Page 7 - Aerotech News and Review June 17, 2016_Neat
P. 7

BENEFIELD, from 6                         of the MTEP.                          Long line at gas stationNotes: None
                                             The CC-130J brought to Edwards
U.S., Canada, United Kingdom and                                                                                 TRAVEL
Australia. The agreement is called        is from 8 Wing located at Canadian
the Multinational Test and Evalua-        Forces Base Trenton, Ontario. Can-                                          TOAir Force photograph by Christian Turner
tion Program.                             ada purchased 17 CC-130Js with
                                          the last one delivered in 2012.       A KC-10 Extender refuels an F-35A from the 461st Flight Test Squadron, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., while a B-2
   “This agreement provides an un-                                              stealth bomber (bottom) and three F-16s wait their turn in this recently released photo. The planes were on various
precedented access to the partnering         On the outside the CC-130J looks   test missions when they all flocked to the KC-10 to refuel in midair via the tanker’s boom. The B-2 is from the 419th
nations’ EW trials and data,” said        almost identical to the legacy CC-    Flight Test Squadron and the F-16s with the 416th FLTS.
Poliakov. “The CC-130J trial at the       130H Hercules, but internally the J
BAF is the first time the agreement       model is essentially a completely
has been used since it was officially     new aircraft that can fly faster,
signed in 2015. We invited represen-      higher and farther, while carry-
tatives from the U.K. and Australia       ing heavier loads with better fuel
to witness this trial and will share all  economy.
of the results with our allies.”
                                             While this is the first time an
   Poliakov added the agreement           RCAF plane has come to test in
eliminates a lot of repetitive test-      the BAF, Poliakov hopes it won’t
ing and road blocks and allows the        be the last.
partner nations to discuss directly
with their allies in the test commu-         “We have had a fantastic experi-
nity about system capabilities and        ence at the BAF. We were able to
deficiencies. The countries share         complete all planned test objec-
data and test planning.                   tives and collect data, which we
                                          don’t normally have access to. This
   “This agreement allows the allies      facility provides the missing link
to work together and contribute to        between systems testing in the lab
the common goal of increasing crew        and flight trials at a range. I hope
and aircraft survivability in a poten-    we’ll be able to integrate the BAF
tial threat environment.”                 into our regular DEWS test cycles
                                          for all fleets in the RCAF.”
   During a meeting last year, Polia-
kov said Mario Dorado of the 772nd           The CC-130J team is expected to
TS invited the RCAF to Edwards            complete testing this week.
to conduct EW testing on the CC-
130J, thus initiating the first action

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June 17, 2016                                                  Aerotech News and Review                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                7

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