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Direct Support Professional - Pima County
Job Details: Targeted hiring for Tucson/Pima County
Two great new offers from AT&T 800-822-6344 Salary: $12.15 per hour | Job Type: Part-time/Full-time | Schedule: Flexible, weekdays/weekends
Wireless! Ask how to get the Benefits: Sick Leave (30+ hours eligible for insurance and PTO) Location: Tucson/Pima County
new iPhone 11 or Next Genera- Seeking Direct Support Professionals for: DSPs for teens, young adults and adults.
tion Samsung Galaxy S10e ON St. Jude patient Isabelle with her mom, Abigayle, U.S. Army National Guard Provided as a public service. Ability to travel to all areas of Pima County. Active engagement, community activities. Patience, long-term
A CFC Participant.
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CALL 1-877-378-1175 Experience: Developmental Disabilities: 1 year (preferred, not required)
Full Job Description
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$49.99/month. Select All-In- Echoing Hope Ranch’s (EHR) mission is to acknowledge each person as a dynamic human being and to
cluded Package. 155 Chan- Hiring Heroes to Improve help them build as full and satisfying life as possible. Each person with autism or other developmental
nels. 1000s of Shows/Movies disabilities has a unique set of skills and strengths. Identifying strengths and developing new skills
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DVR Upgrade. Premium movie Are you looking to make a difference in someone’s life? Join us as we provide growth, discovery, and
channels, FREE for 3 mos! Call lifelong learning for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. EHR’s Direct Support
1-844-805-6126 Professionals provide respite assistance and habilitation (skills coaching) to promote increased
This position has flexible hours and is ideal for those with school schedules, other jobs, family
responsibilities, retirees, classroom aides, paraprofessionals, etc.
Respite Care
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needed time for family and caregivers to invest in self-care. Duties may include using communication
TODAY! tools, meals, toileting and aiding in mobility. Services are provided in the individual’s home, as well as in
the community.
Habilitation is designed to teach and support independent living skills, special developmental skills,
sensorimotor development, and behavior management. Individuals may live on their own, with a caregiver
or guardians. Through habilitation, EHR works towards meeting the individual’s goals as outlined in their
planning documents.
COVID protocols are observed. DSPs are required to follow safety measures by wearing masks, gloves,
maintaining distance, etc. Training and guidelines are provided.
Must be 18 years of age or older (seniors and retirees are encouraged to apply)
Able to pass a background check and obtain a fingerprint clearance card
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and for generations to come. Valid AZ Driver’s License and ability to transport (safe and reliable vehicle required)
Please visit our website to complete the online application:
800-45-DUCKS For any application accommodations, please contact 520.508.4006
“We look forward to having you as a member of the Echoing Hope Ranch team!”
A CFC participant - provided as a public service
Aerotech News and Review
22 ........ July 16, 2021