Page 4 - Aerotech News and Review June 17, 2016_Neat
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BRIEFS, from 2 international security conference, told NHK national television that vessel is “`shadowing” the exercise, but “they’ve acted very profes-
the move by Beijing to dispatch a naval ship may just be China’s sionally and haven’t interfered with our operations.” AP
that crashed had recently undergone factory repairs. Emergency way of stressing its resolve over its territorial claims amid widening
crews have already have recovered the plane’s flight recorder. international concern over its activities in the South China Sea. AP Russia looks to revive its aircraft industry with new plane
Russia presented June 8 a new airliner that is intended to revive
The Russian Knights are famous for their spectacular low passes Russia proposes mechanism to prevent U.S. sea confron-
and synchronized maneuvers. They perform widely at air shows in tations the nation’s aircraft-making prowess and reduce its reliance on
Russia and abroad. AP Western planes.
Russia’s Defense Ministry says it has presented a proposal to the
Swiss fighter jet crashes in Netherlands, pilot survives United States on developing a mechanism for preventing confronta- The MC-21, a twin-engine short- and mid-range passenger jet,
A Swiss fighter jet has crashed in the Netherlands during training tions on the open sea and airspace above it. was unveiled in the Siberian city of Irkutsk. It has been built by Irkut
Corp., part of the state-controlled United Aircraft Corporation.
exercises for an airshow but the pilot ejected to safety. The June 8 statement, reported by the news agency Interfax,
A Swiss Defense Ministry spokeswoman, Karin Suini, said June comes in the wake of several tense incidents in recent months. In Unlike the old Soviet designs, the new jet is built with a signifi-
April, a Russian jet flew about 15 meters (50 feet) from the wing cant amount of composite materials that help reduce weight and
9 that the plane was a Northrop F-5 Tiger. tip of a U.S. aircraft and two Russian jets flew close to the USS enhance fuel efficiency. It can be powered by Pratt & Whitney
The Friesland regional fire department in the northern Nether- Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea. The Pentagon also said a Russian engines or new Russian-built engines, which are being finalized.
fighter plane conducted a barrel roll over a reconnaissance plane
lands said that the jet crashed into a lake near the town of Bitgum. flying above the Baltic Sea. The new plane is expected to conduct its maiden flight next
There were no reports of injuries. year, and deliveries to Russian flag carrier Aeroflot are set to start
The F-5 Tiger is often used for stunt and formation flying. The jet The ministry said that during consultations with the U.S. on in 2018. Irkut has so far received orders for 175 planes, including
Wednesday, “the Russian side submitted proposals to develop a 50 for Aeroflot.
that crashed had been due to take part in an airshow in Leeuwarden mechanism to prevent incidents,” Interfax reported. AP
this weekend. AP Various models of the MC-21 are designed to carry from 165
Limited ‘Russian activity’ reported at NATO Baltic Sea drill to 211 passengers.
China warship off disputed islands, Japan protests to China The commander of the U.S. Sixth Fleet says NATO ships are
Japan protested to China June 9 after spotting a Chinese warship Aeroflot and other Russian airlines have increasingly relied on
conducting a major naval drill in the Baltic Sea without interfer- Boeing and Airbus planes, but the government has made the re-
near disputed islands in the East China Sea. ence from Russia. vival of domestic aircraft-making industries a top priority.
Japanese officials said a Chinese navy frigate was seen off the
Tensions rose in April when Russian jets buzzed a U.S. destroyer Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev hailed the new plane
coast of the Japanese-controlled Senkaku islands, also claimed by in the Baltic Sea, but U.S. Navy Rear Adm. James G. Foggo III said as the cutting edge in aircraft design, superior to Western planes
China and called the Diaoyu islands. The ship did not violate Ja- June 8 that “we’ve not seen a lot of Russian activity” during the currently in service.
pan’s territorial waters. exercise that started June 3.
“The MC-21 is new evidence of Russia’s ability to create planes
While Chinese coast guard vessels routinely patrol the area, it The drill includes naval forces from 15 NATO nations and non- that move our aircraft manufacturing industry forward and allow
was the first time a Chinese warship was spotted, officials said. members Finland and Sweden. Foggo said a Russian intelligence us to compete with other countries,” Medvedev said. “There are
very few nations that have aircraft-making industries. They are
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga criticized Beijing for the top league and we mustn’t drop out of it.” AP
escalating regional tension.
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“Japan is extremely concerned about the action that unilaterally Visit for a complete list of locations.
escalates tension in the area,” Suga said.
The next print issue of Aerotech News and Review hits the streets July 1, 2016.
The territorial dispute often harms bilateral relations already For up-to-date aerospace, defense and veterans’ news, visit
troubled by wartime history.
Japan is also investigating the presence of three Russian warships
in the area about the same time. Suga said officials are analyzing
whether the two incidents were coordinated.
Deputy Foreign Minister Akitaka Saiki summoned Chinese Am-
bassador Cheng Yonghua to the ministry to deliver a protest.
Defense Minister Gen Nakatani, in Singapore to attend an annual
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