Page 8 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 8-21-15
P. 8
8 August 21, 2015 Feature BULLSEYE
CATM puts shots on target
U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jake Carter By Airman 1st Class Jake Carter instructor, has been a CATM in-
structor for the past year-and-a-half
A combat arms instructor provides feedback to a participant in the M4 rifle qualification course 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs where he provides weapons training
at the 99th Security Forces Squadron Combat Arms Training and Maintenance firing range on to Nellis and Creech AFB Airmen.
Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Aug. 18. To qualify for marksmanship, Airmen needed to hit 17 of NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. —
24 targets and to achieve expert, needed to hit 22 of 24. Lying down in the Nevada desert “We conduct weapons train-
on a blistering summer afternoon, ing for all sorts of weapons which
palms sweaty and adrenaline run- include the M4 and M9 for people
ning throughout the body, you hear deploying and permanent change
“contact front!” Breathing heavily, a of stations,” Jones said. “For other
slow release of air drains from the squadrons that need M240, M249
lungs and you pull on a sliver of or M203, we will qualify Airmen for
brass, ejecting a bullet on a one-way that type of training for deployment
trip to its destination. purposes only.”
On this day, 28 Airmen from Nel- Even though all Airmen in the
lis Air Force Base participated in Air Force must go through CATM
an M4 rifle qualification course in training to graduate from Air Force
preparation for either a deployment, Basic Military Training, Jones said
permanent change of station move, the 99th SFS CATM training curric-
or part of yearly training. ulum is designed in a way that even
someone who has never handled
For Combat Arms Training and a weapon before in their life can
Maintenance, this is only an every- become qualified after attending
day routine in which they must be their course.
able to train Airmen properly to
ensure mission success as they move “For someone who has never been
on to future endeavors. able to handle a weapon before, we
Staff Sgt. Justin Jones, 99th Secu- _________See CATM, on page 9
rity Forces Squadron combat arms
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