Page 2 - March ARB Beacon 11-25-15
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2                                   November 25, 2015                      
THE                                     10 “Black Friday” shopping safety tips
   Volume 80, Number 47
                                        (revised from blog)

 452 AMW Public Affairs                    Getting ready to hit the stores on Black      nections and only shop at websites you trust.      8. Know California gift card rules -
14560 2nd Street, Bldg. 2640            Friday? The day after Thanksgiving gives            5. Confirm all purchases, online and in-
March ARB, CA 92518-1852                consumers a chance to get a head start on                                                        guides/s-11.shtml
DPZSDZRUNÀRZ#XVDIPLO              their holiday shopping with dramatic dis-        store, and save all receipts. Receipts are
                                        counts that create some of the best prices       needed to make exchanges, refunds, and to          9. Nothing gets a thief going like a car
       fax: 951-655-7070                of the year. Whether going to the store on       dispute an incorrect charge.                    full of shopping bags that are clearly vis-
     phone: 951-655-4138                Thanksgiving or on Black Friday, make                                                            ible. Lock them in the trunk or, if possible,
                                        sure to not become a crime victim. Before           6. Know your rights when it comes to         take them directly home.
         COMMANDER                      leaving home, remember that Black Friday         refunds, cancellations, returns, layaways,
     Col. Russell Muncy                 is all about being smart with money, not         bait and switch, and rainchecks.                   10. Make sure to bring a bottle of wa-
                                        just with how it’s spent, but how it’s pro-                                                      ter and a few light snacks. Spending hours
PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER                  tected. Check this list of essential tips for a     7. Report lost or stolen credit, debit, and  wading through shoppers and stores can
   Capt. Perry Covington                safe and successful shopping trip.               ATM cards immediately. Acting fast limits       leave people exhausted and dehydrated.
                                                                                         liability for unauthorized charges.
              EDITOR                       10 Holiday Shopping Tips
       Ms. Linda Welz                      1. Planning a shopping trip can save
                                        shoppers time and money.
452 AMW EDITORIAL STAFF                    2. Cell phone reception can be spotty in
    Senior Master Sgt. David Smith      some stores, large malls, and retail outlets,
      Master Sgt. Megan Crusher         so set a specific time and place to meet up
   Staff Sgt. Heather Cozad Staley      after scouring stores for bargains.
    Senior Airman Russell McMillan         3. Shopping with a single credit card is
   Senior Airman Joseph Dangidang       safer because it’s easier to cancel one card
   Senior Airman Kevin Mitterholzer     than several, if a wallet or purse gets lost
     Senior Airman Callie McNary        or stolen.
                                           4. When shopping online, use secure con-
    The Beacon is published by
Aerotech News and Review. Aero-            Planning on gaining a few pounds              of a team (up to four members per team).                 (initial weight-new weight/ini-
WHFKLVDSULYDWH¿UPLQQRZD\FRQ-    during the holidays? You’re in luck! The         Registrations forms are available at the                 tial weight). Measurements are
nected with the U.S. Air Force, un-     March Fitness Center is hosting the Big-         Fitness Center and must be completed                     optional at the initial weigh-in.
der exclusive written contract with     gest Luzer competition, starting Jan. 4,         and returned in person. Participants can
the 452nd Air Mobility Wing. This       2016, for all Defense Department ID              join anytime during the first three weeks                    Progress will be tracked and
civilian enterprise Air Force news-     card holders, including military retirees,       (Jan. 4 through Jan 22).                                 maintained by Fitness Center
paper is an authorized publication      dependents 18 years and older (and out                                                                    staff, and all information is com-
for employees and members of            of high school), and eligible contractors.          The initial weigh-in is scheduled for                 pletely confidential. Participants
U.S. military services, retirees and                                                     Jan. 4, and subsequent weigh-ins will                    are responsible for logging work-
family members. Contents are not           The objective of the three-month-             be every Wednesday between 8 a.m.                        outs, which is a requirement of
QHFHVVDULO\ WKH RI¿FLDO YLHZV RI  long, Biggest Luzer competition is to            and 8 p.m. at the Fitness Center. The                    the competition. Workouts can
or endorsed by, the U.S. Govern-        encourage authorized fitness center pa-           competition ends with a final weigh-                      be done at the Fitness Center
ment, the Department of Defense         trons to gain healthy wellness habits,           in on Mar. 31. A Fitness Center staff                    (individual, group exercise class
or the Department of the Air Force.     and lose weight as they participate in           member will be required to complete                      or WELLBEATS reservation),
                                        the competition.                                 your weigh-in. Weight loss is calcu-                     or at an outside facility. Partic-
    The appearance of advertis-                                                          lated on the percentage of weight lost                   pants may also choose to receive
ing in this newspaper, including           Participants may be individuals or part                                                                weekly emails with motivational
inserts or supplements, does not                                                                                                                  information, fitness guides and
constitute endorsement of the                                                                                                                     resources, Fitness Center events
products or services by the De-                                                                                                                   and classes, and general nutri-
partment of Defense, the Depart-                                                                                                                  tional recommendations and re-
ment of the Air Force or Aerotech                                                                                                        ferrals from an exercise physiologist.
News and Review, Inc.                                                                                                                       Incentive prices will be given to each
                                                                                                                                         participant who completes eight WELL-
    Everything advertised in this                                                                                                        BEATS classes by the end of week four;
newspaper shall be made avail-                                                                                                           16 WELLBEATS classes by the end of
able for purchase, use or patron-                                                                                                        week eight; or 24 WELLBEATS classes
age without regard to race, color,                                                                                                       by the end of week 24.
religion, sex, national origin, age,                                                                                                        At the end of the competition, the top
marital status, physical handicap,                                                                                                       two individual members and teams will
SROLWLFDO DI¿OLDWLRQ RU DQ\ RWKHU                                                                                                   receive Biggest Luzer T-shirts, bragging
non-merit factor of the purchaser,                                                                                                       rights and a new and improved version
user or patron.                                                                                                                          of themselves! There is also an optional
                                                                                                                                         raffle to win more prized upon comple-
    Editorial content is edited, pre-                                                                                                    tion of the program.
pared and provided by the staff
of the 452nd Air Mobility Wing
Reserve Base. All photographs
in the Beacon are Air Force pho-
tos unless otherwise stated. For
advertising, contact Aerotech di-
rectly at 877-247-9288.

Aerotech News and Review
  456 East Ave. K-4, Suite 8
     Lancaster, CA 93535
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