Page 6 - March ARB Beacon 11-25-15
P. 6

6 November 25, 2015                                                                        

   The collective Team March public affairs staff wishes a very safe and hap-           Mr. Robert Kaschak: the ability to be able to do physical things, the opportu-
py Thanksgiving weekend to all Team March members and their families. In             nity to still function in my job, the heart and compassion to understand pain, help
preparation for this issue, we asked our Facebook fans and Team March mem-           the suffering and the hope to be able to live a full life for the remaining days I
bers to complete this sentence:                                                      have left with a healthy respect for all I come in contact with.

 I am thankful for…                                                                     Lt. Col. Shawn Swarz: young people who continue to raise their hands and
                                                                                     volunteer to enter the profession of arms.
   Ms. Kelly Gonzalez: all that our husbands do to keep us safe, happy, and to-
gether while they are home and away.                                                    Ms. Belem Morris: everything God has given me without deserving, including
                                                                                     all the service men and women who have given their lives for us, when many of
   Mr. Jack Easterling: the Boy Scouts’ picture at the Museum of us boys who         us don’t appreciate what they do for us.
lived on base back in the late 1940s; all the new friends we made as teenagers liv-
ing in Green Acres and Dusty Acres on March Field from late 1945 to 1952; the           Ms. Amanda Fairholt: my AF co-workers who have not only pushed me to be
Bob Hope shows on base; the chance to go out onto the flightline to see the first    the best worker I can be, but also encourage me to accomplish my personal goals.
jets (Bell P59, Lockheed P80 Shooting Star, and later Boeing B29s); camping          THANK YOU GUYS!!!
with the Scouts in Big Bear and taking PT boats from Long Beach to Catalina.
                                                                                        Mr. Philip Navratil: GOD allowing me to wake up each day with the opportu-
   Ms. Lisa Lisa Lisa: my family, which includes my Air Force family as well as      nity to serve the military men and women who keep our country safe and secure.
my Navy family!
                                                                                        SrA Samantha White: my senses, which allow me to see, hear, and otherwise
   Ms. Domenica Petrusa: our freedom and safety. Thank you U.S. Armed Forces.        experience all the beautiful things in this world.

Mr. Keith Mullins: the March Field Air Museum helping to preserve the his- TSgt. Shane Olguin: my career in the Air Force and the job security that comes

tory of the area.                                                                    along with it.

   Mr. DeWayne Mortensen II: a strong Inland Empire and its protective military         SSgt. Edwin Ortiz: having a wonderful and loving wife and kids who have
presence which is ready always!                                                      stayed strong while I have been gone supporting missions and for being part of
                                                                                     my Heavenly Father’s Kingdom.
   Mr. George Duggan: the good old U.S. of A!
                                                                                        SMSgt. Lali Gomez: the gifts God gave me -- my health, my family and espe-
   Ms. Marissa Murguia: my family and all my friends, and thank you to all U.S.      cially my children, Joseph, 15, Sofia, 10, and Alicia, 6.
Military Branches.
                                                                                        Maj. Gen. John Flournoy Jr: the incredible selfless service and dedication of
   Ms. Michelle Mears-Gerst: those who put God and country before selfish            all Citizen Airmen and civilians serving in Fourth Air Force.
wants and desires.
                                                                                        Ms. Patricia Vegas: Jesus…my children…my mother…my brothers and sis-
   Ms. Lynette Floyd: a loving family, good and close friends, living in a country   ters in Christ…my rooted church group…my women’s Bible study group…that
free because of the dedication and sacrifices of our military. We have a lot to be   my rooted group has given generously of their time, labor, and money to build
thankful for.                                                                        showers for the homeless in Costa Mesa…for living in the United States…our
                                                                                     ability to speak freely.
   Mr. John Florence: living in the best country and time throughout the history
of earth. We have everything a human can ask for including heat, AC, running            Mr. Elmer Little: all the Servicemen and women insuring our freedom on this
water, variety of food, shelter, transportation, soft beds and the list goes on and  holiday and every day.
on. Even our poorest families live better than 90% of the world population going
back to the beginning of time. We are truly lucky and more blessed than we will         Ms. Cheryl McDowell: being able to choose my attitude on a daily basis.
ever know just to be born in this awesome country during these wonderful times.
                                                                                        Mr. Everett Ahlbom: my country and the military who defend our freedom.
   TSgt. Arthur Villegas: my family and friends that I have in my life.
                                                                                        Capt. Daniel Greer: everything that God has given me – my family, friends,
   MSgt. Ameerah Beyah-Brewer: the sparkle in my children’s eyes, the friends        home, job, and a great Air Force aircraft to fly!
and family that encourage and love me in all my endeavors, and the Nation that
comes together crisis after crisis; for every individual who thanks me for wearing      TSgt. Jill Lundgren: my husband who has taken on role of a father, grandpa,
the uniform. I proudly serve them this Thanksgiving and always.                      and uncle for my family. My grandchildren adore him and he is so wonderful
                                                                                     with them. My niece and nephew love him and have a wonderful time when he’s
   SMSgt. Keith Baxter: my family, friends and health. I am thankful my loved        around. It warms my heart to see him interact with them and see the joy he brings.
ones can live in safety and feel secure from those who may wish to do us harm.
However, I am most thankful for my decision 22 years ago to enlist in the mili-         TSgt. Marcia Johnson: my daughter Samantha -- for continuing to be a mira-
tary. Everything I am and everything I have earned, I owe to the U.S. Air Force.     cle in the making of God’s plan, having survived two bone marrow transplants at
                                                                                     ages 3 1/2 and 4 3/4 for AML Leukemia, anticipating graduating in the spring of
   Maj. Mark Johnson: the brotherhood that is the United States Air Force.           2016 at CSUSB with her Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design, and watching her
                                                                                     becoming a mature adult ready to take on what God has in store for her.
   MSgt. Andrew Davis: the ability to serve as an Air Force Reserve recruiter
right back home here in Orange County for the 452nd AMW. It has allowed me              SrA Rachel Hollinger: my new baby boy, Charles, and how he and my hus-
to hit career goals I set for myself a long time ago – which in turn has allowed     band have completed my little family.
certain privileges for my wife and child.
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