Page 17 - The Future of Aerospace is X - X-Planes 2021
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X-29 Advanced Technology Demonstrator Aircraft  Boeing X-32/Lockheed Martin X-35

 The Grumman X-29 was an Ameri-  airfoil; strake flaps; close-coupled ca-  Research Projects Agency and the   The Joint Strike Fighter has been   the aircraft. To achieve this, the engine   span was narrower to reduce weight.
 can experimental aircraft that tested   nards; and a computerized fly-by-wire   U.S. Air Force issued proposals for a   described as the largest single defense   was located in the front portion of the   After the X-32 design was frozen,
 a forward-swept wing, canard control   flight control system to maintain con-  research aircraft designed to explore   program in history, with a potential   fuselage, with the vectoring nozzles   the planned Model 375 production
 surfaces, and other novel aircraft tech-  trol of the otherwise unstable aircraft.  the forward-swept wing concept. The   market for 5,000-8,000 aircraft worth   immediately behind it, and a long ex-  version continued to evolve, gaining a
 nologies. The X-29 was developed   Research results showed that the   aircraft was also intended to validate   over $200 billion, when all potential   haust duct leading back to the after-  conventional horizontal stabilizer and
 by Grumman, and the two built were   configuration of forward-swept wings,   studies that predicted better control and   export orders are included.  burner and pitch-axis thrust vectoring   a stubby swept wing rather than the
 flown by NASA and the U.S. Air Force.  coupled with movable canards, gave   lift qualities in extreme maneuvers and   In November 1996, Boeing and   nozzle at the rear. The engine position   original delta wing. The engine intake
 The  aerodynamic  instability of   pilots excellent control response at up   possibly reduce aerodynamic drag, as   Lockheed Martin were awarded con-  and overall dimension limitations dic-  cowl was also raked backward rather
 the X-29s airframe required the use   to 45 degrees angle of attack, higher   well as fly more efficiently at cruise   tracts to build two Concept Demon-  tated a very short nose.  than forward.
 of computerized  fly-by-wire  con-  than comparable fighter aircraft. Dur-  speeds.  strator Aircraft — one CTOL version   For the two CDA aircraft, the des-
 trol. Composite materials were used to   ing its flight history, X-29s were flown   Grumman was chosen in December   and one STOVL version — each. The   ignation  X-32A  was  allocated  to   Lockheed Martin X-35
 control the aeroelastic divergent twist-  on 422 research missions. Aircraft No.   1981 to receive an $87 million contract   aircraft were not intended to be fighter   the CTOL version and X-32B to the   The X-35 was the Lockheed Martin
 ing experienced by forward-swept   1 flew 242 in the Phase 1 portion of   to build two X-29 aircraft. They were to   prototypes, but rather to prove that the   STOVL version. Unlike the Lockheed   Joint Strike Fighter demonstrator, com-
 wings, and to reduce weight. The air-  the program; 120 flights were flown by   become the first new X-series aircraft   selected design concepts would work,   Martin X-35, there were no airframe   peting with the Boeing X-32.
 craft first flew in 1984, and two X-29s   aircraft No. 2 in Phase 2; and 60 flights   in more than a decade. First flight of the   hence the use of X designations.  changes required to demonstrate U.S.   The initial X-35A reflected the basic
 were flight tested through 1991.  were completed in a follow-on “vortex   No. 1 X-29 was Dec. 14, 1984, while   Boeing was assigned X-32 while   Navy aircraft carrier (CV/CTOL) ap-  Air Force CTOL design, and was used
 The aircraft’s forward-swept wings   control” phase.  the No. 2 aircraft first flew on May 23,   Lockheed Martin received the desig-  proach capabilities — the X-32A per-  for early flights before being modified
 were mounted well back on the fuse-  1989.   nation X-35.  formed both roles.  into the STOVL version, designated
 lage, while its canards (horizontal sta-  Before World War II, some gliders   The X-32A featured a non-moving   X-35B. While Boeing proposed a di-
 bilizers to control pitch) were in front   with forward-swept wings existed, and   Flight control system  Boeing X-32  intake and wide-span wings with ac-  rect lift STOVL design based on that
 of the wings instead of on the tail. The   the the National Advisory Commit-  The flight control surfaces on the   The Boeing X-32 used a novel air-  centuated tip extensions. The X-32B   used in the Harrier, Lockheed opted
 complex geometries of the wings and   tee for Aeronautics (NACA) Langley   NASA photograph  X-29 were the forward-mounted ca-  frame shape combined with a direct-  featured a moving intake cowl that   for a different approach in meeting the
 canards combined to provide excep-  Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory in   nards, which shared the lifting load   lift STOVL configuration. The Harrier-  translated forward during hover to al-  vertical flight requirements. Inspired
 tional maneuverability, supersonic   Virginia, performed wind-tunnel stud-  This photo shows the X-29 during a 1991 research flight. Smoke generators   with the wings and provided primary   style direct lift concept required the lift   low more air into the engine. The fuse-  by the Russian Yak-141, the X-35B   Air Force photograph
 in the nose of the aircraft were used to help researchers see the behavior of
 performance and a light structure. Air   ies on the concept in 1931.  the air flowing over the aircraft. The smoke here is demonstrating forebody   pitch control. The wing flaperons (com-  nozzles to be on the center of gravity of   lage was slightly shorter and the wing   incorporated a separate lift-fan that   The X-35 Joint Strike Fighter demonstrator performs flight tests at Edwards
 moving over the forward-swept wings   Germany developed a jet-powered   vortex flow. This mission was flown Sept. 10, 1991, by NASA research pilot   bination flaps and ailerons) were used   was shaft-driven by the F119 engine,   Air Force Base, Calif.
 tended to flow inward toward the root   aircraft with forward-swept wings, the   Rogers Smith.  to change wing camber and function   allowing cooler exhaust temperatures
 of the wing instead of outward toward   Junkers Ju-287, during the war. The   as ailerons for roll control when used   during hover.  There are a number of differences   gram partners — the United States,
 the wing tip as occurs on an aft-swept   concept, however, was not successful   asymmetrically. In addition, the strake   While the Boeing design was more   between the X-35 and F-35, which   United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands,
 wing. This reverse airflow kept the   because the technology and materials   ness jet to use a forward-swept-wing.  The X-29’s thin supercritical wing   flaps on each side of the rudder aug-  conventional, Lockheed argued that   was designed to be an operational   Australia, Norway, Denmark and Cana-
 wing tips and their ailerons from stall-  did not exist to construct the wing rigid   The introduction of composite ma-  was of composite construction. State-  mented the canards with pitch control.   their strategy was better in the long   weapon system. The forward fuselage   da. Six Foreign Military Sales custom-
 ing at high angles of attack (direction   enough to overcome bending and twist-  terials in the 1970s opened a new field   of-the-art composites permit aeroelastic   The control surfaces were linked elec-  term since it offered more room for   was lengthened by 5 inches to make   ers are also procuring and operating the
 of the fuselage relative to the air flow).  ing forces without making the aircraft   of aircraft construction, making it pos-  tailoring, which allows the wing some   tronically to a triple-redundant digital   growth as the aircraft evolves. The sec-  room for mission avionics, while the   F-35 — Israel, Japan, South Korea, Po-
 The fighter-size X-29 also explored   too heavy. Hamburger Flugzuebau de-  sible to design rugged airframes and   bending but limits twisting and elimi-  fly-by-wire flight control system that   ond airframe was the X-35C STOVL   horizontal stabilizers were correspond-  land, Belgium and Singapore. On June
 the use of advanced composites in   signed and built the Hansa Jet HFB-320   structures stronger than those made of   nates structural divergence within the   provided an artificial stability.  demonstrator for the Navy. This model   ingly moved 2 inches aft to retain bal-  30, 2021, Switzerland announced it
 aircraft construction; variable camber   in the early 1960s; the aircraft first flew   conventional materials, yet lightweight   flight envelope (deformation of the   The particular forward-swept wing,   featured an enlarged wing of greater   ance and control. The diverterless su-  would purchase the F-35A; and while
 wing surfaces; the unique forward-  in 1964. The company built 45 HFB-  and able to withstand tremendous aero-  wing or breaking off in flight).  span and area for larger fuel capac-  personic inlet cowl shape changed from   it was announced in 2020 that the
 swept wing and its thin supercritical   320s, the only certified civilian busi-  dynamic forces.  In 1977, the Defense Advanced   See X-29, Page 19  ity, as well as enlarged horizontal tails   a four-sided to a three-sided shape and
                                                                      and flaperons for greater control ef-  was moved 30 inches aft. To accom-  United States would sell the United
                                                                      fectiveness during low-speed carrier   modate weapons bays, the fuselage   Arab Emirates the F-35 under the For-
                                                        Air Force photograph  approaches.           section was fuller with the top surface   eign Military Sales program, there is
          The Boeing Joint Strike Fighter X-32B demonstrator lifts off on its maiden   The X-35 was selected as the win-  raised by 1 inch along the centerline.   Congressional action that could limit
          flight from the company’s facility in Palmdale, Calif. Following a series of initial   ner of the JSF competition on Oct. 26,   Following the designation of the X-35   or cancel that agreement.  Turkey was
          airworthiness tests, the X-32B, with Boeing JSF lead STOVL test pilot Dennis   2001.      prototypes, the three variants were   once part of the F-35 program, but was
          O’Donoghue at the controls, landed at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The   The production aircraft is desig-  designated F-35A (CTOL), F-35B   expelled in July 2019, after the Turkish
          X-32B completed a number of test flights at Edwards before moving to Naval   nated the F-35, and was later given the   (STOVL), and F-35C (CV).  government bought the Russian S-400
          Air Station Patuxent River, Md., for the majority of STOVL testing.
                                                                      named F-35 Lightning II.        There are eight international pro-  air defense system.

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