Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 4, 2020
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vol. 4, no. 20 Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR sept. 4, 2020
An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
Air Force photograph
F-16 Fighting Falcon assigned to the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
28th TES conducts successful tests of BLU-136 bomb
by 1st Lt Savanah Bray signed to gather data to determine the at distances in excess of 225 feet away delivery for the F-16, thus proving that
Nellis AFB, Nev. operational performance of the BLU- from the target. if/when fielded, the weapon will be virtu-
136, specifically in the areas of blast “This was a very easy test because ally ready from day one,” said Lambert.
The 28th Test and Evaluation Squad- and fragmentation damage,” said Lt. the weapon functioned exactly as it was “This also means that the delivery of the
ron conducted a Force Development Col. Daniel Lambert, 28th TES Global supposed to,” said Lambert. “All ten GBU-31v11 from any other aircraft will
Evaluation to operationally test the Strike division chief. “This data will BLU-136s dropped as they should and likely require little to no changes in load-
BLU-136 Next Generation Area Attack help decision makers determine if the met or exceeded all expectations and ing or delivery tactics.”
Weapon from July 8-24, 2020, at the BLU-136 is a viable substitute for the requirements.” “Despite the challenges of operating in
Nellis Test and Training Range. Air Force’s fleet of cluster bombs.” The BLU-136 is a 2000-pound class a COVID-19 restricted environment, the
The fragmentation of the BLU-136 The tests proved that the design bomb body with form factor and mass FDE was on time and successful,” said Lt.
is non-explosive, making it a less-haz- of the BLU-136 was effective in area properties similar to the BLU-109. When Col Matt Olson, 28th TES commander.
ardous alternative to cluster munitions. denial and would be very effective combined with the joint direct attack “This test is just another great example
The FDE consisted of seven missions against light vehicles, light structures, munition tail kit, the BLU-136 is desig- of the Scorpion’s ability to rise to any
flown by the 422nd Test and Evaluation and personnel. They also showed that nated as the GBU-31v11. challenge, and I could not be prouder
Squadron, successfully dropping 10 the BLU-136 is capable of inflicting “The loading of the weapons and of the team that was able to bring this
BLU-136s from F-16 Fighting Falcons. fragmentation damage on the equip- delivery of the BLU-136/GBU-31v11 was important capability to the Combat Air
“The operational tests were de- ment and simulated personnel targets the same as any other JDAM loading or Force!”
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