Page 12 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 4, 2020
P. 12
12 September 4, 2020 Community news DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa
#MaskUpNV Honors Healthcare Workers
by John Archiquette Throughout the performance, onlookers
VA Southern Nevada were encouraged to maintain physical
A troupe of Las Vegas entertainers The parade began in the early morning
joined VA Southern Nevada Healthcare hours and made its way across the Las Ve-
System Aug. 12 to encourage Nevadans gas valley throughout the day, stopping
to “Mask Up.” A parade and culminat- at 13 hospitals along the way. The event
ing musical performance were part of featured singers, dancers, and aerial ac-
the #MaskUpNV campaign, a COVID- robats from several Las Vegas shows, as
prevention initiative sponsored by Las well as local favorites like Piff the Magic
Vegas area hospitals and entertainment Dragon, and Chance, the mascot for the
industry. Vegas Golden Knights hockey team. At
Greg Chase, #MaskUpNV organizer, the conclusion of the performance, VA
planned the event as a way to celebrate staff members joined the troupe with
frontline health care workers and make banners reading Heroes Work Here.
the public aware of the men and women Because the VA Medical Center was in
behind the masks. “When someone com- the middle of their parade schedule, the
plains about a piece of cloth, it’s impor- performers and parade participants had
tant that we put ourselves in the minds their lunch at the VA Southern Nevada
of the medical team and see that they’re Fisher House. “The staff was extremely
wearing suits,” said Chase. “Underneath, hospitable. We are amazed by both the
however, they are mothers and fathers, warm welcome we received at the VA, as
sons and daughters, who put their lives well as the enthusiastic participation we
on the line for our health and safety.” had during the show,” said Chase.
Veterans and VASNHS staff enjoyed The #MaskUpNV project will contin-
the 10-minute performance, some watch- ue to promote their message of COVID
ing from outside the Northeast entrance safety precautions with social media and Courtesy photograph
while others looked on from windows. television advertising campaigns. Las Vegas entertainers honor VASNHS healthcare workers with #MaskUpNV performance.