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Vol. 80, No. 47                   March Air Reserve Base, California Wednesday, November 25, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                   March becomes closed Point of Distribution

   OPERATION WARM                 for medications during statewide exercise
   HEART 11/27 - 12/3
   The 452nd Security Forces      by Linda Welz                         at hospitals, which could support                                              U.S. Air Force photo/Capt. Perry Covington
Squadron and the Air Force        452 AMW public affairs                a reason as to why certain agents
Security Forces Association                                             were detected. “This initial report      Marv Tucker, director, 452nd Emergency Management, briefs a
will have their annual Christ-       MARCH AIR RESERVE                  tells us that there is something, but    Team March member Nov. 19, 2015, as the Airman processes
mas Toy Drive (Operation          BASE, Calif. – Team March par-        it doesn’t tell us if it is endemic to   through the Point of Distribution (POD) on March Air Reserve
Warm Heart) at March Air          ticipated in a massive exercise       the area, or basically that it was       Base. Team March members worked in concert to establish and
Reserve Base from Nov. 27         Thursday, Nov. 19, by setting up a    an intentional release,” Saurwatai       facilitate a POD for a statewide exercise that included Riverside
through Dec. 15, after which      closed Point of Distribution (POD)    said.                                    &RXQW\+HDOWKRI¿FLDOVDQGRWKHUFLYLOLDQHQWLWLHV7KH32'DO-
all donations will be delivered   for the first time on base. Working                                             lows team members to receive “medication” (candy during the
to the March Field Fire and       with the Riverside County Public         After the conference call, the        exercise) for themselves and their families to treat the effects of
Emergency Services build-         Health Department, the March          local incident response group,           a simulated outbreak of Anthrax in the region.
ing. A band of volunteers will    team simulated the distribution of    which includes multiple agencies,
place the toys into food bas-     “prophies” (profophylaxis, which      is activated. This is where March        the case of a state of emergency,      a specified timeline, every five
kets to be given out to Team      is a measure designed to preserve     Field gets involved.                     we are the airport, for FEMA com-      years, Tucker said. “We’ve taken
March members who are in          the health of an individual or so-                                             ing in, for the Red Cross, all these   their plan and stripped that part
need of a little help during the  ciety and to prevent the spread of       When Marvin Tucker, who has           other agencies,” he said. “In such a   out because this POD (at March)
Christmas holidays.               disease) in order to combat the ef-   been director of the 452nd Emer-         case, our mission essential people     could be for N1H1 or whatever the
   Collection boxes will be       fects of Anthrax.                     gency Management since 1997,             may not be the pilots, but the aerial  flavor of the week is.”
located at the Main (Cactus)                                            began, he reached out to establish a     porters – to unload the aircraft. Our
Gate and at the Law Enforce-         “For nearly two years, we’ve       relationship with Riverside County       mission could shift accordingly,          Tucker recruited 100 volunteers
ment Desk (building next to       been planning a statewide exer-       EMD. “We are part of the county          causing a possible shift in who the    to process through the stations set
wing headquarters). The SFS       cise that we would be testing our     since we don’t have a medical            first responders might be.”             up at the POD. “We are trying to
and AFSFA teams agree that        response abilities for a bio-terror-  treatment facility. So we couldn’t                                              figure out how we can do this, what
March members are like one        ism attack,” said Jose Arballo, Jr.,  do a lot of things without the rela-        Since this is the first time that    personnel we need, what security
big family, and families take     senior public information spe-        tionship we have with all the hospi-     March has set up a closed POD on       we need, etc.,” he said. “We’ve tak-
care of their own. Thank you      cialist, Riverside County Public      tals and the Department of Health        base, the county provided a draft      en this huge exercise down, and we
and have a very happy holi-       Health. The scenario is a massive     – they’re the belly button for all of    plan to do a closed POD. Tucker        are trying to do a baby step.”
day season. 452nd SFS &           distribution of Anthrax from some     that,” Tucker said. “We have to rely     worked with that plan and imple-
AFSFA                             airplanes over the Southern Cali-     on them. We learned to play well         mented it during this exercise.           Tucker said his top three goals
                                  fornia coast, spreading inland into   together a long time ago.”                                                      are to set up a closed POD, to be
 COMBINED FEDERAL                 Riverside County.”                                                                The scenario this time is An-       able to administer the mass pro-
         CAMPAIGN                                                          Thanks to that relationship,          thrax because the county has grant     phies safely, which he picks up
                                     The drill began Monday, Nov.       Tucker was able to arrange for           money and they are required to ex-     from the county’s distribution cen-
   The Combined Federal           16, with a simulated Bio-watch        Team March to participate by set-        ercise an Anthrax scenario within
Campaign is currently under-      Actionable Result (BAR), said         ting up a closed POD on base for                                                                  See POD page 2
way and officially ends Dec.       Kim Saruwatai, M.P.H., direc-         the first time.
15. To donate, visit cfcofgreat-  tor, Riverside County Emergency The online CFC       Management Department. The               “We established, years ago, that
site provides you the ability     BAR is used to detect proteins on     our mission falls under that um-
to look up both SoCal local       air filters that are set up through-   brella of first responders,” Tucker
charities as well as universal    out Southern California, which        said. “So, whether we’re talking the
charities. Additionally, it al-   are then sent to their lab for fur-   AMOC or the 163rd or the 452nd,
lows you to place your pledge     ther testing. The goal is to isolate  (or) our fire dept, law enforcement,
online through automatic pay      and confirm any agents that are        (or) tower operators – they’re all
deductions making the entire      detected.                             considered first emergency re-
campaign paperless. If you                                              sponders, so we do a closed POD
have any questions regarding         “That’s enough for us to pull to-  at the base as well.”
CFC, please go through your       gether our conference call to ask if
unit/group level CFC reps.        we have intel (intelligence) enough      In a lot of these scenarios, if it’s
Let’s all work together to show   to support that there is Anthrax, or  an act of terrorism, the Force Pro-
the community how much the        another agent,” Saurwatai said.       tection Condition (FPCON) level
452 AMW cares!                                                          increases. If that occurs, Tucker
                                     The intelligence she refers to     said commanders would have to
             See BRIEFS page 3    would come by way of law en-          decide if we are willing to open the
                                  forcement reports of a possible       gate back up to allow additional
                                  attack or sick people showing up      members onto the installation. “In
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