Page 3 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 8-21-15
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BULLSEYE News 3August 21, 2015
Nellis NCO performs U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Mikaley Towle
national anthem before
USA Basketball showcase
Staff Sgt. Courtney Slater, 99th Force Support Squadron Airman Leadership
School instructor, sings the national anthem before the start of the USA
Basketball intra-squad scrimmage at the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas,
Aug. 13. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Army Gen. Martin E.
Dempsey, Duke University head basketball coach Mike Kryzewski, and USA
Basketball chairman and managing director Jerry Colangelo, visited Nellis AFB
earlier in the day to talk to Nellis AFB Airmen about leadership.
LEADERSHIP, from page 1 _____ humility and courage. to do the right thing when nobody is balance, personal ambition and that as-
Expertise is important because people looking. pect of humility,” said Dempsey. “Look I
All three men were asked about the want you to be ambitious but I want you
difference between motivation and in- need to know how to do their jobs, stated “When I think about the three of us to be ambitious inside the left and right
spiration. Dempsey. who are sitting up here from different limits of the white lines of what is best
backgrounds but very similar — an for your unit and country.
“All of you are motivated right? You “I’m not going anywhere near that Irish background of immigrants, Italian,
wouldn’t be in those uniforms or doing airplane unless I have confidence that Polish — it just illustrates that in this “The values that define this institution
this everyday if you weren’t,” said Kry- somebody in this hangar knows how country it doesn’t matter where you are, are the principles, the pillars,” he added.
zewski. “But even the most motivated to maintain it, or if you’re the pilot, you who you are, what your beginnings are; “Never let go with both hands at the same
person can go up to another with the want to know for sure that your mainte- the sky is the limit if you shoot for that time, that’s how you make sure you have
notion I can inspire, and every once in a nance chief has the expertise necessary star, if you’re willing to take some risks,” that balance.”
while you should take a look at what you to allow you to take that platform into said Colangelo.
are doing and it’ll inspire.” combat,” Dempsey said. The panel concluded with Dempsey
“To me, leadership in that framework offering one final thought: “don’t take
Dempsey noted that the youngest Ma- Dempsey went on to add that humility is the willingness to fail, knowing that in special for granted.”
rine killed in the attack on a recruiting is the foundation of trust. order to get to your objective, you may
office in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Lance have to fall first,” Colangelo continued. “I’ve actually been wearing this uni-
Cpl. Squire Wells, was not running out “If we have a relationship based on “Most of us would say that we learned form for 45 years since I was at West
of the building but running inside of it humility and it leads to trust, trust be- more from our defeats than we did our Point, and it is interesting, at the begin-
to protect his fellow Marines. comes relationships and relationships victories. That’s certainly been the case ning of my career I probably paid more
then allow you to actually understand in my life.” attention to the symbolism of it than at
“That’s what inspiration looks like,” the leader-to-led aspect of our business,” the middle of my career,” Dempsey said.
said Dempsey Dempsey said. Dempsey stressed that balance is an “And now that it’s the end of my career
important part of being a leader. I’m reminding myself what a privilege it
Dempsey cited attributes of what he Dempsey continued with stating that is to put on the uniform every day.”
believed to be a good leader — expertise, while physical courage is important, “There are two things that do require
moral courage is just as important, and
DOD photo by D. Myles Cullen DEMPSEY, from page 1_________ “It’s unsettling for me, too, because
my job is to never allow the nation to be
Danish Chief of Defense Army Gen. Peter Bartram greets U.S. Army Gen. Martin E. In 2012, the Russian Federation decided coerced, which is about as good a descrip-
Dempsey, second from left, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the Defense “to annex Crimea, to change the borders tion as I can give it. Constraints — left
Command Headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 17. of Europe, to stir up ethnic tensions and unaddressed — can become coercive,”
to threaten the credibility of NATO,” the chairman said. “So the 20 percent
Dempsey said. Added to this, he said, al- of us who grew up in a world where the
Qaida morphed into the Islamic State of United States had peers and near-peer
Iraq and the Levant. competitors understand how to live in that
world, understand how to use the military
“It’s the first time in 41 years we’ve had a instrument in that world, understand the
legitimate risk emanating from state actors, meaning of deterrence, understand the
and we clearly have a persistent threat ema- meaning of maneuver and how to set a
nating from sub-state and non-state actors theater.”
alike,” the chairman said. “That makes for
a very volatile mix and makes it difficult That 20 percent needs to ensure the rest
for us to balance our resources to deal with of the force understands how to prevail in
these multiple threats simultaneously.” that environment, he said.
Eighty percent of those serving in the “The rest of the force is a little unsettled
U.S. military haven’t lived in a world where right now because they’ve never been
United States military power wasn’t pre- confronted with constraints,” Dempsey
eminent and dominant, he said. “As some said. “We have to lead our way through
of these other nations begin to develop that period and reeducate ourselves and
capabilities, it’s very unsettling for them,” rekindle some lost attributes and we can
Dempsey said. do that.”