Page 10 - The Future of Aerospace is X - X-Planes 2021
P. 10

Douglas X-3 Stiletto

         Research accomplishments were not those originally planned

     The Douglas X-3 Stiletto was the                                                        Aug. 23, 1954, then conducting eight   managed to bring the X-3 under control
   sleekest of the early experimental air-                                                   research flights in September and Octo-  and successfully landed.
   craft, but its research accomplishments               The Douglas X-3 Stiletto on the lake   ber. By late October, the research pro-  The post-flight examination showed
   were not those originally planned.                    bed at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.  gram was expanded to include lateral   the fuselage had been subjected to its
     The goal of the aircraft was ambi-                                                      and directional stability tests. In these   maximum load limit. Had the G forces
   tious — it was to take off from the                                                       tests, the X-3 was abruptly rolled at   been higher, the aircraft could have
   ground under its own power, climb                                                         transonic and supersonic speeds, with   broken up. Walker and the X-3 had
   to high altitude, maintain a sustained                                                    the rudder kept centered. Despite its   experienced “roll coupling,” in which
   cruise speed of Mach 2, then land under                                                   shortcomings, the X-3 was ideal for   a maneuver in one axis will cause an
   its own power. The aircraft was also to                                                   these tests. The mass of its engines, fuel   uncommanded maneuver in one or two
   test the feasibility of low-aspect ratio                                                  and structure was concentrated in its   others. At the same time, several F-100s
   wings, and the large-scale use of tita-                                                   long, narrow fuselage, while its wings   were involved in similar incidents. A
   nium in aircraft structures.                                                              were short and stubby. As a result, the   research program was started by NACA
     Construction of a pair of X-3s was                                                      X-3 was “loaded” along its fuselage,   to understand the problem and find so-
   approved on June 30, 1949. During de-                                                     rather than its wings. This was typical   lutions.
   velopment, the X-3’s planned engines                                                      of the fighter aircraft then in develop-  For the X-3, the roll coupling flight
   failed to meet the thrust, size and weight                                                ment or testing. These tests would lead   was the high point of its history. The
   requirements. As a result, lower-thrust                                       NASA photograph  to the X-3’s most significant flight, and
   Westinghouse J34 turbojets were sub-                                                      the near-loss of the aircraft.  aircraft was grounded for nearly a
   stituted. The first aircraft was complet-  made a total of 26 flights (counting the   Force. The poor performance of the   On Oct. 27, 1954, Walker made an   year after the flight, and never again
   ed and delivered to Edwards Air Force   hop) by the end of the Douglas tests in   X-3 meant only an abbreviated program   abrupt left roll at Mach 0.92 and an al-  explored its roll stability and control
   Base, Calif., on Sept. 11, 1952. Due to   December 1953. These showed that the   would be made, to gain experience with   titude of 30,000 feet.  boundaries. Walker made another 10
   both engine and airframe problems, the   X-3 was severely underpowered and   low-aspect ratio wings. Lt. Col. Frank   The X-3 rolled as expected, but also   flights between Sept. 20, 1955, and
   partially completed second aircraft was   difficult to control. Its take off speed   Everest and Maj. Chuck Yeager each   pitched up 20 degrees and yawed 16   the last on May 23, 1956. Although
   canceled, and its components were used   was an astonishing 260 knots! More   made three flights. Although flown by   degrees. The aircraft gyrated for five   the X-3 never met its intention of pro-
   for spare parts.              seriously, the X-3 did not approach its   Air Force pilots, these were counted as   seconds before Walker was able to get   viding aerodynamic data in Mach 2
     The first X-3 “hop” was made on   planned performance. Its first super-  NACA flights. With the last flight by   it back under control. He then set up   cruise, its short service was of value.
   Oct. 15, 1952, by Douglas test pilot   sonic flight required that the airplane   Yeager in July of 1954, NACA made   for the next test point. Walker put the   It showed the dangers of roll coupling,
   Bill Bridgeman.               make a 15 degree dive to reach Mach   plans for a limited series of research   X-3 into a dive, accelerating to Mach   and provided early flight test data on
     During  a  high-speed  taxi  test,   1.1. The X-3’s fastest flight, made on   flights with the X-3. The initial flights   1.154 at 32,356 feet, where he made   the phenomena. Its wing platform was
   Bridgeman lifted the X-3 off the ground   July 28, 1953, reached Mach 1.208 in a   looked at longitudinal stability and con-  an abrupt left roll. The aircraft pitched   used in the F-104, and it was one of the
   and flew it about a mile before settling   30 degree dive.  trol, wing and tail loads, and pressure   down and reached a g-loading of minus   first aircraft to use titanium. Finally,
   back onto the lakebed. The official first   With the completion of the contrac-  distribution.  6.7, then pitched upward to plus7 Gs.   the X-3’s very high takeoff and landing
   flight was made by Bridgeman on Oct.   tor test program in December 1953,   NACA pilot Joseph A. Walker made   At the same time, the X-3 sideslipped,   speeds required improvements in tire
   20, and lasted about 20 minutes. He   the X-3 was delivered to the U.S. Air   his pilot checkout flight in the X-3 on   resulting in a loading of 2 Gs. Walker   technology.

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