Page 9 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 8-21-15
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BULLSEYE                                                                       Feature News                                                             9August 21, 2015                                                                                                                          

CATM, from page 8 __________                While most of their classes are       ALS, from page 7 ____________                             Senior Airman Derrick Cabrera
                                         taught and catered to the deploying                                                                Senior Airman Daniel Collier
are able to teach them in a classroom    and PCSing Airmen, CATM also             Raptor Flight                                             Senior Airman Thalia Diaz
setting to break down their weapon       provides training to their fellow        Instructor: Tech. Sgt. Wakisha                            Senior Airman Justin Grandizio
and put it back together, and apply      squadron members as well as other                                                                  Senior Airman Neil Johnson
all the fundamentals to go out to        squadrons around the base.                  Humphries                                              Senior Airman Deon McCarthy
the range and be able to fire effec-                                              Senior Airman Ranniel Macaldo                             Senior Airman Marisa Moreno
tively and qualify,” Jones said. “But       “CATM is required when Airmen         Senior Airman Trevor Bethel                               Senior Airman Blake Murnane
it’s much more then qualifying. It’s     deploy, are PCS’d within a 90-day        Senior Airman Liezel Cabusao                              Senior Airman Reid Nichols
being able to go down range where        window, or some units like (the 99th     Senior Airman Brant Casteel                               Senior Airman Jordan Pelletier
if they have been in the class that if   Civil Engineer Squadron) have to         Senior Airman Jeramy Coble                                Senior Airman Gregory Steele
they come into a situation, where        fire for duty, so they fire on a yearly  Senior Airman Michael Demarbiex                           Thunderbird Flight
they need to utilize that weapon,        basis and then Security Forces have      Senior Airman Derek Mccormick                             Instructor: Staff Sgt. Shane Taylor
that there’s no hesitation.”             to always fire where they will do the    Senior Airman Jonathan Reyes                              Senior Airman Gavin Fisher
                                         M4 and M9 training and then live-        Senior Airman Camille Rodriguez-                          Senior Airman Katrina Barrios
   At the end of every year, 99th        sustainment training which can in-                                                                 Senior Airman Tobin Blatchford
SFS combat arms instructors usu-         clude the shoot-move-communicate            Atkinson                                               Senior Airman Nathan Brandenburger
ally have provided training to over      course,” said Jones.                     Senior Airman Omar Romelus                                Senior Airman Devon Cheatham
15,000 individuals, making them                                                   Senior Airman Colin Romine                                Senior Airman Kenneth Delongchamp
one of the busiest CATM sections            At the end of the day, Airmen         Senior Airman Michelle Spurlock                           Senior Airman Aaron Dlutowski
in Air Combat Command.                   should feel confident when they          Senior Airman Kenneth Tucker                              Senior Airman Sierra Elliott
                                         qualify for their assignment or          Senior Airman Marlene Velezroque                          Senior Airman Kevin Knight
   “In the entire Air Force, the big-    deployment because the 99th SFS          Senior Airman Levi Walders                                Senior Airman Candace Middleton
gest base in the Air Force for CATM      CATM personnel know every inch           Senior Airman Daniel Zavala                               Senior Airman Dean Mock
training is obviously going to be        of every weapons system.                 Red Horse Flight                                          Senior Airman Rachel Riggs
Lackland AFB, because of the basic                                                Instructor: Staff Sgt. Jonathan Bullock                   Senior Airman Nathan Scheel
training fire but we are easily in          “When we go through training,         Senior Airman Eric Kianpour                               Senior Airman Bryant Vaughn
the top 10 when it comes to firing       we have to know the ins and outs of      Senior Airman Eliza Allen                                 Senior Airman Skip Wilson
the most,” said Staff Sgt. Zachary       the entire weapon,” Jones said. “If      Senior Airman Daniel Baldridge                            Senior Airman Anton Yakovenko
Barkhymer, 99th SFS combat arms          you give us a bare-bone weapon, we       Senior Airman James Brown
instructor.                              can put it together with all of the      Senior Airman Darrian Burris
                                         parts no problem.”

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