
    into buying a car to get home.                                                                                                                                                     Seeking assistance from base officials
(2) The lemon: Taking advantage of                                                                                                                                                     could prevent the same scammer from
    lack of knowledge and reliance                                                                                                                                                     taking advantage of someone else.

A true, true hero

By Airman 1st Class John Day                               Kimpo Air Base, South Korea, was shot                        and when I would be able to enjoy a cold                       heat. I’m sure it was hot in the cockpit of
                                                           down over Korea Aug. 10, 1952. While                         drink and get out of the sweat-drenched                        that F-51 as it was going down uncontrol-
14th Flying Training Wing Public Affairs                   returning from a recon mission and tak-                      blues I was wearing.                                           lably over enemy territory in Korea, but
                                                           ing subsequent enemy fire, his aircraft                                                                                     that did not stop Partridge from making
   COLUMBUS AIR FORCE BASE,                                began to smoke. He planned to eject                             All these selfish thoughts faded as the                     his sacrifice or giving up and calling it
Miss. — “Man, it is way too hot to be                      once he reached friendly airspace, but                       ceremony started and the pastor began                          quits.
out here.”                                                 the damage was too great and he quickly                      to speak. He talked about this Airman
                                                           lost too much altitude.                                      and his character, but that is not what                           I lost all desire to wipe the sweat from
   That was the only thought in my mind                                                                                 struck me. He began to detail just what                        my face or to shift to a more comfortable
as I stood in the grass of the Mississippi                    Partridge’s wingman discovered his                        it means to be a hero. He said that a hero                     position. Instead, I felt a surge of pride as
Veterans Memorial Cemetery in full                         crashed aircraft with no sight of him or                     is somebody that signs the bottom of a                         the honor guard colors team I was on was
honor guard ceremonial uniform and                         his parachute, leading the wingman to                        blank check. Sometimes the cost of that                        called to attention and given the order to
holding my rifle, waiting for the family                   the conclusion that Partridge would be                       check can be your very life.                                   raise my rifle and salute this fallen hero.
to arrive.                                                 never seen again.
                                                                                                                           And it did. It cost Partridge his life,                        Today, think about what it means to
   Recently, I had the opportunity to par-                    Fast forward exactly 63 years later to                    but it was what he stood for that made                         be a hero and realize that it is not about
ticipate in a Missing in Action ceremony                   a sweltering hot, 100-degree, southern                       him feel this check was worth signing.                         just you. We are a band of true, true
for a true, true hero.                                     Mississippi day. As I stood there waiting                                                                                   heroes fighting to preserve what we hold
                                                           for the ceremony to start, I thought noth-                      Freedom. The freedom of you and I,                          most dear.
   This man, Capt. Frederick Partridge,                    ing of Partridge. I thought only of myself                   our families, our allies and their families.
an F-51 pilot formerly assigned to the                                                                                                                                                    Freedom.
67th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing,                                                                                         In that moment, I forgot about the

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