Page 10 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 4, 2020
P. 10
10 September 4, 2020 news DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa
There for you: Creech Chaplains put the RST in ‘Present’
by Robert Brooks and morale concerns from top-to-bottom Spiritual Fitness Indicator for hope. tact the Nellis Command Post at 702-652-
Creech AFB, Nev. of every unit. Not only a voice of reason to “There is hope,” said Capt. Matt, base 2446/2447 and ask for the “432nd Wing Duty
Airmen, Chaplains listen and advise every chaplain, “you are loved and we care about Chaplain.”
You may see them on a routine visit to leader, from wing commander to first ser- you, we pray for you, we think about you,
your squadron, or as a fly on the wall at a geant, to assist them as they lead Airmen and we are available to you, and it matters
commander’s call. from every background. to us that you are okay. You are not alone.
You may see them speak at a retirement, “The chaplain team is a core part of our You may feel alone sometimes, but you are
promotion, town hall or even a change of care for airmen.” said Col. Jason Bell, 432nd not alone.”
command ceremony. Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing vice Taking care of your mental, physical,
However, every Creech Chaplain wants commander. “They are everywhere, in all social and spiritual health is important to
you to know that they will, above all, make spaces, and they offer a wide range of spiri- maintain good order and discipline to meet
themselves available when you need them tual support to help our Airmen. We just the Air Force mission, live a long and healthy
most. Whether it’s at the hospital for you can’t do this without them.” life and take care of yourself and your family.
or your family, at the squadron to help you From intimate settings, to mass gather- The RST has found creative ways to main-
through a tough time, or when you need ings, the RST team are trained and equipped tain a sense of normal during this abnormal
someone to just listen to guide you through to make every visit or passing chat an op- time of COVID-19. With social distancing,
a tough relationship, family issue or help portunity for mentorship. One example of they conduct backyard gatherings for group
you with some coping skills to make things targeted settings for whole-Airman growth discussions, parking lot confessions, virtual
a little brighter. are Comprehensive Airman Fitness days. pre-marital counseling with a social distance
Family adjustments during 2020 have CAF days provide an opportunity for wedding and they attend multiple town
been very challenging for everyone. Some units to facilitate a 30-minute discussion on a halls with senior leadership all to support
Airmen have experienced cancelled leave or topic of concern or trend identified through a our Airmen. Air Force photograph by Robert Brooks
professional travel for training. Some have Spiritual Fitness Assessment, provided by the “We are available to you for confidential Chaplain services provide prayer to 432nd
seen their dream assignment pushed, while Human Performance Team, for a given unit, counseling,” said Staff Sgt. Moses, NCOIC of Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing Airmen
others experienced not being able to walk while engaging in morale-boosting activities. Readiness and Training, “We will take care at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., Aug. 10, 2020.
their daughter down the aisle at their wed- When the anonymous assessment is com- of you the best way we can and we will be Chaplains remain in-tune to every Airman
ding. Many relationships have been strained pleted by several members of a unit and the your ultimate wingman.”
through this difficult time. results compiled, it can identify a common You are not alone, and you are cared for by listening to leaders across the wing on
The Religious Support Team recognizes indicator. This assessment can help tailor by your chaplain team. You can reach them common trends during unit engagements,
these stressors and many more. the discussion and provide critical think- 24/7 at 702-404-0891 or via email at 432wg. then providing recommendations to
The RST provides advice on matters ing to improve the overall spiritual fitness the commanders, first sergeants and
related to religious, spiritual, ethical, moral of the squadron, group or wing, such as the For emergencies after duty hours, con- superintendents on how to better serve.
For more information, go to
o to www
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