Page 14 - The Future of Aerospace is X - X-Planes 2021
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Bell X-16: The X-Plane that wasn’t                                                         X-15, from 13

                                                                                              outside the Earth’s atmosphere. In   monia and liquid oxygen. It provided
                                                                                              addition, it carried out the “explo-  a maximum thrust of 57,000 pounds
                                                                                              rations to separate the real from the   and a minimum thrust of 28,000
                                                                                              imagined problems and to make   pounds. Launch weight of the air-
                                                                                              known the overlooked and the unex-  craft was 31,275 pounds, decreasing
                                                                                              pected problems” that Hugh Dryden   to 12,295 pounds at burnout.
                                                                                              had called for in 1956 when the X-15   The X-15A-2, modified from the
                                                                                              was still in the design and develop-  number two aircraft and delivered to
                                                                                              ment phase.                  NASA in February 1964, included
                                                                                                                           among other new features, a 28-inch
                                                                                                Except for the number two X-15   fuselage extension to carry liquid hy-
                                                                                              when modified as the X-15A-2, the   drogen for a supersonic combustion
                                                                                              X-15s were roughly 50 feet long,   ramjet that was flown (as a dummy)
                                                                                              with a 22-foot wing span. The   but never tested. It also had external
                                                                                              wedge-shaped vertical tail was 13   tanks for liquid ammonia and liquid
                                                                                              feet high. Because the lower vertical   oxygen. These tanks provided rough-
                                                                                              tail extended below the landing skids   ly 60 seconds of additional engine
                                                                                              when they were deployed, a part of   burn and were used on the aircraft’s
                                                                                              the lower vertical tail was jettisoned   Mach 6.7 flight. While adding to the
                                                                                              just before landing and recovered by   speed the X-15 did achieve, the tanks
                                                                                              a parachute. The aircraft was pow-  also increased the aircraft’s weight
                                                                                              ered by a Thiokol (Reaction Motors   to almost 57,000 pounds and added
                                                                                              Division) XLR-99 throttleable rocket   significantly to the drag experienced
                                                                                              engine powered by anhydrous am-  by the aircraft in flight.
                                                                                                                                  X-15 being carried by its
                                                                                                                                  NB-52B mothership (52-
                                                                                                                                  0008), with T-38A chase
     The X-16 was the most blatant misuse of the X-vehicle   pect ratio unit that was significantly lighter and more flexible     plane.
   designation system — it was simply an attempt to hide what   than any in existence at the time. In fact, the entire airframe
   would today be called a spy plane.           was extremely flexible — a result of the need to make the
     The X-16 was designed to be a high-altitude long-range   aircraft as light as possible to allow it to achieve its 70,000-
   reconnaissance aircraft.                     foot mission altitude. A 3,000 mile unrefueled range was
     A total of 28 aircraft were ordered, but none would be   predicted for the production aircraft.
   completed before the Lockheed U-2 successfully demon-  Although never built, the X-16 pioneered several notable
   strated its ability to perform the spy mission.  advances in lightweight structure design, and also was the
     The first aircraft was reportedly over 80 percent complete   driving force behind the development of high-altitude ver-
   when the program was cancelled. The X-16 was a designer’s   sions of the J57 jet engine that would go on to power the
   nightmare — the wing was an extremely long-span high-as-  U-2 and other aircraft.                                   NASA photograph
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